Hey all, I posted a thread here asking about spawn replacements and was directed towards Alpha-E. Unfortunately it seems almost no one else has tried this, but the ingredients looked solid so I figured I'd give it a shot.
A bit of background: I'm 27, and have lifted on and off for the past 7 years. I've done 4 cycles of prohormones previously. 2 of M1T (absolutely hated the sides) and 2 of Superdrol (enjoyed these much more!). I try to do one cycle a year at the end of summer, so I have some experience. I have all the support necessary, including Tamox for PCT.
Starting stats: 27 years old, 5'11", 177lbs. I lift 5 days a week doing one muscle group per day, and do roughly 30-40 minutes of moderate cardio per day. I injured my shoulder during bench press 18 months ago, so I stick with dumbbells right now. I will also not be doing deadlifts on this cycle, judging from my past experiences.
My goal on this cycle is to gain some good lean mass. If I was 185lb with similar bodyfat after all was said and done, I'd be thrilled.
Here is a starting picture. Sorry for the clarity, I'll try to take some better ones.