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Thread: I guess I'll be the Alpha E (Spawn replacement) guinea pig!

  1. #1

    I guess I'll be the Alpha E (Spawn replacement) guinea pig!

    Hey all, I posted a thread here asking about spawn replacements and was directed towards Alpha-E. Unfortunately it seems almost no one else has tried this, but the ingredients looked solid so I figured I'd give it a shot.

    A bit of background: I'm 27, and have lifted on and off for the past 7 years. I've done 4 cycles of prohormones previously. 2 of M1T (absolutely hated the sides) and 2 of Superdrol (enjoyed these much more!). I try to do one cycle a year at the end of summer, so I have some experience. I have all the support necessary, including Tamox for PCT.

    Starting stats: 27 years old, 5'11", 177lbs. I lift 5 days a week doing one muscle group per day, and do roughly 30-40 minutes of moderate cardio per day. I injured my shoulder during bench press 18 months ago, so I stick with dumbbells right now. I will also not be doing deadlifts on this cycle, judging from my past experiences.

    My goal on this cycle is to gain some good lean mass. If I was 185lb with similar bodyfat after all was said and done, I'd be thrilled.

    Here is a starting picture. Sorry for the clarity, I'll try to take some better ones.

  2. #2

    Very interested in this myself.

  3. #3
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    in the freaking cold
    hemistane - 15% stronger than spawn (may that pro h rest in peace , sniff, sniff)

  4. #4
    First impressions weren't so hot of the actual pill - look like a basic aspirin pill with no coating, a first for prohormones for me.

    Anyways, ended up taking 3 spaced evenly throughout the day yesterday (I like to front load a bit, will do 2/day the rest of this week). Felt lethargic and had a mild headache all day, highly doubt that was from the Alpha E.

    Forced myself to the gym and actually had a great workout. Was able to put up 110sx6 on incline DB press. This is a new high for me, and I'm hoping by the end of the cycle to do 120sx8. Rest of the workout went well - had a decent pump going. Not sure if it's from the Alpha or just a placebo effect.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by immykins View Post
    First impressions weren't so hot of the actual pill - look like a basic aspirin pill with no coating, a first for prohormones for me.

    Anyways, ended up taking 3 spaced evenly throughout the day yesterday (I like to front load a bit, will do 2/day the rest of this week). Felt lethargic and had a mild headache all day, highly doubt that was from the Alpha E.

    Forced myself to the gym and actually had a great workout. Was able to put up 110sx6 on incline DB press. This is a new high for me, and I'm hoping by the end of the cycle to do 120sx8. Rest of the workout went well - had a decent pump going. Not sure if it's from the Alpha or just a placebo effect.
    if its anything like spawn, you will not notice any substantial difference until the end of the 2nd week. Im going into my 4th weeks of spawn and I feel like a monster, lol. Ill be following this as well.

    Good luck!!!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    hemistane - 15% stronger than spawn (may that pro h rest in peace , sniff, sniff)
    I was crying for days and couldn't get a minute of sleep after I heard the news. R.I.P.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    I was crying for days and couldn't get a minute of sleep after I heard the news. R.I.P.

    Like you I was pissed.....Maybe I will find the real shit over here in Okinawa and stop wasting my time with PH/DS........

  8. #8
    Sorry for being lax in my updates.

    Today I'm up to 180lbs. I am definitely noticing an effect from the pills; my strength is very noticeably up and I am feeling a decent pump after my workouts.

    I've had a mild headache since starting, I'm guessing from blood pressure. This happens with all prohormones I've been on. Other than that no noticeable sides.

    I'm pretty excited if I'm already seeing some good gains. I'll try to update more frequently!

  9. #9
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    any updates... been 7 days

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by immykins View Post
    Sorry for being lax in my updates.

    Today I'm up to 180lbs. I am definitely noticing an effect from the pills; my strength is very noticeably up and I am feeling a decent pump after my workouts.

    I've had a mild headache since starting, I'm guessing from blood pressure. This happens with all prohormones I've been on. Other than that no noticeable sides.

    I'm pretty excited if I'm already seeing some good gains. I'll try to update more frequently!
    get a cheap home bp tester. I got mine from walgreens for @$40. Are you taking support supps???

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by popsinc View Post
    get a cheap home bp tester. I got mine from walgreens for @$40. Are you taking support supps???
    Sure am. Headaches are gone now; I always seem to go through a small adjustment period. I also started doing 3 pills a day.

    Overall I've been feeling pretty lethargic and a bit unmotivated. However, when I do finally get my lazy butt to the gym I've been having pretty good results. Weight is up to 184.

    I am going to send the makers of Alpha-E a bill for a new t-shirt after this happened today:

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by immykins View Post
    Sure am. Headaches are gone now; I always seem to go through a small adjustment period. I also started doing 3 pills a day.

    Overall I've been feeling pretty lethargic and a bit unmotivated. However, when I do finally get my lazy butt to the gym I've been having pretty good results. Weight is up to 184.

    I am going to send the makers of Alpha-E a bill for a new t-shirt after this happened today:

    wait until the end of the second week when youll start ripping all of your shirts!!!! So your weight has gone up 7 lbs in how many days? I guess youre not doing any cardio, right? How many cals are you taking in ed?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by popsinc View Post
    wait until the end of the second week when youll start ripping all of your shirts!!!! So your weight has gone up 7 lbs in how many days? I guess youre not doing any cardio, right? How many cals are you taking in ed?
    It's been 10 days.

    I actually am doing cardio. I walk about an hour a day up and down hills with my dog - although the past 3-4 days the cramps in my calves are cutting these walks a little short!

    Calories are about 3000 per day, but pretty clean eating. Lots of egg whites, chicken, turkey, etc.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by immykins View Post
    It's been 10 days.

    I actually am doing cardio. I walk about an hour a day up and down hills with my dog - although the past 3-4 days the cramps in my calves are cutting these walks a little short!

    Calories are about 3000 per day, but pretty clean eating. Lots of egg whites, chicken, turkey, etc.
    About the same as me but in 4 weeks Ive only put on 3-4 lbs. How the hell are you guys putting on this weight so fast AND doing that much cardio????
    And my is just about perfect. Maybe genetics. Who knows....
    Dude, wait until day 13-16 when all of a sudden you get pumped up like crazy and your strength goes ghrough the roof!!!! And tomorrow is my last day on cycle...


  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by popsinc View Post
    About the same as me but in 4 weeks Ive only put on 3-4 lbs. How the hell are you guys putting on this weight so fast AND doing that much cardio????
    And my is just about perfect. Maybe genetics. Who knows....
    Dude, wait until day 13-16 when all of a sudden you get pumped up like crazy and your strength goes ghrough the roof!!!! And tomorrow is my last day on cycle...

    Well, like I said, this is my 5th cycle so I know the ins and outs. I usually gain 15 or so pounds on average on a cycle. My diet is pretty well refined and I'm sure a lot of the weight is just water.

    The key is how much you retain. If you can keep all 4 of those pounds, you've made fantastic gains.

  16. #16
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    keeping 4 pounds doesnt sound good to me

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    keeping 4 pounds doesnt sound good to me
    I don't really think pops was trying to do a full out bulk. 3k cals is not that much. More of a matienance #.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    keeping 4 pounds doesnt sound good to me
    4 pounds of lean mass in 4 weeks? That's pretty great gains by any measure.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    I don't really think pops was trying to do a full out bulk. 3k cals is not that much. More of a matienance #.
    exactly. my tdee is around 2950 I was consuming just over.....I was afraid that if I went up to 4000 cals Id have a problem losing fat considering that Im carb sensitive and I have a honeymoon lined up in December....ya know??

  20. #20
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    here is a log for you. He is doing well with it.

  21. #21
    Well, I ****ing suck with the updates - sorry!

    The lethargy has been pretty bad. Feel very lazy/unmotivated. However, I have been maintaining my routine and the strength gains have been fantastic. Was able to do 110s on db shoulder press today, a personal record. Weight is hovering around 187. I'm hoping to hit and maintain 190 by the end of the cycle, then trim up to 185 after. I also had an amazing leg day which usually doesn't happen on prohormones.

    Overall, the cycle has been great so far besides from the lethargy. Very little sides. No signs of gyno whatsoever, absolutely no liver soreness, no joint issues. A bit of a temper and that's about it. So far, I would highly recommend this cycle - Alpha-E seems to be the real deal.

  22. #22
    Good to hear. Thanks for the updates.

  23. #23

    Any updates?

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