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Thread: Best To Bulk

  1. #1
    TrynaImprove is offline Junior Member
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    Best To Bulk

    What is the bets bulking PH?!

    What is the best bulking supplement?!

    And i know the best way to bulk is by eating FOOD! so dont even bother saying it. Im just saying i wanna bulk but i dont wanan gain anymore fat, actually i'd rather lose some of the already non-wanted body fat i already have. please help me out here. Thanks.

  2. #2
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
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    spawn? beastdrol?

  3. #3
    TrynaImprove is offline Junior Member
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    Arent they for cutting?!

  4. #4
    NBRD1808 is offline Associate Member
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    m-drol or a similar superdrol clone if diet and training is upto scratch. I read in another of your posts that your tuning 20 so might wanna give ph/pro steroids a rest for a couple of years bro
    Last edited by NBRD1808; 09-30-2009 at 10:16 PM.

  5. #5
    TrynaImprove is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2009
    ok thanks man. i understand. im not a stubborn jackass in this regard, but than can u recommend me a stack of nat'l supps to help me bulk (besdies food)?!

  6. #6
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    NO steroid or ph is for cutting or bulking dude

    its all about diet and cardio to either loose fat

    or not gain so much fat during bulking

    all steroids do is make your body use the food you put into it more efficiently so you can get bigger quicker or keep more of the muscle you already have while trying to loose the fat.

    look into weight gainers and lots of protein

    all of the other shit on the market doesnt really work

  7. #7
    TrynaImprove is offline Junior Member
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    ok man thanks. what do you think is a good cardio routine to bulk with before a cut?! i mean too much cardio wont allow u to bulk. correct?!

  8. #8
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrynaImprove View Post
    ok man thanks. what do you think is a good cardio routine to bulk with before a cut?! i mean too much cardio wont allow u to bulk. correct?!
    3 times per week for 30 min at target fat burning zone. 220 - age - X 65%
    If I remember right you being 20, your target hr for burning fat is 130bpm. Keep it there for 30 min 3 days a week and youll be golden. Now if for some reason you feel yourself getting lighter drop to 2 days/week.......jmo......

    By the looks of things you want to get big, not fat. Like Bryan2 said, diet and carido. Figure your bmr/tdee, get your cals over maint level, train like a madman, and hit cardio 2-3 times a week. Try this for a month and I bet youll put on some lean mass.....

  9. #9
    TrynaImprove is offline Junior Member
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    what are bmr/tdee?! and what would be my maint level?! im sorry i never had to count cals before.

  10. #10
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrynaImprove View Post
    what are bmr/tdee?! and what would be my maint level?! im sorry i never had to count cals before.
    goto the diet section and look it up. youll find it all there..........

  11. #11
    NutriLyf is offline New Member
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    I wanna get in on this discussion..

    I'm trying to bulk right now, but wanna keep my bf down. Im 6' 180 right now, but am usually 190. Trying to get to 205+. Ive been doing about 45 mins cardio 3-4x/wk. Any suggestions or other ideas than listed above?

  12. #12
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NutriLyf View Post
    I wanna get in on this discussion..

    I'm trying to bulk right now, but wanna keep my bf down. Im 6' 180 right now, but am usually 190. Trying to get to 205+. Ive been doing about 45 mins cardio 3-4x/wk. Any suggestions or other ideas than listed above?
    Hey NutriLyf! Start your own thread and Ill check you out there, dont wanna hijack another brothers thread......ya know??

  13. #13
    NutriLyf is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009
    Ya for sure, my bad

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