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Thread: acetyl l-carnitine into injectable?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    acetyl l-carnitine into injectable?

    Been looking into brain function and focus supplements and noticed most have acetyl-l-carnitine in them so i purchased a bottle of 30 tablets 500mg/tabs.

    Upon doing some more research online and remembering reading about l-carnitine helps with energy/endurance and also seeing horse injectables of it like for instance this one i got to wondering would the plain injectable l-carnitine be better than acetyl-l-carnitine?

    From looking into this a little it seems the 2 have totally seperate values?The acetyl l-carnitine works better for focus and the plain on l-carnitine strength/endurance?

    I noticed the acetyl comes in powder form in containers of 500grams or more/less which i believe im going to purchase next.Is there a way to turn my capsules or when buy the powder form into a safe injectable for sub-q injections for better absorbtion?
    Last edited by eckstg; 10-23-2009 at 07:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
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