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Thread: Best PH

  1. #1

    Best PH

    I know their are some other similar posts but wondering as to which pro-hormones that are still out are the best. Just looking to bulk up a bit more before maybe doing a dbol and test e stack. Been working out solid for last 4 or 5 years. And diet in check. Currently im around 175 with 7-8%bf and age 23. Let me know some ideas and your cycle results if possible. Thanks guys for the help!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbitjones View Post
    I know their are some other similar posts but wondering as to which pro-hormones that are still out are the best. Just looking to bulk up a bit more before maybe doing a dbol and test e stack. Been working out solid for last 4 or 5 years. And diet in check. Currently im around 175 with 7-8%bf and age 23. Let me know some ideas and your cycle results if possible. Thanks guys for the help!!

    Just keep working out until you get your test e and dbol....There is no sense in taking a PH/DS before you start your cycle it will only bring on more sides that you don't need.

  3. #3
    only thing i'm worried about is the source. Kinda dry this way right now and worried about these online sites :/. i thought maybe even just doing a PH run and if happy with that maybe not do the dbol test e for a while. Obviously with either i would run milk thistle and Novadex XT for the PCT. Umm im just trying to find a good PH right now. It seems a lot liked Superdrol but thats off the market?? idk Sarms S4 seems to sketchy with the night visions i'm wondering what you all would recommend for a PH stack for mass gain.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbitjones View Post
    only thing i'm worried about is the source. Kinda dry this way right now and worried about these online sites :/. i thought maybe even just doing a PH run and if happy with that maybe not do the dbol test e for a while. Obviously with either i would run milk thistle and Novadex XT for the PCT. Umm im just trying to find a good PH right now. It seems a lot liked Superdrol but thats off the market?? idk Sarms S4 seems to sketchy with the night visions i'm wondering what you all would recommend for a PH stack for mass gain.

    The best PH for mass gains is M-Drol mg for mg......If you can get your hands on some Spawn that is a great DS.......The clone for Spawn is Jacked so you may want to look that up if you can't find any Spawn......As for running S4 I plan on doing a DS plus S4 in the near future. I am going to keep a log and let everyone know how it goes.......

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbitjones View Post
    only thing i'm worried about is the source. Kinda dry this way right now and worried about these online sites :/. i thought maybe even just doing a PH run and if happy with that maybe not do the dbol test e for a while. Obviously with either i would run milk thistle and Novadex XT for the PCT. Umm im just trying to find a good PH right now. It seems a lot liked Superdrol but thats off the market?? idk Sarms S4 seems to sketchy with the night visions i'm wondering what you all would recommend for a PH stack for mass gain.
    A PH/DS shuts you down just like the real stuff. Novadex XT will do absolutely nothing for your PCT. You need an actual SERM (Nolva, Clomid, Torm).

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMonkey View Post
    A PH/DS shuts you down just like the real stuff. Novadex XT will do absolutely nothing for your PCT. You need an actual SERM (Nolva, Clomid, Torm).

    Exactly... Spawn shut me down and a serm brought me right back very quickly. OP, save your money and start prepping yourself for the gear cycle. Use the time to drop additional bf, and hit the weights harder. Both hurt your hpta, so be wise and wait for aas

  7. #7
    ic what all else is around PH wise and where are some good places to get ahold of them

  8. #8
    just the spawn and jacked?? and its not the jacked in the white tub from GNC is it?

  9. #9
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    Gunfire and Porta Potties
    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbitjones View Post
    just the spawn and jacked?? and its not the jacked in the white tub from GNC is it?
    No, it's not. Check out the prohormone sticky at the top of this forum. Believe it or not, EBAY has almost any PH you will need. They're still out there.

  10. #10
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    5'9 185, 8% bf, 385 bench
    Quote Originally Posted by Okinawa_Power View Post
    Just keep working out until you get your test e and dbol....There is no sense in taking a PH/DS before you start your cycle it will only bring on more sides that you don't need.
    Plus shutting down your receptors and making your gear much less effective.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Exactly... Spawn shut me down and a serm brought me right back very quickly. OP, save your money and start prepping yourself for the gear cycle. Use the time to drop additional bf, and hit the weights harder. Both hurt your hpta, so be wise and wait for aas
    Brother I am in Okinawa and I have no sources!!! I wish to hell that I did!!! I would run a 16 week cycle that looks like this:

    Week 1-12: 1000mg a week Test E
    Week 1-4: 50mg of D-Bol
    Week 13-16: 250mg of Tren EOD

    I would get ****ing huge!!!!!!! I just wish I had a source..........

  12. #12
    haha dang that really sucks man :/

  13. #13
    and someone post a pic of the jacked bottle ! red pills?

  14. #14
    and what about the CEL M-Drol? any good what are some results anyone?

  15. #15
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Okinawa_Power View Post
    Brother I am in Okinawa and I have no sources!!! I wish to hell that I did!!! I would run a 16 week cycle that looks like this:

    Week 1-12: 1000mg a week Test E
    Week 1-4: 50mg of D-Bol
    Week 13-16: 250mg of Tren EOD

    I would get ****ing huge!!!!!!! I just wish I had a source..........
    This is a horrilbe cycle especially for his first go around. 4 weeks of tren will get you no where, that high of consentration for both test E and tren is terrible.
    On week 12 after your last injection of Test E the test will be out of your system and then you want to add tren? That will shut you down big time!
    If this is going to be your first cycle go to the anwers & questions steroid side.

  16. #16
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    CEL Mdrol is a solid ph. Just be sure that you know how to run it. Make sure that you have all supporting supplements before you can begin. It will yield GREAT strength gains, minimal bloating and added aggression. Only thing is... the sides are aggressive too. Mdrol is a Superdrol clone, so I suggest you read up on superdrol before you consider cycling

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    This is a horrilbe cycle especially for his first go around. 4 weeks of tren will get you no where, that high of consentration for both test E and tren is terrible.
    On week 12 after your last injection of Test E the test will be out of your system and then you want to add tren? That will shut you down big time!
    If this is going to be your first cycle go to the anwers & questions steroid side.
    How about if he drops the test to 500mg, dbol to 40mg, and excludes Tren? I wanted to do 750mg for my first cycle, but many vets here suggested that 500mg would be better for a first cycle, so that is what I decided on.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    How about if he drops the test to 500mg, dbol to 40mg, and excludes Tren? I wanted to do 750mg for my first cycle, but many vets here suggested that 500mg would be better for a first cycle, so that is what I decided on.
    That would be a hundred times better. I would say see how 500mg pw works then you can add a different compound for your next cycle. I have stayed away from Test E and been using prop, I love short esters, long ones tend to bloat me.

  19. #19
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    It seems like people forget that they have years to cycle if done correctly. Seems like they all want to turn into Arnold over one cycle time

  20. #20
    so CEL M-Drol i mean its basically a steroid right? so pct i should run nova and milk thistle would be ok? i need to run that during the M-Drol cycle? and what kinda gains could i expect?

  21. #21
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    I would run Clomid and Nolva for pct. And definately more than just milk thistle. Use liver supports throughout cycle and pct. Get some Liver Longer. If you can't afford it, then get "Perfect Cycle", which has NAC, Milk Thistle and ALA. It is a well-rounded liver support made for Superdrol. Also, consider other supps to control blood pressure. This is your body and your cycle. Just do what you can to keep your body as safe as possible. It would be shitty to be on an organ donar list at such a young age. Mdrol is known for rebound gyno, which is why I would run Nolva alongside Clomid for pct.

    As for gains, it depends on the dosage. I say with a 25 day 30mg cycle, you will see excellent strength gains, and maybe a good 10-12 lbs in bodyweight. I have never ran Mdrol, but people at work here run it religiously. It really grabbed my attention so I hit the books on it hard. I was about to run an Mdrol cycle, but then I found this place, and now I have bigger and brighter plans.

  22. #22
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    Also, more advice.... If you are really interested in using a prohormone, I suggest that you also do some research at a prohormone-exclusive web forum. There are a few good ones out there, where PHs/DS are discussed around the clock

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    This is a horrilbe cycle especially for his first go around. 4 weeks of tren will get you no where, that high of consentration for both test E and tren is terrible.
    On week 12 after your last injection of Test E the test will be out of your system and then you want to add tren? That will shut you down big time!
    If this is going to be your first cycle go to the anwers & questions steroid side.

    This was just a if I could run a cycle that is what I would use....I don't plan on running this cycle...... So 1000mg of Test E is a bad call? LOL!!!! And I can't get any real shit anyway......But thanks for clearing this up!!!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    This is a horrilbe cycle especially for his first go around. 4 weeks of tren will get you no where, that high of consentration for both test E and tren is terrible.
    On week 12 after your last injection of Test E the test will be out of your system and then you want to add tren? That will shut you down big time!
    If this is going to be your first cycle go to the anwers & questions steroid side.
    So when would you run the Tren and for how long at what dosage? Can you run D-Bol for longer than 4 weeks? What if I run the following?

    Test E: 1-13 Weeks 750mg a week??
    Anadrol: 1-4 Weeks 50mg every day??
    Tren: 8-13 Weeks 75mg a day???

    Is this a better cycle? I thought it would be great to run Tren because it is used for cutting? Please fill me in....Thanks.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Okinawa_Power View Post
    So when would you run the Tren and for how long at what dosage? Can you run D-Bol for longer than 4 weeks? What if I run the following?

    Test E: 1-13 Weeks 750mg a week??
    Anadrol: 1-4 Weeks 50mg every day??
    Tren: 8-13 Weeks 75mg a day???

    Is this a better cycle? I thought it would be great to run Tren because it is used for cutting? Please fill me in....Thanks.
    Okinawa, I have seen your pics and you have a great built (very thick!!!). I dont want to still this thread so I will PM you later today on a couple of recommendations, also let me know you previous cycles.

  26. #26
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    Bradenton Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Okinawa_Power View Post
    The best PH for mass gains is M-Drol mg for mg......If you can get your hands on some Spawn that is a great DS.......The clone for Spawn is Jacked so you may want to look that up if you can't find any Spawn......As for running S4 I plan on doing a DS plus S4 in the near future. I am going to keep a log and let everyone know how it goes.......
    Wait a second, I thought Jack3d was just a pre-workout supp. Its actually a prohormone???

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbran23 View Post
    Wait a second, I thought Jack3d was just a pre-workout supp. Its actually a prohormone???
    Wrong one! Its out there.....

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Pops... you just ran Spawn right? I think it was you. Anyway, if it was, did you keep all of your gains? I lost all but 2 lbs, and about 50% of the strength gains. I am still above what I started with, but damn it was beautiful

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