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Thread: 3rd cycle

  1. #1
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    3rd cycle

    i was thinking of trying something new to the mix like i said this would be my 3rd cycle running 7 weeks

    ill be running cycle assist 2 weeks prior to starting thru out the whole time

    m-drol 10/20/20
    x-tren 30/90/90
    winabol 50/50/100

    winabol is what im wanting to add to the mix

    followed by novedex xt and 6-oxo for pct

    so let me know what u think like i said its just somthing iv been thinking about trying

  2. #2
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ge a serm dude. You are lookin at some shutdown

  3. #3
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    yea i know i always keep the other on hand just wanted to see if it really works since people say it does
    Last edited by drdeath613; 10-29-2009 at 12:02 AM.

  4. #4
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    No brother. Use the Test Booster after your serm. Trust me... the $30 that you spent for the SERM is NOT worth the risk of losing your gains. Use the serm, then use the test booster. You CAN gain on pct if you do it right

  5. #5
    oak2429 is offline Associate Member
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    winabol needs to be run at least at 250 mgs to see results.

  6. #6
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    3 is the max it says to take in 24hours thats 150 mg im not much on double dosing besides i dont know how bad the sides will be combining all 3 like that

  7. #7
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    No brother. Use the Test Booster after your serm. Trust me... the $30 that you spent for the SERM is NOT worth the risk of losing your gains. Use the serm, then use the test booster. You CAN gain on pct if you do it right

    ok ill give it a shot im always up for learning differnt ways

  8. #8
    oak2429 is offline Associate Member
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    then dont take the winabol. u have to run it above 250 or u might as well just throw it away

  9. #9
    DarnGoodLookin's Avatar
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    Since you're going to run a serm, (nolvadex , correct?) how long are you going to run it for? I just got off a tren , phera, halo cycle about 5 weeks ago. Im going to be doing another cycle here in about 3 weeks.

    weeks 1-3 will be methyl xt, 4ad, and h-drol
    weeks 4-6 will be m-drol, 4ad, and h-drol
    weeks 7-8 will be nolvadex (Im thinking 20mg ed for 2 weeks would be enough, right?)
    weeks 9... will be a test booster (any suggestion?)

    I'm not real sure how I should does the cycle. Any thoughts?

  10. #10
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro try this:

    Tren ....90/90/90/90/90/90

  11. #11
    DarnGoodLookin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Bro try this:

    Tren ....90/90/90/90/90/90
    I thought that 3 weeks is the rule of thumb for superdrol because of sides...?

    I liked tren, it made me quite a bit stronger. Do you think some h-drol would be a good mix with those two?

  12. #12
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    SD is preferred at 3 weeks for gains vs sides. I would run it for 4 weeks. If you get symptoms on the 4th week then you can quit. Do not add hdrol. That would be two methyls. Almost as bad as Omnevol, Ddrol or Rage

  13. #13
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    The same gains can be made with one prohormone, that can be made with 50 prohormones

  14. #14
    DarnGoodLookin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    The same gains can be made with one prohormone, that can be made with 50 prohormones
    Then what would be the point of stacking two ph's if one is going to give you the same benefit?

  15. #15
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good question. Here is an example. You can take Omnevol (Superdrol, PP and Hdrol). Take it for 30 days. You will notice great strength and weight gain. Let's say, 25lbs bodyweight, and 55lbs added to your lifts. Great huh? Well that is 3 methylated hormones beating on your liver like Floyd Mayweather.

    Then lets say you run superdrol (Mdrol). You run it for 3 weeks. You will notice smiliar strength gains. Similiar weight gain. But at a better price on your liver. When you are only running one prohormone, usually the concentration of the single prohormone will be greater than that of one in a mixed blend. So you will be getting more superdrol by running it solo, than you would by getting it through the omnevol. Basically, mdrol is a prohormone that does not need to be stacked. Shit I am going in circles because I have an explanation on the tip of my tongue and cannot spit it out. Well here, let me try this.

    Stacking is used for milder prohormones as well. Like let's say, bold. Maybe even Hdrol. All can be run solo. But for the 'softer', they can be run at max dosage with another hormone. Shit bro there are so many factors as to why people stack. Another reason is for the 'dry' and 'wet' gains. Other reasons could be for the estrogen control (epistane)... shit dude I will get into this more but I have to get goin. Food time

  16. #16
    DarnGoodLookin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Good question. Here is an example. You can take Omnevol (Superdrol, PP and Hdrol). Take it for 30 days. You will notice great strength and weight gain. Let's say, 25lbs bodyweight, and 55lbs added to your lifts. Great huh? Well that is 3 methylated hormones beating on your liver like Floyd Mayweather.

    Then lets say you run superdrol (Mdrol). You run it for 3 weeks. You will notice smiliar strength gains. Similiar weight gain. But at a better price on your liver. When you are only running one prohormone, usually the concentration of the single prohormone will be greater than that of one in a mixed blend. So you will be getting more superdrol by running it solo, than you would by getting it through the omnevol. Basically, mdrol is a prohormone that does not need to be stacked. Shit I am going in circles because I have an explanation on the tip of my tongue and cannot spit it out. Well here, let me try this.

    Stacking is used for milder prohormones as well. Like let's say, bold. Maybe even Hdrol. All can be run solo. But for the 'softer', they can be run at max dosage with another hormone. Shit bro there are so many factors as to why people stack. Another reason is for the 'dry' and 'wet' gains. Other reasons could be for the estrogen control (epistane)... shit dude I will get into this more but I have to get goin. Food time
    I know that tren and mdrol are pretty hardcore ph's(I have both on hand), but I was thinking about how bad the tren affects my cardio. Im not really sure how the superdrol will affect my cardio, considering I have never ran it in a cycle b4. Is there another pretty strong ph that I could run for 6 weeks along side the superdrol? I want my cardio good because I'm planning on trying something new. Instead of lifting like a bodybuilder, which I have been doing for the past 2 years. I'm going to start strength training and conditioning like a fighter. Most likely 3 days total body lifting, 2 days conditioning. I want to use a ph cycle because of the strength it unleashes and the mindset it gives me. Although I have read that superdrol messes with your head a little. Let me know what you think.

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