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Thread: Hdrol / PCT

  1. #1

    Hdrol / PCT

    Last edited by pbfanatic321; 11-13-2009 at 05:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by pbfanatic321 View Post
    Hey guys, Im thinking of running a Hdrol cycle soon. I am going to cut finish bulking right now until the end of this year, then going to be cutting down my bodyfat to about 10-12%. I am currently over 20% (I know I ate a lot of shit while on this bulk,) so I won't cycle this for a while.

    I'm thinking of doing a 5 week cycle at 50mg every week (maybe 75 the last 2 weeks,) and it's gunna be every day of the week.

    Also, I am not sure if I should do a pre-load. If I do I was thinking of getting CEL Cycle Assist, I just don't know how much to take for how long.

    Also, I am not sure what PCT I will run and how long, I need some help on this. Thanks in advance.
    post up some stats dude : age, height, weight, cycle experience, etc...

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by popsinc View Post
    post up some stats dude : age, height, weight, cycle experience, etc...
    age: 17
    height: 6'3
    cycle experience: none

    Like I said Im not gunna take this right away, gunna bulk up until the end of this year, then cut down to around 12% bf so that will take a while.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    End of the Earth
    There is so much wrong here......

    A) You are too young to even be on this forum

    B) You are too young to even be considering using h-drol, just because you can buy it legally does not make it safe for someone of your young age

    C) Your body is making insane amounts of testosterone right now, why do you want to shut it down, possibly irreparably damaging your HPTA, causing issues for the rest of your life

    D) Get your diet squared away, and train naturally until you are 25, the gains you will make will be good, solid gains, then consider enhancements.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by CMonkey View Post
    There is so much wrong here......

    A) You are too young to even be on this forum

    B) You are too young to even be considering using h-drol, just because you can buy it legally does not make it safe for someone of your young age

    C) Your body is making insane amounts of testosterone right now, why do you want to shut it down, possibly irreparably damaging your HPTA, causing issues for the rest of your life

    D) Get your diet squared away, and train naturally until you are 25, the gains you will make will be good, solid gains, then consider enhancements.
    I could not have said it any better. Maybe throw in some creatine if you want and PROPER supplements...

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