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Thread: hydroxycut

  1. #1


    guys i am starting my first cutting program. i have introdcued cardio into my workouts and lowered my carbs. i have also got hold of some hydroxycut. thing i s a dont want to loose weight just my fat levels. will hydroxycut burn away muslce as well as fat? . what do i need to do to burn fat and keep gaining muscle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Northern VA
    Keep your mteabolism going by eating 6-7 meals a day. Drink plenty of water as thermos tend to draw water out of cells. Too much cardio can also put your body into a catabolic state and lengthens the recovery time for your muscles to recuperate. Actually to be quite honest with you, Hydroxycut and cardio aren't even needed to lose fat. Just 500 calories below maintenance in terms of eating will help you lose a lb of fat a week.

  3. #3
    bump , but how can i reduce my cals and still maintain muscle growth?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by yellows2k
    Just 500 calories below maintenance in terms of eating will help you lose a lb of fat a week.
    I feel that depends on several factors including age, amount of muscle, metabolism etc. I for one have an extremely hard time dropping fat as do other members of my family (we are predisposed to carry fat). I'm pretty muscular but will not drop fat unless I couple reducuded calories (keeping protein levels high and using a 3 day low carb, 1 day carb up day) regime with cardio. An effective fat burner (eca suppliment) aids in speeding up my metabolism and controling my appetite).

  5. #5
    thanks for the advice guys

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