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  1. #1
    Failure's Avatar
    Failure is offline Associate Member
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    Question about Clen

    I've been on it for about 10 days. Now I know that you become used to it after 14 or so. So far I have ramped up to 140mcg today and my body temp is normal. I feel minor shakes but nothing more than a cup of coffee would give. From everything that I have read everyone seems to be good with 100-140mcg but does anyone go above? I weight 250lbs with 28% body fat(disgusting). Is the dose a bit low for my size at this point? I am just asking before i start taking benadryl.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    if your temperature isnt spiking then id say it time for a could up the dose if you can stand the sides but eventually you will nead a break.....the whole benadryl protocol is debatable as far as its receptor cleansing/refreshing capeabilities......good luck...

  3. #3
    Failure's Avatar
    Failure is offline Associate Member
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    took 40mcg more and hit the gym, temp is 99.4. I guess it stayed low because I didnt work out or whatever the day previous.

  4. #4
    Okinawa_Power is offline Senior Member
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    Use tylenol PM it has the same stuff as benadryl.......

  5. #5
    matt77's Avatar
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    I wouldn't ever use Tylenol for anything personally. All the stuff we use while body building is hard enough on our liver. If you need pain meds take Advil or just plain Asprin not something that is know for its liver damaging properties. Just use straight Benadryl or the store brand "much cheaper" if you have a Costco around you can get like 400 tabs for like $6.

  6. #6
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failure View Post
    I've been on it for about 10 days. Now I know that you become used to it after 14 or so. So far I have ramped up to 140mcg today and my body temp is normal. I feel minor shakes but nothing more than a cup of coffee would give. From everything that I have read everyone seems to be good with 100-140mcg but does anyone go above? I weight 250lbs with 28% body fat(disgusting). Is the dose a bit low for my size at this point? I am just asking before i start taking benadryl.
    Its time for a 2 week break from the CLEN .

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