Hey guys,
I need some help setting up m-drol with xtren. Plan is to bulk up.
I was thinking
M-drol 10/20/20
X-tren 60/90/90/90
Clomid 70/70/35/35
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Hey guys,
I need some help setting up m-drol with xtren. Plan is to bulk up.
I was thinking
M-drol 10/20/20
X-tren 60/90/90/90
Clomid 70/70/35/35
Nolva 40/40/20/20
I had planned on the same cycle, only:
Tren 90/90/90/90/90/90
Mdrol 00/00/30/30/30/30
What is your previous PH history?
What about your age, height, weight and bodyfat?
I would lower the second week of Clomid to 50mg
Thanks for the quick response.
Age 23
Bf about 8-10%
Height 5'5
Weight 145
I have done a cycle of H-drol. Currently running a PCT for that cycle with clomi and nolva. Just planning my next cycle.
I know what you're thinking, you can gain more naturally etc etc. Sadly I am already +10lbs over my genetic limit. Everyone in the family is skinny, I rather not be lol.
[QUOTE=covert025;5005298]Thanks for the quick response.
Age 23
Bf about 8-10%
Height 5'5
Weight 145
I have done a cycle of H-drol. Currently running a PCT for that cycle with clomi and nolva. Just planning my next cycle.
I know what you're thinking, you can gain more naturally etc etc. Sadly I am already +10lbs over my genetic limit. Everyone in the family is skinny, I rather not be lol.
You can lower the clomid or you can keep it at 70mgs a day, it won't hurt because using TREN and M-Drol will shut you down big time. That is why spawn used Tren/Stane, the Stane keeps your sex drive up. Just my .02
What do you suggest I do? Just the m-drol at low doses?
M-drol 10/20/20 then a pct? Is that too much too. I wanna keep doses fairly low first time around.
How bad is it with the tren and m-drol? And do you suggest I get the estane for my xtren cycle?
How do you know that you are at your genetic limit? What training principles have you applied?
What about diet and training principles? 145 seems low, even at 5'5". Unless you are actually only 8%
I checked over a month ago at the gym and it was floating at 8 to 8.5%
I am very lean overall. Been training for a few years off and on. Consistent for 12 months.
Calorie intake is good not perfect. Atleast 2500 to 2700. Its a good amount at my size to keep the gain as lean as possible.
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