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Thread: Ephedrine HCL questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Ephedrine HCL questions

    hey guys i have a few questions about taking ephedrine HCL

    what exactly does it do?

    how long does it take before it works? / see results?

    how many should i take? i have 100 pills, and i take 6 a day,

    will i need to buy more or should this be a good amount?

    why not take it with creatine?

    thanks guys! your help is much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    what exactly does it do?
    Quoting me:
    Ephedrine inside the body produces Noradreneline (NA) which then attachs to the beta receptor which in turn stimulates the G Protein. The alpha subunit attachs to the enzyme Adenylate Cyclase and activates it. The adenylate cyclase continues to produce Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) which contines down the thermogenic pathway. There are a couple roadblocks to prevent this from happen. NA's productions is inhibited by prostanglins which is where the aspirin comes into play. Aspirin works to inhibit the production of prostanglins allowing for NA to be produced in a greater quanitity. cAMP is also inhibited by phosphodiesterase (PDE). That is where caffeine plays its part, caffeine inhibits PDE activity allowing cAMP to go down the thermogenic pathway.
    how long does it take before it works? / see results?
    Works? 1/2 hour. See results? All depends on your dedication.
    how many should i take? i have 100 pills, and i take 6 a day,
    Dosage of the pills?

    will i need to buy more or should this be a good amount?
    Answer previous question then re ask this question
    why not take it with creatine?
    Why would you and why did you create another thread when you already had an active one in this section?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post

    Works? 1/2 hour. See results? All depends on your dedication.

    Dosage of the pills?

    Answer previous question then re ask this question

    Why would you and why did you create another thread when you already had an active one in this section?
    8mg each, 6 pills = 48mg

    it was more about all of my supplements i take. i wanted a more direct thread on my questions about ephedrine. didnt think it would be a problem.

    and i still dont know why i shouldnt take creatine with ephedrine, people keep saying its bad but not saying why

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazypat123 View Post
    8mg each, 6 pills = 48mg

    it was more about all of my supplements i take. i wanted a more direct thread on my questions about ephedrine. didnt think it would be a problem.

    and i still dont know why i shouldnt take creatine with ephedrine, people keep saying its bad but not saying why
    You will need more pills than that. You need to take 9 of those pills per day for get the full effect of ECA.

    It's not bad, it just doesn't make any sense. CM is used for bulking, you take ephedrine to cut. It's a waste to take both at once. You will get unnecessary bloat from the cm that will skew results in the mirror and on the scale.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    You will need more pills than that. You need to take 9 of those pills per day for get the full effect of ECA.

    It's not bad, it just doesn't make any sense. CM is used for bulking, you take ephedrine to cut. It's a waste to take both at once. You will get unnecessary bloat from the cm that will skew results in the mirror and on the scale.
    awesome man, that really helped
    much appreciated!

    and do i have to take it with advil and caffeine for it to work? or can i just take the ephedrine itself?

  6. #6
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    oh also, each bottle comes with 50,

    so how many days / weeks should i be taking them for? so i can plan ahead and buy more.
    Last edited by crazypat123; 01-01-2010 at 01:26 AM.

  7. #7
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    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crazypat123 View Post
    awesome man, that really helped
    much appreciated!

    and do i have to take it with advil and caffeine for it to work? or can i just take the ephedrine itself?
    Its caffiene and aspirin, and you need both.
    Quote Originally Posted by crazypat123 View Post
    oh also, each bottle comes with 50,

    so how many days / weeks should i be taking them for? so i can plan ahead and buy more.
    2 weeks on and off. Do it for as long as you need. Do the math to figure out how much you need.

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