I'm getting back into the gym after a 8 month break due to an accident. I've been working out for about 5yrs. Before injury I was about 210lbs. & about 15 - 16%bf.(5'11" 31yrs. old) Now I'm about 225 - 230lbs. What supplements would be most effctive to burn fat and harden up? I've always been lame on the diet part by never really watching what I ate except for making sure I'd take in enough protien. The funny part is I'd eat like crap and have better gains than my friends taking every type of supplement and watching what they eat. They even accused me of juicing.
So, my figuring here is if I buckle down on the diet and keep pretty strict with it while also taking the proper supplement stack I should make some pretty good gains. Any help is appreciated.
BTW what's a good way to add size to my traps.(type of exercise & how often) Any diet suggestions would also be appreciated. Thanks again guys. Great site.![]()