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  1. #1
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    I need EXPERT Spawn Cycle advice.


    As everyone else did, I too bought a couple of bottles of X-Tren and E-Stane before the Jan 4th ban.

    I have been reading a lot and am a little confused on what kind of sides to expect from this cycle. I have a H-Drol cycle experience, gained about 5lbs and kept all of it. Nothing too special, but can't complain.

    I really would like to know how bad is this cycle on HPTA and how easy is it to recover from a proper PCT.

    Or should I hold off and do a 10/20/20 M-Drol first??

    My cycle plan was:
    60/90/90/90 X-tren
    20/30/30/30 E-Stane

    100/50/50/50 Clomid
    40/40/20/20 Nolva

    Any past experience and info on how to do this cycle properly will be helpful. Not trying to **** myself up. Thanks.

  2. #2
    amcon's Avatar
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    in the freaking cold
    look take three pill spawn pills a day... split up to morning, day and night... as for sides i got water retention in my legs, and anger (i am a angery person any ways) and that was from taking 5 pills a day for the length of two bottles...

    as for pct = hit search and do what you read... and yes you will need it

    fyi i gained 18 lbs from the cycle and i believe i kept 12 lbs

  3. #3
    ...aydn...'s Avatar
    ...aydn... is offline Associate Member
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    check out my log if you like.. will show you what to expect... its pretty good ey.. bench and deads are up a fair bit..

    what are your stats???

    whats your reason for doing this???

    my log >

  4. #4
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    I am trying to bulk up. Possibly add close to +10 lbs.

    Stats are:
    Age 23
    height: 5'5
    weight: 145lbs
    bf: 8.5%

    I am about 10 lbs over my natural body weight. Been training for 2 years consistent.

    Are the doses I stated above ok for my body type. Should I just take 2 pills a day? 3 isn't too much?

  5. #5
    ...aydn...'s Avatar
    ...aydn... is offline Associate Member
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    ur current dosage plan will be fine ^

    next cycle you can think about dosing higher i guess..
    u gonna log it? i might follow it if you do...
    best of luck, make sure u have good pct and a good AI on hand just in case...

  6. #6
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Yea I will. I plan on having liquidex on hand. Should I run it EOD at .25mg and then into pct as well. Do I need to have caber on hand cuz the tren ? Or the liquidex will do?? I am starting by feb 1st

  7. #7
    PistolStarta's Avatar
    PistolStarta is offline Senior Member
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    where's okinawa when you need him

  8. #8
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolStarta View Post
    where's okinawa when you need him
    Okinawa helped me out so I hope that my advice will be sufficient.

    Run 3 pills per day, like 1 at 7am, 1 at 1 pm and the last at 7 pm. Dont ramp uo just start with 3/day. Get yourself some Life Support by A.I. It has support for liver, prostate, cholesterol, bp, etc.

    For pct you will need both nolva and clomid. Nolva @40/40/20/20 and clomid @100/100/50/50.

    Some glucosamine wont hurt cause the tren will dry you out a bit.

    As far as your diet to bulk, you need to eat!! I was at maint level and only put on 4 lbs.

    I would reccomend taking creatine while in pct. If you choose to do so, I would start adding the creatine in the last week of your cycle so when your cycle ends you done have that " crash " feeling.

    I also ran a spawn log last September if you want to get more details.

    Your strength will hit the roof at the end of the 2nd week or so but your temper might worsen a bit sooner so beware.

    Bottom line, get your diet and pct lined up, drink tons of water, get your cardio in, lift as heavy as you can without injury and you will absolutely love the results!!

    Best of luck!


  9. #9
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks a lot for the input pops. I was just reading your advice on clen in the other thread. Good info bro. And I know, where are you okinawa. The PH master. Lol

  10. #10
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    How about effect on natural test. I did halodrol like I said, it felt ok. I recovered pretty well I think. Getting bloodwork done by next week to make sure and before I start this cycle. Is a 4 week cycle gonna shut me down hard or the E-stane decent enough to get by without being limp? Lol

  11. #11
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by covert025 View Post
    How about effect on natural test. I did halodrol like I said, it felt ok. I recovered pretty well I think. Getting bloodwork done by next week to make sure and before I start this cycle. Is a 4 week cycle gonna shut me down hard or the E-stane decent enough to get by without being limp? Lol
    Unfortunately there is no way around this one. Spawn is one of the bad boys on the block. This is why pct is so important. I started feeling better ( sexually ) by the third week of pct. And if anyonne tells you to take tribulus; dont waste your $$. It doesnt do s**t. See if you can get your doc to set you up with some free samples of viag or cial for just in case..

  12. #12
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Yikes. Even if I drop the doses down to 2 pills a day? Or do I just have to suck it up?
    Last edited by covert025; 01-15-2010 at 05:53 PM.

  13. #13
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by covert025 View Post
    Yikes. Even if I drop the doses down to 2 pills a day? Or do I just have to suck it up?
    Suck it up bro. MAYBE you can run 2 pills/day for 6 weeks but you might not get the full potential from 3 per day.

    Just go with 3. You will be very happy....Who knows, spawn is different for everyone. You might not shut down as bad as you think....

  14. #14
    ...aydn...'s Avatar
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    i feel like im beast mode right now...

  15. #15
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Lmao aydn. Thats hillarious. I can't wait to start. Will definately log this.

  16. #16
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    So you don't think I need any caber on hand with this, should I just have the liquidex on hand, will it hinder my gains if I run it .25mg EOD? Thanks for the help guys. Appreciate it btw.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by covert025 View Post
    So you don't think I need any caber on hand with this, should I just have the liquidex on hand, will it hinder my gains if I run it .25mg EOD? Thanks for the help guys. Appreciate it btw.
    I didnt use it and had no problems...

  18. #18
    Okinawa_Power is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by POPS View Post
    Okinawa helped me out so I hope that my advice will be sufficient.

    Run 3 pills per day, like 1 at 7am, 1 at 1 pm and the last at 7 pm. Dont ramp uo just start with 3/day. Get yourself some Life Support by A.I. It has support for liver, prostate, cholesterol, bp, etc.

    For pct you will need both nolva and clomid. Nolva @40/40/20/20 and clomid @100/100/50/50.

    Some glucosamine wont hurt cause the tren will dry you out a bit.

    As far as your diet to bulk, you need to eat!! I was at maint level and only put on 4 lbs.

    I would reccomend taking creatine while in pct. If you choose to do so, I would start adding the creatine in the last week of your cycle so when your cycle ends you done have that " crash " feeling.

    I also ran a spawn log last September if you want to get more details.

    Your strength will hit the roof at the end of the 2nd week or so but your temper might worsen a bit sooner so beware.

    Bottom line, get your diet and pct lined up, drink tons of water, get your cardio in, lift as heavy as you can without injury and you will absolutely love the results!!

    Best of luck!

    Pops, great advice!!!!! Sorry Gents I have been away on another forum trying to get my next cycle on point!!!

    As pops was saying your sex drive is going to crash!!! It will hit you hard around week 3. As pops said suck it up and drive on. Keep it at 3 caps a day and you will grow like a weed. The thing with Spawn's creators is that they were trying to inhibit Tren's ability to make you lose your sex drive with E-Stane....However they didn't up the dose enough to counter the affects, and if they did it would only hurt you more than help you, so what I am saying is even though E-Stane is in the compound you still have to run something that will get you going again....If you know what I mean!!!!! Like Pops said start the creatine about 1 week prior to ending your cycle. Start PCT one day after your last capsule. If you want to and I have been giving this advice out because of the research I have done on Clen is to take 20mcg's a day during PCT. This will help you maintain your strength and muscle that you have worked so hard to attain!!!! If any of you have any questions let me know!!! Now go lift those heavy ass weights and GROW!!!!!

  19. #19
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Awesome guys. Good advice all around. Now I have to stock up on some pct and on cycle stuff and I ll be a new beast starting feb 1st. Lol!

  20. #20
    PistolStarta's Avatar
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    May want some cialis on hand Just in case!

  21. #21
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolStarta View Post
    May want some cialis on hand Just in case!
    just in case??? lol, get it!!!!

  22. #22
    PistolStarta's Avatar
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    lol weeeeell, not everyone has boning to do.

  23. #23
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolStarta View Post
    lol weeeeell, not everyone has boning to do.
    damn. Thats ****ed up. What're you tryin to say? I can't get some????


  24. #24
    PistolStarta's Avatar
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    lol maybe, but without proper PCT you won't even want it.

  25. #25
    ...aydn...'s Avatar
    ...aydn... is offline Associate Member
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    cialis is key bro... i use 1 20mg tab and it lasts me about 3 days.. i got 20 from my doc.. they cost about 5$ each though..
    you get the most rock solid boners in the world its sometimes painfull lol...

    let me know when you log it ill follow on.. iv had a fair few ups and downs on this cycle. but its all been worth it.. you get a really incredible dense feeling. like ur muscles turn from being hard to fvckin rock solid lol.. iv put on about 7 kg, but i have had a really high carb diet..

    main thing i would suggest is get ur bloodwork done pre cycle and make sure that includes all ur hormone levels etc and liver enzimes, then get it done after your pct. also make sure you get some cialis..
    make sure you have ur SERMS and an AI on hand if anything bad starts happening.. goodluck unit

  26. #26
    PistolStarta's Avatar
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    get the cialis From AR-R its much cheaper, somewhere around 2.00$ per 20mg

  27. #27
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Yup. I ll post the thread in this section when I log. My pre BW is this week sometime, I need to make an appointment tommorow. I may ask for a script from the doc when I go in. Maybe have my insurance pay for it

  28. #28
    Okinawa_Power is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by POPS View Post
    just in case??? lol, get it!!!!

    Yes I made the mistake of not thinking it would affect me...Boy was I wrong!!! Spawn will KILL your sex drive......I mean you won't even think about it....It could be sitting on your face (pun intended) and you won't even want it!!!!

  29. #29
    PistolStarta's Avatar
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    I was that way for like 3 months okinawa

  30. #30
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolStarta View Post
    I was that way for like 3 months okinawa
    was this even after you did a good pct? Or did you neglect it

  31. #31
    Okinawa_Power is offline Senior Member
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    During cycle for me! After about 2 weeks of PCT I started to want sex again!! It also depends on how hard you have affected your HPTA and the dose of Clomid and Nolva. Just listen to your body and it will tell you if you are getting enough Clomid or Nolva.....Becareful on the REBOUND GYNO......Tren is known for doing it to you!!!!!!!

  32. #32
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Okinawa_Power View Post
    During cycle for me! After about 2 weeks of PCT I started to want sex again!! It also depends on how hard you have affected your HPTA and the dose of Clomid and Nolva. Just listen to your body and it will tell you if you are getting enough Clomid or Nolva.....Becareful on the REBOUND GYNO......Tren is known for doing it to you!!!!!!!
    How do I avoid that. Nolva till week 4 of pct??

  33. #33
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Bump. Can someone answer this. I don't wanna run into this issue and not know what to do

  34. #34
    ...aydn...'s Avatar
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    im guessing you would keep an AI on hand like armomasin or letro just incase you got any signs of gyno.. the day you do you would start on your gyno recovery AI cycle. thats what im thinking anyways, cos im in the same boat as you. but im nearly finished pct and everything is back to normal and fine. nuts dropped back down and grew back to normal size. libido is good but im also using cialis about every 4 days. i have pretty frequent sexual activity with my partner so getting cialis is the best idea i can give you.. its seriously crushing the day you cant get it up.

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