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  1. #1
    makod's Avatar
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    Switching from Hdrol to Mdrol & PCT

    So far Ive done 1 week of Hdrol (2 caps/day) and and its good but not very strong. Ive gotten a little bit leaner and my muscles are hard but NO strength gains.

    I was thinking this:
    3 caps/hdrol for the next 2 weeks then do Mdrol for another 3 weeks starting at 2/day then maybe 3/day.

    I have one box of nolvadex which is 30 tabs/20mcg. Will 20/20/20/20 be ok for PCT?

    Also i think im getting these "lower back pumps". Is it like a sore lower back pain? I ordered some taurine powder today how much should i take? how do i measure it?

    I also feel like i have dry joints (they are cracking alot)

    My goal is to cut and put on a little but of lean muscle.

    I do not need diet or training advice.
    Last edited by makod; 01-20-2010 at 11:48 PM.

  2. #2
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    The Hdrol will kick in by week 3. PCT should be 40/40/20/20 Nolva.
    Preferably clomid 100/50/50/50 as well.

    Clomid works faster than Nolva at recovering your HPTA. That being said, Nolva is better at recovering HPTA. SO both have their place in PCT.

    For Joints, 5mg fish oil + Glucosamine + Super Cissus RX (USP Labs).

    Good luck, seems like you got it together. Get HUGE!

  3. #3
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by covert025 View Post
    The Hdrol will kick in by week 3. PCT should be 40/40/20/20 Nolva.
    Preferably clomid 100/50/50/50 as well.

    Clomid works faster than Nolva at recovering your HPTA. That being said, Nolva is better at recovering HPTA. SO both have their place in PCT.

    For Joints, 5mg fish oil + Glucosamine + Super Cissus RX (USP Labs).

    Good luck, seems like you got it together. Get HUGE!
    I agree. you will notice a big jump at the end of week 2. I know this on 2 caps/day for 30 days. Not too sure about switching from h to m. I have heard that if you run 3 caps of hdrol/day for 6 weeks is pretty awesome....
    Mdrol can have too many sides for me....good luck!

  4. #4
    makod's Avatar
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    Heres a bit of an update. (this is my first cycle of any kind)

    Week 1 hdrol 50mg
    Week 2 hdrol 50mg mdrol 10 mg.

    Week 5 & 6 hdrol will run out so I would like to go to 20 mg or 30 mg m-drol by itself - any opinions?

    Cycle will look like this:
    Hdrol 50/50/50/50/00/00

    low-moderate carb diet. cardio 6 days. leaner. slight strength increses. good pump. definate increased agression.

    This is meant to be a cutting cycle but heres is the amazing part - Iv put on 3 kg (7 lb).

    Going to do a nolva only PCT 40/40/20/20 or worst case 20/20/20/20 (depending on what i can get my hands on)

    Taurine is helping with the back pumps and cramps.

    Glutamine should be here tomorrow so hopefully that help with the cracking joints. (fish oil and glucosamine has helped a little bit)

    Liv52 should also be here tomrorow.

    If there is one rergret so far i wouild have liked to get my body fat tested before and after the cycle but at $60 a pop it aint cheap. Will definately budget for that next cycle which will be mdrol and x-tren or p-plex <---- please some opinions and dosages and advice on this would be appreciated.
    Last edited by makod; 01-27-2010 at 07:20 PM.

  5. #5
    lexruger's Avatar
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    From my experience, hdrol is better at cutting while mdrol is better at bulking. Also i would not let the cycle go past 4 weeks and you would probably see similar results by running the products seperatly rather than together. Why dont you finish the hdrol cycle then pct then start the mdrol cycle?

  6. #6
    makod's Avatar
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    I wasnt feeling the hdrol for shit and now ive started the mdrol i may aswell finish. I might just do a 4 week cycle because i have already put on nearly 4kg (start 85kg now 88.7kg) while doing cardio and dieting. I think its brought me closer to my genetic limit. Only downside is my pants are tighter. If i could get up to 90kg by the end of the cycle (2 more weeks),which i think is very doable, i would be happy with this as a first cycle and should be able to cut quite easily after.

    I got Androstenetrione from primaforce for PCT that's all i could get. how should i run it?

  7. #7
    lexruger's Avatar
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    you can get clomid and n0vadex from a site sponsor. Yous should really run a serm with these because they are just as able to shut down natural test production just like AAS. If unable to get these, i would also reccomend inhibit-e.

  8. #8
    makod's Avatar
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    6-oxo (Androstenetrione) cost me $70. Getting ANY type of PCT in Sydney is a nightmare. Its actually harder to get PCT than the actual gear! And when you do find it the prices are ridiculous.

    Anyway thats what i have - how do i dose it?

  9. #9
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Most of the stuff I have read says you will not see any good results from H-drol until week 3. I am 13 days in now my first time and I am up from 187 to 194.5 on 75 mg a day. That is pretty clean weight too, diet has been on point and obviously no alcohol or any other toxins.

    You just got a little impatient and did not give it enough time or have not been eating enough. But what is done is done I guess, M-Drol is pretty strong for a first timer. How about giving it more then a couple weeks before you switch to Spawn.

  10. #10
    makod's Avatar
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    Cycle is finished now and started PCT. I was cutting - diet and cardio 6x week. all up i put on nearly 4kg and dropped some bodyfat - very happy with results.

    Now going to to cut for another 4-6 weeks (cycle clen ) then do a clean m-drol bulk for 6 weeks - maybe with some x-tren .

  11. #11
    Teufel_Hunden's Avatar
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    How about you stop taking these steroids until you get a REAL PCT, like Clomid. Jesus Christ!

  12. #12
    makod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teufel_Hunden View Post
    How about you stop taking these steroids until you get a REAL PCT, like Clomid. Jesus Christ!
    h-drol is one of the mildest anabolics on the market. Many experienced prohormone users would agree that an OTC PCT would be suffice for such a low dosed cycle.

    Now please, i don't care who you are, but on this board before you post - think to yourself - is this a useful comment/post. Your last post didn't have any use at all except taking up server space and adding 1 point to you post count.

  13. #13
    Teufel_Hunden's Avatar
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    My comment was intended for you to pull your head out of your @$$. You don't know what you are doing and that is the reason these products are always discontinued. You said in your last post that you are about to do a M-Drol cycle, well M-Drol is not mild AT ALL. It will shut you down harder than a lot of oral steroids . I know from experience, all you've discussed so far is what drugs you will be taking to gain muscle, but you never say anything about PCT drugs. You need to do some research first kid. I'm not trying to talk $hit, but you are being irresponsible. Until you have some Clomid or Noveldex ON HAND you shouldn't be considering $hit. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. this a useful comment, YES! maybe if you use your brain then you won't be another guy to ruin these products for the rest of us.

  14. #14
    makod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teufel_Hunden View Post
    My comment was intended for you to pull your head out of your @$$. You don't know what you are doing and that is the reason these products are always discontinued. You said in your last post that you are about to do a M-Drol cycle, well M-Drol is not mild AT ALL. It will shut you down harder than a lot of oral steroids . I know from experience, all you've discussed so far is what drugs you will be taking to gain muscle, but you never say anything about PCT drugs. You need to do some research first kid. I'm not trying to talk $hit, but you are being irresponsible. Until you have some Clomid or Noveldex ON HAND you shouldn't be considering $hit. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. this a useful comment, YES! maybe if you use your brain then you won't be another guy to ruin these products for the rest of us.
    Alright "kid" whats the title of this thread? Switching from Hdrol to Mdrol & ???

    No but i dont want to know about PCT that's why i made a thread about it. I do have nolva on hand but as i stated before many experienced prohormone users have told me that an OTC PCT will be fine for the cycle i have done.

    Please don't reply to this thread.

  15. #15
    Teufel_Hunden's Avatar
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    Look we're all bros here, trying to achieve similar goals. My bad if I came off like an @ss, I'm an intense guy at times. Just make sure you use that Nolva after the M-Drol. M-Drol will shut you down pretty bad. I ran it 30mg ed for 4 weeks and my balls shrank, lost all sex drive, skin got oily as hell. I didn't get bloodwork done, but I can only imagine how messed up I was from it. However, I dropped some body fat and gained some LBM, also my lifts went up dramatically and after PCT (Clomid 100/100/50/50) I retained all gains. My sex drive is still messed up though. One more thing, Nolva usually isn't recommended for M-Drol PCT, most prefer Clomid, but use what you got I guess.

  16. #16
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teufel_Hunden View Post
    Look we're all bros here, trying to achieve similar goals. My bad if I came off like an @ss, I'm an intense guy at times. Just make sure you use that Nolva after the M-Drol. M-Drol will shut you down pretty bad. I ran it 30mg ed for 4 weeks and my balls shrank, lost all sex drive, skin got oily as hell. I didn't get bloodwork done, but I can only imagine how messed up I was from it. However, I dropped some body fat and gained some LBM, also my lifts went up dramatically and after PCT (Clomid 100/100/50/50) I retained all gains. My sex drive is still messed up though. One more thing, Nolva usually isn't recommended for M-Drol PCT, most prefer Clomid, but use what you got I guess.
    You most certainly did not come off like an ass, he did.

    These kids think they know everything these days.

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