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I did a 3 week cycle of M-Drol, with taking Milk Thistle everynight. Now I'm on a PCT, which I'm not really sure how long I should take it.
Being my very first cycle ever, I think Creatine and Protien shakes being the most I ever consumed- I'm a total n00b.
I noticed size and big strength gains in only a week- Primary reason that I was using M-Drol was to get back into a heavy lifting routine; but I also noticed I gained weight in my mid-section. Something i never do. And I know I didn't eat enough clean or pure foods. I'm guilty of eating some crap food while doing the cycle.
But I was so impressed with it, Id like to do another 3-4 week cycle. but I need some guidence as to what I should be doing. I want to gain size and strength; but not really gain any fat. I'm just trying to get to the size , or close to- the size I used to be. Which was 5'11" 185lbs at about 5-7% body fat.
since being off of it I've noticed my sex drive has dropped substantially; but while on it I felt more normal self actually. Meaning I felt in good spirits, like an animal at the gym, but my normal energetic self. I'm wondering if I'm just low on testosterone, just from aging. I'm 36 now, when I was 28 I was running around like a mad man. LOL
Any insight would be, and will be- very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.