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Thread: Need help with mdrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Need help with mdrol

    Right guys I'm currently on a low carb diet attempting to lean off currently ive lost 6lbs and have kept or maybe even progressed slightly in strength.
    I've read that mdrol can give lean gains which is just what Im looking for anyone help me out on mdrols effectiveness?? Toxicity? Etc
    I will be doing more research before I cycle it but you guys are always helpful so thought I'd ask

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    any comments on this appreciated please guys

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Never run it, but i have run a very similar compound called "methadrol" if you look it up its the same makeup minus the 3 one and 17 b-ol. Or something like that haha. I don't wanna search it but the gains were great and it was pretty lean mass even without the 3/17. Also many guys on the regular q & a forum are on a thread called mdrol gains, and its still at the top- most of them who don't totally hate ph's say its great with lean gains

    good luck,

    "dirty d"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Thanks man I'm moving closer to definatley cycling it lol just need to know abit more info yet

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Im about to run it to. You need to have something to support your live like liv 52 im going to use life support. And form what i read it really good stuff youll gain atleast a good 10pounds form what im told. Just make sure you run a good pct.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Yeah I've heard alot of good stuff but also that it can have some harsh side effects.
    I've just ordered competetie edge labs m-drol, cycle support, liv 52 and my pct so I'm well set up for it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Just finished a cycle myself, actually I'm on week 3 of my pct. I managed to put on 19 pounds during the cycle 222 to 241. I only lost about 4 pounds on pct. Some sides were lower back pumps, occasional cramping and increased aggression. Overall though a good ph, imo.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Congrats bro, was the weight from lean gains? And what was strength gains like?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Deep south
    M-Drol is a great compound but can be dangerous if not cycled right. I see you have a good amount of support with the cycle support and Liv 52 that will help. Lean gains and dry gains kind of go hand in hand with M-Drol. But that doesn't mean you won't put on fat. Your diet has to be dialed in to not gain fat too. Go ahead and get you a big bottle of Taurine. Take 6-8grams ED spaced out with lots of water and it will do wonders for the back pumps and cramps.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    cool thanks for the advice mate ill get the taurine and my diet is good im on a cutting diet right now so should help promote lean gains.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    I'm doing 6 weeks of 20mg mdrol and the last 4 weeks going to add 90mg xtren. Nolva pct. I'm trying to cut.

    I'm in week 2. My waist has gone up a few inches and I'm up 3-4kg. Average 5-10kg strength gains.

    Be prepared for back pumps. I had bad nausea until I upped my carbs.

    Going to throw in clen in week 3-4 and again In the first 2 weeks of pct. I have t3 but I heard that there will be no gains if taken.

    I started out at 18% bf - i will create a thread on my results when I

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Good stuff man good luck with the rest of the cycle, let me know when you do the thread with your results I'd like to see it. Post a link on here or in a pm please bro

  13. #13

    I did a 3 week cycle of M-Drol, with taking Milk Thistle everynight. Now I'm on a PCT, which I'm not really sure how long I should take it.

    Being my very first cycle ever, I think Creatine and Protien shakes being the most I ever consumed- I'm a total n00b.

    I noticed size and big strength gains in only a week- Primary reason that I was using M-Drol was to get back into a heavy lifting routine; but I also noticed I gained weight in my mid-section. Something i never do. And I know I didn't eat enough clean or pure foods. I'm guilty of eating some crap food while doing the cycle.

    But I was so impressed with it, Id like to do another 3-4 week cycle. but I need some guidence as to what I should be doing. I want to gain size and strength; but not really gain any fat. I'm just trying to get to the size , or close to- the size I used to be. Which was 5'11" 185lbs at about 5-7% body fat.

    since being off of it I've noticed my sex drive has dropped substantially; but while on it I felt more normal self actually. Meaning I felt in good spirits, like an animal at the gym, but my normal energetic self. I'm wondering if I'm just low on testosterone, just from aging. I'm 36 now, when I was 28 I was running around like a mad man. LOL

    Any insight would be, and will be- very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeCo View Post

    I did a 3 week cycle of M-Drol, with taking Milk Thistle everynight. Now I'm on a PCT, which I'm not really sure how long I should take it.

    Being my very first cycle ever, I think Creatine and Protien shakes being the most I ever consumed- I'm a total n00b.

    I noticed size and big strength gains in only a week- Primary reason that I was using M-Drol was to get back into a heavy lifting routine; but I also noticed I gained weight in my mid-section. Something i never do. And I know I didn't eat enough clean or pure foods. I'm guilty of eating some crap food while doing the cycle.

    But I was so impressed with it, Id like to do another 3-4 week cycle. but I need some guidence as to what I should be doing. I want to gain size and strength; but not really gain any fat. I'm just trying to get to the size , or close to- the size I used to be. Which was 5'11" 185lbs at about 5-7% body fat.

    since being off of it I've noticed my sex drive has dropped substantially; but while on it I felt more normal self actually. Meaning I felt in good spirits, like an animal at the gym, but my normal energetic self. I'm wondering if I'm just low on testosterone, just from aging. I'm 36 now, when I was 28 I was running around like a mad man. LOL

    Any insight would be, and will be- very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    If you were only on it for 3 weeks a month of PCT is plenty.

    You will gain water weight and some fat with a lot of prohormones, I pissed out about 6 pounds worth in the first week when I came off of Hdrol and tren.

    I usually measure my waist/stomach every week throughout the cycle and PCT and compare that with my strength to try to see exactly what I am losing muscle or fat.

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