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Thread: Should I take D-Anabol at 17??

  1. #1

    Cool Should I take D-Anabol at 17??

    I have never touched asteroid in my life. Im 17 and want extra mass I am pretty ripped without it but cant compete with people with steriods. I am 155 5foot 7. I bench 255 squat 555 and deadlift 400. Not sure what to do? Help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    No way. Your body is not ready for it and you might ruin your hormone system.

    I think your numbers are good considering age and they will only go up. I would wait until you are at least 21. Nobody runs Dianabol alone. just be patient and you wont regret in a few years time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    This guy asked the same question in a different thread. He is too young to be a member of this site. No need for further posts

  4. #4
    smells like troll

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    Again, must be 18 to be a member here, the thread will be locked.

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