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Thread: 1st cycle what do you think????

  1. #1

    1st cycle what do you think????

    Ok so all my boys are on juice..My turn! Im 27-180pound 5'11 ...I was thinking Sus 250 for a first cycle..but my friend wants me on what hes on (HES HUGE) witch is Equipoise (Check Spelling) and test..then winny...I kinda want to take it slow..meaning just one steroid like sus..What do you guys think? Also Im kind of nervous about shooting only because my mom whos a nurse told me if I do it wrong I can kill myself and or F my body up. (I asked her to shoot me n she said no. lol) Also don't really trust people doing it so is there somewhere I can watch a vid on how to shoot? Thanks much app.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    this is classic. "everyone else is doing it" lol FYI u cannot kill yoruself sticking a needle in your ass lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Deep south
    Oh man, Where do I start? First off don't listen to your buddy hes giving you some bad advice. You need to start reading on here for a long time before considering a cycle. There are so many ways you can screw up if your uneducated about steroids. Go to the first sub-forum on this site and start reading. Posting this in the Supplement section is going to get you no where fast. There are hours and hours of reading on here about planning a cycle. So start reading and ask for help when you need it. They are some real stand up guys on here with decades of experience on the proper use of AAS (steroids). You should get a basic understanding before asking questions because there are a million threads with questions that have been answered many many times. <----- Start here

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