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  1. #1
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    M-Drol Bridge cycle post SPAWN cycle


    So three weeks ago I finished my Spawn cycle. Amazing results, gained about 10lbs kept 8 and recovered fully (Sex drive back, weight stabilized) in 3 weeks. I was very impressed as most people say it takes much longer to recover.

    So I decided to do a bridge cycle after talking to Okinawa, 3 Weeks of PCT then 3 weeks for m-drol followed by a 4-5 week PCT with clen .

    So the m-drol cycle is looking like:
    Week 1: 20mg ED
    Week 2: 30mg ED
    Week 3: 30mg ED

    I may start taking 30mg after a few days in week 1. I ll keep you guys posted.

    Standard PCT protocol with clomid and Nolva:

    100/50/50 Clomid
    40/20/20/20 Nolva

    I drop clomid in week 3 and run nolva for an additional week.

    Cycle Support:

    900mg Milk Thistle
    3g Fish oil
    300mg Resveratol
    1000mg Vitamin C

    I have liquidex on hand. Will most likely start .5mg EOD if bloat starts.

    The Clen I need help for dosing. Pro clen users please I need input.

    What do you guys think, its a risky move to jump in too early but I really felt 100% normal at the end of week 3 PCT so I decided to make this move.

    What do you guys think.

    Current Stats:
    Close to 8-11% BF
    Age 23
    Last edited by covert025; 03-19-2010 at 09:15 PM.

  2. #2
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    It was a terrible idea. So you just finished your spawn cycle, did a 3 week PCT, and then jumped back on a suppressive compound (m-drol).

    You do realize that during your PCT you haven't "fully recovered" whatsoever...

    You're using female fertility drugs to artifically raise your testosterone levels , and to aid in restoring your body's homeostasis. However, returning to homeostasis doesn't occur just in PCT bro, it's following the PCT - once one has discontinued the use of their SERMS - that their body's HPTA fully recovers.

    It's just a LOT of orals in a short time. (IE) 3 weeks spawn, 3 weeks PCT, 3 weeks M-drol.

    You do realize that SERMS are still considered slightly liver toxic right? 9 straight weeks of a liver beating..

    I dunno, just my 0.02 bro, take what you want from it..


  4. #4
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Do you suggest I stop the m-drol now and finish up my PCT? I am 2 days in.

  5. #5
    matt77's Avatar
    matt77 is offline Member
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    I agree with vitruvian thats not a good idea. I would jump right back into PCT for a few weeks then take some time off. Doing that with strong PHs is playing with fire. Always wait at least cycle+PCT= time off before jumping in another one.

  6. #6
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    Got it. Starting PCT. Tomorrow. Will run it for 3 weeks

  7. #7
    Okinawa_Power is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    It was a terrible idea. So you just finished your spawn cycle, did a 3 week PCT, and then jumped back on a suppressive compound (m-drol).

    You do realize that during your PCT you haven't "fully recovered" whatsoever...

    You're using female fertility drugs to artifically raise your testosterone levels , and to aid in restoring your body's homeostasis. However, returning to homeostasis doesn't occur just in PCT bro, it's following the PCT - once one has discontinued the use of their SERMS - that their body's HPTA fully recovers.

    It's just a LOT of orals in a short time. (IE) 3 weeks spawn, 3 weeks PCT, 3 weeks M-drol.

    You do realize that SERMS are still considered slightly liver toxic right? 9 straight weeks of a liver beating..

    I dunno, just my 0.02 bro, take what you want from it..


    Give me some scientific evidence that his HPTA will be shut down after a SPAWN cycle????? Give me some evidence that Nolva and Clomid is toxic to your liver??? Do you realize that the amount of the compound that you are really getting into your system from taking a PH/DS is a little over 20%.....You all want to jump on the band wagon about liver damage and messing up your HPTA but you don't know the facts......I ran a X-Tren /E-Stane/S4/M-Drol cycle before, had blood work done and I was good to go....My BP was the best it has ever been...Everyone's body is different what works for me may kill you.......Live and learn......But don't knock other peoples advice just because you fear running a cycle like that.......

  8. #8
    Okinawa_Power is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    I agree with vitruvian thats not a good idea. I would jump right back into PCT for a few weeks then take some time off. Doing that with strong PHs is playing with fire. Always wait at least cycle+PCT= time off before jumping in another one.

    Ever hear of bridging? Guess not.......Read up on may learn something...

  9. #9
    matt77's Avatar
    matt77 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Okinawa_Power View Post
    Ever hear of bridging? Guess not.......Read up on may learn something...
    Ever hear of not being a smart A**, read up on it. Don't get all pissy about someone disagreeing with you. We are all adults here and should act like it!

    Bridging is not and never was intended for methylated PHs. It was started with real AAS not PHs that are altered 10 different times so that "20%" makes it into your system. BTW that 20% that you say makes it in is not what is toxic! Its the other 80% or whatever percent that is toxic to the body. All of that is added to the compound so it survives the liver so some of the active gets in the blood.

    And my friend it is you that either don't know the facts or ignore them. Well there is no true scientific evidence that his HPTA will be shut down after a SPAWN cycle because I doubt he had blood work done before he started PCT. But everyone (I thought) knows that "ALL" anabolics suppress your bodies system one way or another. It varies from person to person but the "Majority" of people would experience moderate to total suppression using Spawn and would be shut down hard for sure doing the cycle you recommended. Not to mention the impact it has on the rest of the body.

    Hepatic and endocrine side effects straight from the actual drug profiles:

    Nolvadex:Hepatic side effects have included elevation in liver function tests, jaundice, peliosis hepatitis, steatohepatitis, cholestasis, and massive hepatic necrosis. While severe hepatic effects are rare, fatalities have been reported.Endocrine side effects have included elevations in T4 in the absence of clinical hyperthyroidism. This may be due to tamoxifen -induced elevations in circulating thyroid binding globulin.
    (theres actually about 10 paragraphs worth of health risks)

    Clomid:Serum transaminase levels may increase. Hepatitis has occurred rarely.Gynecomastia has been reported in males using clomiphene for infertility. Thyroid disorders occur rarely. Pituitary hemorrhage following treatment of primary infertility with clomiphene in a patient with a previously undiagnosed pituitary tumor has been reported.

    Everyone knows we can and do use Clomid and Nolva with little issue. This is just to show you that they both are liver toxic to some degree. And these are the facts not Brosceince. Look at Nolva, death from liver failure has actually occured from just using Nolva medically. So that debate is over.

    To address this: "I ran X-Tren /E-Stane/S4/M-Drol cycle before, had blood work done and I was good to go". Good for you Im glad that worked out for you and I guess now you are living proof that a person can survive such a cycle. Did you have blood work done pre cycle, before PCT and after PCT? I would love to see it. It just pisses me off when someone recommends doing a cycle like that to someone that has to be fairly new to PHs or they wouldn't be asking they would know from their own research what works vs. the risk.

    Covert its up to you man and no one else. All I say to you and anyone is always get multiple opinions about something and then research it yourself to make sure your doing the best thing for you.

  10. #10
    covert025 is offline Associate Member
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    The way I looked at it is that I can probably run the m-drol, recover and all 100%. If I wait an additional 6 weeks before running the cycle, I ll probably make more gains. I think I am gonna cut down a bit all natural while I wait around and see how I look. I am not carrying a lot of fat, shouldn't be too hard. And I miss swimming lol!

  11. #11
    Okinawa_Power is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    Ever hear of not being a smart A**, read up on it. Don't get all pissy about someone disagreeing with you. We are all adults here and should act like it!

    Bridging is not and never was intended for methylated PHs. It was started with real AAS not PHs that are altered 10 different times so that "20%" makes it into your system. BTW that 20% that you say makes it in is not what is toxic! Its the other 80% or whatever percent that is toxic to the body. All of that is added to the compound so it survives the liver so some of the active gets in the blood.

    And my friend it is you that either don't know the facts or ignore them. Well there is no true scientific evidence that his HPTA will be shut down after a SPAWN cycle because I doubt he had blood work done before he started PCT. But everyone (I thought) knows that "ALL" anabolics suppress your bodies system one way or another. It varies from person to person but the "Majority" of people would experience moderate to total suppression using Spawn and would be shut down hard for sure doing the cycle you recommended. Not to mention the impact it has on the rest of the body.

    Hepatic and endocrine side effects straight from the actual drug profiles:

    Nolvadex:Hepatic side effects have included elevation in liver function tests, jaundice, peliosis hepatitis, steatohepatitis, cholestasis, and massive hepatic necrosis. While severe hepatic effects are rare, fatalities have been reported.Endocrine side effects have included elevations in T4 in the absence of clinical hyperthyroidism. This may be due to tamoxifen -induced elevations in circulating thyroid binding globulin.
    (theres actually about 10 paragraphs worth of health risks)

    Clomid:Serum transaminase levels may increase. Hepatitis has occurred rarely.Gynecomastia has been reported in males using clomiphene for infertility. Thyroid disorders occur rarely. Pituitary hemorrhage following treatment of primary infertility with clomiphene in a patient with a previously undiagnosed pituitary tumor has been reported.

    Everyone knows we can and do use Clomid and Nolva with little issue. This is just to show you that they both are liver toxic to some degree. And these are the facts not Brosceince. Look at Nolva, death from liver failure has actually occured from just using Nolva medically. So that debate is over.

    To address this: "I ran X-Tren /E-Stane/S4/M-Drol cycle before, had blood work done and I was good to go". Good for you Im glad that worked out for you and I guess now you are living proof that a person can survive such a cycle. Did you have blood work done pre cycle, before PCT and after PCT? I would love to see it. It just pisses me off when someone recommends doing a cycle like that to someone that has to be fairly new to PHs or they wouldn't be asking they would know from their own research what works vs. the risk.

    Covert its up to you man and no one else. All I say to you and anyone is always get multiple opinions about something and then research it yourself to make sure your doing the best thing for you.
    Let's look at the doses that Nolva were ran to even be consisdered toxic to the liver. They are not the doses that we are running for PCT. As for cycle advise it is up to the individual to run the cycle...I only suggested it...If he runs it he runs it, if not then he doesn't....But dont come on here acting like your king shit and my knowledge is not worth anything.....By the way what part of Thailand was that picture taken???

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