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Thread: MDrol PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    MDrol PCT

    Ok I am just finishing up my bottle of MDrol, about to order my PCT. I have a little gyno that I had beforehand so I'm not exactly sure what to do about PCT and when to run Letro and stuff because I heard Nolvadex can make gyno worse? But I was planning on Nolva, Clomid, and Letro

    Any opinions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    No need to run letro.....Run Nolva and Clomid together.

    Nolva: 40/40/20/20
    Clomid: 70/70/35/35

    You should have had these on hand already. You should start the day after your last capsule is taken, but if you order from AAR and do Priority you will be good to go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Yea i still have like 5 days or so, because I went out of town for a week and couldnt really workout so I just maintained with 1 pill a day and am doing 3 a day like the rest of the weeks to finish up the bottle now.

    But great thanks I was worried it would make it worse. But tonight I got pissed, I have a pretty high sex drive normally and all but tonight i couldnt get my dick up all the way. Like it pretty much wasnt even hard enough to stick it in. I was turned on by her big time and all but it just wouldnt get up and it just really made me mad because i didnt really wanna disappoint her. So do you think it will take long to get my dick back to normal on PCT?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Just ordered the clomid and nolva so hopefully that should work good and not make my gyno worse and get my junk back to normal lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Yea i still have like 5 days or so, because I went out of town for a week and couldnt really workout so I just maintained with 1 pill a day and am doing 3 a day like the rest of the weeks to finish up the bottle now.

    But great thanks I was worried it would make it worse. But tonight I got pissed, I have a pretty high sex drive normally and all but tonight i couldnt get my dick up all the way. Like it pretty much wasnt even hard enough to stick it in. I was turned on by her big time and all but it just wouldnt get up and it just really made me mad because i didnt really wanna disappoint her. So do you think it will take long to get my dick back to normal on PCT?

    Fatty once you start PCT you will be good to go after 2-3 weeks. Until then get some viagra!!! This is one thing that M-Drol will do and that is shut you down....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    ok good im ready for the nolva and clomid to show up, but i might just find someone with a prescription if i can so I wont have to order a whole bottle from AR-R lol, but yea im realizing it shuts ya down pretty good lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    It made it! i took 2ml (70mg) clomid and 2ml(40mg) nolva right when i got it. Dont know if its placebo but i felt much better tonight as far as my junk goes haha.

    But so Run at:
    40mg/day Nolva for 2 weeks then 20mg/day for 2 weeks
    70mg/day Clomid for 2 weeks then 35mg/day for 2 weeks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    It made it! i took 2ml (70mg) clomid and 2ml(40mg) nolva right when i got it. Dont know if its placebo but i felt much better tonight as far as my junk goes haha.

    But so Run at:
    40mg/day Nolva for 2 weeks then 20mg/day for 2 weeks
    70mg/day Clomid for 2 weeks then 35mg/day for 2 weeks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    alright great, thanks for the help guys ill let ya know how everything goes

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