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  1. #1
    jbk is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    first ECA stack.. I need questions answered please!

    I plan on starting my first ECA stack tomorrow. 3 weeks off one week off. I plan on only taking the stack the days I do cardio and/or lift which would be 5 or 6 days out of the week. Is this alright? or even on my off days should I take the ECA stack and how much?

    25mg Eph, 200mg caffine and how much aspirin?
    I plan on taking this stack as soon as i wake up and waiting a half hour to do an hour of cardio.

    my next intake of the stack would be 30 minutes BEFORE my lifting which should be about 5-6 hours later from when i take the first one.

    Is this sufficient?

    Do you guys think it will be alright if i start taking the ECA normally and gradually going into it? I think i can handle it.

    I read alot of people take it after there cardio or lifting... but when i used to take lipo6 i would do it before and worked well for me.

    All input would be much appreciated thanks!

  2. #2
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I normally leave out the aspirin. Mainly to avoid the blood thinning properties since I am periodically getting tattoo work. I still notice great results without the 'A' and have gotten mixed feelings from other people about if the 'A' is essential or not.

    IF I were to use aspirin though, I would use the baby aspirin or whatever (83mg or something), but most people have recommended 200mg of 'A' per dosage to me.. Some have even recommended as high as 325mg.

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