Finaflex Methyl Ice (Trial)
OK, so as mentioned before I am a beta tester for Redefined Nutrition products. So after finishing my 30 day cycle of Finaflex 1-Andro I decided to try a 40 day cycle of just Methyl Ice. During this period I was just trying to maintain my body weight and body fat by following my pre-contest style diet, allowing myself a cheat meal on Wednesday evening and letting Sunday be my free for all, cheat all day long! In the past, I have successfully maintained both body weight and body fat this way. Granted this is within reason, someone is not going to maintain 4-6% body fat this way unless their metabolism is so designed. I am an endomorph by nature, always leaning towards the heavier side, my body naturally wants to hold more water and body fat than I would prefer. I cut my cardio down from 5-6 times a week to a consistent every other day, 3 times/week.
With the Methyl Ice, I wanted to start off slow so I wouldn’t just go full blown jittery and wired and I have had headaches in the past from caffeine addiction, so I wanted to wean myself off as well. So I formulated a typical pyramid style cycle: days 1-5, I took 1 capsule per day and days 6-10, I took 2 capsules per day, then days 11-30, I took 3 capsules per day, then days 31-35, 2 capsules per day, and finally days 36-40, 1 capsule per day. This 40 day pyramid style cycle uses 1 entire bottle.
OK, so I ended my Finaflex 1-Andro at 220lbs & 12% body fat and besides this test cycle of Methyl Ice was exercising and dieting in my normal maintenance mode as described above. Results were very insignificant week from week, I did feel like I had way more energy than normal, my appetite did feel suppressed, not that it really mattered was eating my 6 small meals per day with above mentioned cheats. I ended the cycle at 214lbs & 10% body fat. Although I don’t find this amazing or super significant, I can honestly claim that 6lbs of fat & 2% of my body fat was shed in 40 days completely due to the help of this supplement, no additional circumstances. In my opinion, that isn’t bad. I believe if cycled with something else and with proper pre-contest dieting and exercising, it would definitely help accelerate fat burning even more.
Hope this helps some people out there, the next trial I performed was combining Finaflex’s Methyl Ice & 1-Andro, I will post those results very soon.