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  1. #1
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Aug 2009

    Anabolic-60 Stack

    Can someone give me their opinon on this stack. I know i cant post the web site for it here, but i can pm it or just look it up for me. I was sent an email from the site i order my normal supplements from about this stack, its a little pricey. But i am very curious to see if anyone has actually tried it, or even heard anything about it.

    Products are:

    M-Sten 10
    Aromadrol 15

    The m-sten 10 seems very interesting, i would love to find something that actually just helps with dry mass.

    Anyways thanks for any help with this.

  2. #2
    BehemothTP is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Hey Bud,

    I just got in the anabolic 60 stack yesterday. I am not going to go to crazy and take more than the recommended dose of 1 pill per day. I have my milk thistle and BCAA's i will be taking with this.

    I am 25 yrs old and weigh ~175 and im 6'1. I never got heavy into the crazy non natural suppliments. I can dumbell press 110's so i can lift... i just dont look like i can lift that much. I took Mass Tabs a year ago and blew up. So im hoping this will get me past my plataeu.

    I hear the M Sten 10 has the same compound as the Mass Tabs. Each M Sten tablet has 10mg. I beleive Mass Tabs had 30mg per pill.

    I will let you know how i feel in a week and let you know if the $130 was worth it. IF anyone else has any taken this stack before, please feel free to post.

  3. #3
    BehemothTP is offline New Member
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    Oct 2010
    I willl be taking my fifth pill this afternoon. I have noticed a few pros and cons.
    Its tough getting to the gym. I feel very tired and have caught myself almost passing out after work. HOWEVER, once i am at the gym, I dont want to leave. I feel i can lift for hours. I dont see any noticeable gains yet.

    I will keep you posted.

  4. #4
    cyounger100's Avatar
    cyounger100 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    May 2010
    i have a friend that tries all that shit and i never understand why if its legal it is garbage no question asked i have watch him over the last year take it all and not a one has done anything for him and his diet is perfect

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