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Thread: Interesting Contraindications between protein supps and creatine

  1. #1
    Mike Guest

    Interesting Contraindications between protein supps and creatine


    A detailed 6-week study at Truman State University in Missouri was recently conducted by a team of scientists on two groups of athletes.

    One group was a control. The other group referred to, as the Creatine Phosphate group was administered (only) 5 grams of CREATINE PHOSPHATE.

    At the end of the 6 week test, several incredible results were documented; The CREATINE PHOSPHATE group on 5 grams increased their individual leg press on an average of 60.63 pounds, improved their maximum bench press by 20 pounds, increased Lean Body Mass Muscle by 5 pounds and showed a 3 times greater loss in body fat!

    The obvious question is "What if these athletes received the usual prescribed maintenance daily dose of 10 grams? Would the results have doubled?"

    Dr. Murray J. Cohen, M.D. and President of Metabolic Nutrition stated that "the average daily dose of Creatine varies in amateur to professional athletes - from between 10 grams to 40 grams daily," hence the results obtained from this study using only 5 grams of CREATINE PHOSPHATE is very significant.

    Also, Dr. Cohen concluded that this study puts to rest the false and hostile reports: Creatine Phosphate does not get absorbed - it also proves that it has both an ergogenic and anabolic effect. Metabolic Nutrition has been successful in making an "oral" form of Creatine Phosphate under the direction and successful research of Dr. Cohen.

    To cover the metabolic needs of various types of athletes, Metabolic Nutrition has developed several specific formulations. The latest development being CREATINE GLYCEROL PHOSPHATE.

    Dr. Cohen, as the primary discoverer of oral Creatine Phosphate, is often asked why he never uses Creatine mixed or combined with his other Protein products?

    He replied that extensive research has shown that Creatine (monohydrate or phosphate) competes with protein absorption receptors. Athletes taking combination products of these two ingredients protein + creatine) are wasting their money because the Creatine is not getting into the body.

    He strongly recommends that Creatine be taken, preferably before working out, and by itself, for maximum absorption - as testified by the documented and incredible results obtained with only 5 grams of CREATINE PHOSPHATE.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Great article Mike!! Very interesting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Good article bro soooooooo BUMP!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I agree with that. I've often told people don't mix creatine and protein, especially the lesser Supp companies who sell the two together, just a scam.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    College Station, Texas
    OK, few things I'm not sure of here. You say, or the study shows that protien and creatine consumption is a big no no. Are they saying don't gulp it down at the same time because the interference occurs in the small intestine or does the conflict occur at the cellular level? We as lifters need a high nitrogen balance at all times for maximum results. Should we rob our bodies of protien to make way for creatine and if so, for how long? What I find even more interesting is that food items rich in creatine are also high in protien and glutimine for that matter. Yet all the latest studies show this big conflict. Did mother nature screw past generation bodybuilders out of its important nutrients since creatine and protien don't live in harmony when consumed together? That does not say much for red meat.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Great post Mike. Some friend of mine asked me how I am getting so big, I told her creatine...she goes "You're gonna die of heart failure if you keep taking that." Wow! What if i would have told her the truth???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    south florida
    interesting thanks mike.....


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by PaPaPumP
    she goes "You're gonna die of heart failure if you keep taking that."
    I hate it when people try to say crap like that without having any research to back it up. Its usually the same type of person that eats hamburgers and fries for lunch. You should watch what she eats and criticize everything. I've taken creatine (just like Dr. Cohen recommends) for years and I've noticed great results. If I die because of long-term side effects, so be it, I'll be proud to be a stat!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by EXCESS

    I hate it when people try to say crap like that without having any research to back it up. Its usually the same type of person that eats hamburgers and fries for lunch. You should watch what she eats and criticize everything. I've taken creatine (just like Dr. Cohen recommends) for years and I've noticed great results. If I die because of long-term side effects, so be it, I'll be proud to be a stat!
    Geez... calm down! We all have our uneducated hear say conclusions. So next time, if there is one, hand her some retnol cream when she puts that BigMac and french fries to mouth then right your phone number down on a lipo advertisement. other then that... be cool and dont get so upset!! It's a warped night.

    p/s everytime I see a post from you I still see Mr. T

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

  11. #11
    lil' juicer has a point. I hear so much about taking protein, glutamine, and creatine seperately, but every food that i can think of that has these elements are already in combination. I guess everyone in the pre-supplement days were fucked.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Good post, I took that CGP, took a serving before working out, a serving after(in my protein shake), and one at night before bed(in my protein shake), I never really noticed any strength gain, actually for awhile felt as though I was getting weaker...yet everyone I know raves about that CGP. Mabey it was because I was mixing it with my protein shakes? I never new the 2 competed for absorbtion. I was thinking of getting back on creatine, so I'll probably pick up another container of it, but take it seperately next time.

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