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Thread: over the counter

  1. #1

    over the counter

    any thing out threr over the counter that will help u gain mass and strenght fast if so what works together

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Food never seems to fail.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    This should probably be in the supplement forum.

    Anyway, the only thing OTC I would suggest is creatine, BCAAs, and whey protein as needed.

    The real key to gaining weight is food.

    What are your stats and goals?

  4. #4
    i down the BCAA... YUM

  5. #5
    i dont need to be pro but i want to be big and strong i would like to try roids and i am not asking for a source cant seem to trust allot of people or get rip off so guess i am going to have to do otc thing i am disable in my right arm from a car car crash i always been strong above avrage i am gettin my arm back slowly ppl treat u diffrent once u were strong and all of a sudden your not i will not hang my head so if i got to push hard and do the otc thing just would like to know the best so much stuff out there now just dont no what to get and whats a wast well thanks for listing

  6. #6
    i strongly advise you to rehabilitate your arm before you do any OTC supplements. If this is a legit injury i woudl assume your doctor could give you something if you bring it to his/hers attention

  7. #7
    no just strong pain meds and phsical teripe and now they said they cant do no more

  8. #8
    thats a little concerning but i would still stear clear from any crazy OTC products

  9. #9
    ill see if i can upload some pics of my arm and leg

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