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Thread: Pre & Post Workout Supps

  1. #1

    Question Pre & Post Workout Supps

    Sup guys! I'm not really finding what I am looking for so I thought I'd just post.

    I need some help figuring out my supp routine & dosing. I am not on any gear and for the most part I am trying to focus more on dropping my BF while taking on or maintain mass. I am currently doing the classic E/C stack and keeping my Carbs around 30g to 50g Sun-Thur then Fri & Sat I'll cheat (Sushi is my cheat, lol).

    E/C Stack 3 x Day: Ephedrine -25mg / Caffeine - 200mg

    Cardio M-Sat: I do Cardio on an empty stomach for 45min with a THR of 160bpm. Then I'll go and eat. I will take my E/C 30min prior to WO.

    Weights M/W/F: Few hours later after 1st Cardio -- Lift till done -- Then 2nd Cardio for 30min after lifting. Right now I am not taking anything Pre or Post WO.

    I was thinking for Supps:

    *I currently take

    Pre Cardio:
    Dandelion Root

    Nitric Oxide booster (NO ShotGun)

    Pre WO:
    Whey Concentrate (Optimum Nutrition Protein Diet) 1g per 1lb

    Post WO:
    Whey Isolate 1g per 1lb

    Before Bed:
    Whey Concentrate

    Because I am focusing mainly on lowering my BF, I just want to make sure that I limit my Muscle loss as much as I can.

    Thanks guys!

    Last edited by Devils Mentor; 08-25-2010 at 08:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    for your pre/post wo protein you dont need to take 1g per pound i am 90Kg and i take 50g of protein isolate postwo and i drink some milk,

  3. #3
    Sorry Bro, I was meaning to say 1 to 1 on protein per day.

    Thanks for the feedback!


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