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  1. #1
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    My brain hurts....Clen and H-Drol Cycle

    I have this posted in the AR-R , but I posted it again here for the H-Drol specific question.

    My brain hurts from all of the research that I have done over the last 3 weeks. I have finally decided on a plan. Can you guys check this out and let me know what you think?

    I'm going to run an 8 week cycle of clen . I'm not going to stack it with T3 because the muscle loss is not in my plans. The clen will be run alone. Here is how I plan to run the clen:

    Initial Dosing
    Day 1 40mcg =.2ml
    Day 2 60mcg =.3ml
    Day 3 80mcg =.4ml
    Day 4 100mcg =.5ml
    Day 5 120mcg =.6ml

    120mcg =.6ml @40/60/20?? How should I dose this throughout the day?

    I will take Benadryl 50 to 100mg on weeks 3, 6 and post cycle.

    Just a couple of questions?

    1. I think my math is correct, if I did this cycle, it will consume approx 14.4ml, so one bottle of clen from AR-R would be enough to run this cycle? Did I do this right?

    2. I plan on doing a 6 week cycle of H-drol after the clen cycle. Should I wait to start the H-Drol Cycle after I'm completely done with the clen cycle?

    H-Drol cycle:
    weeks 1-2 Cycle assist
    week 3-8 H-Drol 50/75/75/75/75/75
    Adding Taurine, L-Glut and will be taking Tomax for my PCT

    3. Can I start taking the Cycle assist during the last week of the clen cycle?

    4. Or can I just do the H-Drol along with the clen cycle and make it one big cycle?

    Thanks for your comments.
    Last edited by JoeC6Z51; 11-01-2010 at 11:10 PM.

  2. #2
    cyounger100's Avatar
    cyounger100 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ur only running clen for 4 weeks not 6? and i went up every day from day1 and had no problems and now im riding the next 4 weeks at 120 mcg doin benedryl also

  3. #3
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeC6Z51 View Post
    I have this posted in the AR-R , but I posted it again here for the H-Drol specific question.

    My brain hurts from all of the research that I have done over the last 3 weeks. I have finally decided on a plan. Can you guys check this out and let me know what you think?

    I'm going to run an 8 week cycle of clen . I'm not going to stack it with T3 because the muscle loss is not in my plans. The clen will be run alone. Here is how I plan to run the clen:

    Day 1 60mcg =.3ml
    Day 2 60mcg =.3ml
    Day 3 60mcg =.3ml
    Day 4 80mcg =.4ml
    Day 5 80mcg =.4ml
    Day 6 80mcg =.4ml
    Day 7 100mcg =.5ml
    Day 8 100mcg =.5ml
    Day 9 100mcg =.5ml
    Day 10 120mcg =.6ml
    Day 11-26 120mcg =.6ml for the next 15 days.
    Day 27 100mcg =.5ml
    Day 28 80mcg =.4ml
    Day 29 60mcg =.3ml
    Day 30 40mcg =.2ml

    I will take benedryl 50 to 100mg on weeks 3, 6 and post cycle.

    Just a couple of questions?

    1. I think my math is correct, if I did this cycle, it will consume approx 14.4ml, so one bottle of clen from AR-R would be enough to run this cycle? Did I do this right?

    2. I plan on doing a 6 week cycle of H-drol after the clen cycle. Should I wait to start the H-Drol Cycle after I'm completely done with the clen cycle?

    H-Drol cycle:
    weeks 1-2 Cycle assist
    week 3-8 H-Drol 50/75/75/75/75/75
    Adding Taurine, L-Glut and will be taking Tomax for my PCT

    3. Can I start taking the Cycle assist during the last week of the clen cycle?

    4. Or can I just do the H-Drol along with the clen cycle and make it one big cycle?

    Thanks for your comments.
    1. You can't take clen for more than 2 weeks at a time if you are not running keto with it. 2 weeks on/2 weeks off. Don't know how you missed that with your research.

    1a. I am not adding up all the numbers, clen is 6000 mcg per bottle. Do the math. The doses you are running are weak. Start at 80, bump it to 160 in 40mcg increments a day and then stay on it for the 2 weeks.

    2. I don't know what your stats/goals/experience is, but I would run the Hdrol at the same time as the clen. BUT I need to know the answer to those questions I listed first.

    3. Cycle assist for a week prior and a week after the cycle. You need 2 bottles.

    4. See answer 2.

    Need age/height/weight/bodyfat/experience/goals or we can't tell you much.

  4. #4
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Id start low with the clen to see how your body reacts first with no more that 40-60mcg for the first few days then go from there. Save the clen for pct....

    Taurine is a must!

    Run the hdrol all the way with 75mg/day for 6 weeks. No need to run the first week at 50.

    Tamox for pct @ 40/40/20/20..

    Ive ran both of these compounds in the past so this is my personal experience.......good luck!

  5. #5
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    If he is going to run clen PCT is not the time to do it IMO. That is when you are desperately trying to preserve muscle, and clen won't do that it will hurt the muscle retention. I have ran it many times and the idea that clen is some how anti catabolic I have not found to be true. Many claim it has "anti catabolic" properties but I have not seen that at all.

    Clen will drain you, period. You could end up losing a lot of your gains if you try to go on clen during PCT. It is best to run it while "on" Hdrol, or after PCT. Personally I would run it on Hdrol with no fear of muscle loss. I have been doing this for the past 8 weeks off and on and have seen great results.

    I would run the clen before the cycle or during it.

    Agree about the 75mg from jump street, Hdrol is pretty mild and you don't have much to worry about running it like that.

  6. #6
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    wow....I see that now. It was late when I posted that. I'm currently in Iraq. I will have ro fix it.

  7. #7
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigslick7878 View Post
    1. You can't take clen for more than 2 weeks at a time if you are not running keto with it. 2 weeks on/2 weeks off. Don't know how you missed that with your research. I'm using Benadryl

    1a. I am not adding up all the numbers, clen is 6000 mcg per bottle. Do the math. The doses you are running are weak. Start at 80, bump it to 160 in 40mcg increments a day and then stay on it for the 2 weeks. All the research I have done, most start out at 40mcg and 60mcg, I have not seen 80mcg. Have you used clen? Did you start out at 80mcgs? Did you experience harsh sides from your first few doses?

    2. I don't know what your stats/goals/experience is, but I would run the Hdrol at the same time as the clen. BUT I need to know the answer to those questions I listed first.See below

    3. Cycle assist for a week prior and a week after the cycle. You need 2 bottles.and Roger

    4. See answer 2.

    Need age/height/weight/bodyfat/experience/goals or we can't tell you much.

    39 years old
    6'0" tall
    28% BF

    I have served in the military for about 18 years. I don't know my exact BF% but if I had to take a guess I would say it's about 28% (Army Tape Test). I have been lifting weights off and on since high school. The last time I lifted regularly was about two years ago. I just recently started lifting again(3 months). Due to the years of physical punishment on my body being in the military, my knees are shot. My patellar ligaments in both knees are degenerated so bad that there is a possibility that they could rupture. Because of this, I can no longer run for cardio.....hence the 234lbs. I went from 190 to 234 in about 6 months. I now have to take drastic measures. About the only cardio I can do is walking, elliptical and maybe spinning. I will have to see the doc next week and get another set of injections in the knees to see if I can do that.

    My health issues are as follows:
    High Cholesterol (taking Fenofibrate to control)
    High Triglycerides (taking Fenofibrate to control)
    Smoker (1 pk a day) Quitting next week
    Obstructive sleep apnea (Use a CPAP machine)
    Plus just getting plain OLD!

    Due to the limitations that I have on cardio, my main source of fat burning will have to come from lifting those heavy a$$ weights in the gym. I'm in dire need of cutting fat from my body. I refuse to use the supps that you can buy from the local GNC. I just don't believe that they will work. I'm considering going to something stronger. Can anyone help me with the below listed stacks? I'm ready to buy now but would like to get some recommendations. My main goals are:

    1. Reduce BF% to 20-22%
    2. Build Mass
    3. Build Massive strength
    4. Cut to around 12% BF

    I am current deployed and I have nothing to do except work, eat, work out and sleep. I have 11 mos. to reach my final goal of around 190lbs, 12% BF, and able to Bench 350lbs. Is this a realistic goal for 11 mos (BF%age)? Also, my 1st goal of reducing body fat by 6-8% (20-22%), is this a realistic goal to accomplish in 8 weeks using the clen on it's own? If not, can someone recommend something for me? I have no connections, and have to purchase my supps online with a cc.

  8. #8
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigslick7878 View Post
    If he is going to run clen PCT is not the time to do it IMO. That is when you are desperately trying to preserve muscle, and clen won't do that it will hurt the muscle retention. I have ran it many times and the idea that clen is some how anti catabolic I have not found to be true. Many claim it has "anti catabolic" properties but I have not seen that at all.

    Clen will drain you, period. You could end up losing a lot of your gains if you try to go on clen during PCT. It is best to run it while "on" Hdrol, or after PCT. Personally I would run it on Hdrol with no fear of muscle loss. I have been doing this for the past 8 weeks off and on and have seen great results.

    I would run the clen before the cycle or during it. Good, I have not found anyone running clen and H-drol together. I have seen a couple of threads that say not to do it. Can you be more specific in your H-Drol/Clen cycle? I would love to see your dosing.

    Agree about the 75mg from jump street, Hdrol is pretty mild and you don't have much to worry about running it like that.
    Thanks for the reply. My Main goal for the first 8 weeks is to try and cut 6-8% of bodyfat (currently 28%). Not sure if this is possible as I have been about 12-16% for the last 10 years. I was an avid runner, but now I can't run anymore and I'm in alien territory. I have to drastically change my diet/eating habbits.

  9. #9
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    Initial Dosing
    Day 1 40mcg =.2ml
    Day 2 60mcg =.3ml
    Day 3 80mcg =.4ml
    Day 4 100mcg =.5ml
    Day 5 120mcg =.6ml

    120mcg =.6ml @40/60/20?? How should I dose this throughout the day?

    I will take Benadryl 50 to 100mg on weeks 3, 6 and post cycle.

  10. #10
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeC6Z51 View Post

    39 years old
    6'0" tall
    28% BF

    I have served in the military for about 18 years. I don't know my exact BF% but if I had to take a guess I would say it's about 28% (Army Tape Test). I have been lifting weights off and on since high school. The last time I lifted regularly was about two years ago. I just recently started lifting again(3 months). Due to the years of physical punishment on my body being in the military, my knees are shot. My patellar ligaments in both knees are degenerated so bad that there is a possibility that they could rupture. Because of this, I can no longer run for cardio.....hence the 234lbs. I went from 190 to 234 in about 6 months. I now have to take drastic measures. About the only cardio I can do is walking, elliptical and maybe spinning. I will have to see the doc next week and get another set of injections in the knees to see if I can do that.

    My health issues are as follows:
    High Cholesterol (taking Fenofibrate to control)
    High Triglycerides (taking Fenofibrate to control)
    Smoker (1 pk a day) Quitting next week
    Obstructive sleep apnea (Use a CPAP machine)
    Plus just getting plain OLD!

    Due to the limitations that I have on cardio, my main source of fat burning will have to come from lifting those heavy a$$ weights in the gym. I'm in dire need of cutting fat from my body. I refuse to use the supps that you can buy from the local GNC. I just don't believe that they will work. I'm considering going to something stronger. Can anyone help me with the below listed stacks? I'm ready to buy now but would like to get some recommendations. My main goals are:

    1. Reduce BF% to 20-22%
    2. Build Mass
    3. Build Massive strength
    4. Cut to around 12% BF

    I am current deployed and I have nothing to do except work, eat, work out and sleep. I have 11 mos. to reach my final goal of around 190lbs, 12% BF, and able to Bench 350lbs. Is this a realistic goal for 11 mos (BF%age)? Also, my 1st goal of reducing body fat by 6-8% (20-22%), is this a realistic goal to accomplish in 8 weeks using the clen on it's own? If not, can someone recommend something for me? I have no connections, and have to purchase my supps online with a cc.
    Wow, don't know where to start I will try to go in order here...

    1. Your bodyfat of 28% is WAY too high for any type of cycle. Get that out of your head because you can't do it and have good results at that percentage. Ideally you should be around 15%-17% at the MOST. At 28% you are at LEAST a year away, and that is with killer cardio for a year straight, and eating right.

    2. You should not be doing a cycle with only 3 months lifting under your belt currently, I don't care how off and on you have been lifting over the years. The bottom line is you need.....again....about another year in the nat-u-ral to hit a plateau which you are not even close to right now.

    3. You can lift all the weights in the world 7 days a week but the fat loss will be nothing compared to what you can do with cardio. I once thought that you could burn fat by just doing that, I found out that is not the case and adjusted my schedule accordingly. You need to get with your doctor and find out what your knees can handle, cardio is the only way to really lose a lot of fat which you need to do. I exclusively use a stationary bike for cardio and it is not hard on the knees at all, you will be sore afterwords a tiny bit but more in your upper leg muscles.

    4.I don't think I need to go into how bad smoking a pack a day of cigarettes is for you, just look at your health issues. I pray you can quit because it is hard. But it CAN be done even at 39 I know of a lot of people who have quit that late.

    5. You need to set realistic goals as far as fat loss. At your bodyfat the best you might be able to hope for is this (a guesstimate from what I have been doing cutting for the last 3 months....


    Month 1 - 25%
    Month 2 - 23%
    Month 3 - 21%
    Month 4 - 20%
    Month 5 - 19%
    Month 6 - 18%

    Here is where it gets hard. it is much easier to drop fat when you have a lot of it, the leaner you get the harder it is to knock it off.

    Month 7 - 17%
    Month 8 - 16%
    Month 9 - 15%

    That should put you around 195-198lb and THEN you might be able to squeeze a cycle in before you come home.

    This is assuming your diet is on point and you do cardio and workouts religiously. The one good thing you have going for you is you put all that weight on in only 6 months, it is not like it has gradually got like that over a long period of time.

    6. Most of the fat burning supplements these days are garbage, the only thing you should be spending your money on is clen . I do not like your on all the time approach though considering where you are at physically. This is going to be a long process, and there is no need to shoot your load for 6 weeks straight. I don't believe in the benadryl but do know you will develop a tolerance for clen quickly, that is why 2on/2off works well. I take 50-75 of benadryl eveyr night to help with sleep and for me it does not do anything for the clen. It is super effective for the first week, then steadily drops off even at high dose.

    I start at 100mcg and get it up to 200 pretty quick for the 2 weeks. A better approach for you is to do 2 on/ 2 off for an extended period of time. It is not like you are in shape and just trying a 6-8 week cut. You have almost a year, no need to go on the clen for 6 weeks at a time, and I shudder to think how it will be afffecting you after that amount of time. Based on my experience it will be doing nothing after a while....a short while.

    7. There are other supplements you should be taking regardless as staples, we can get into that later. There are products out there worth it but you have to know what they are. Look in my 2 week on/2 week off thread and you can see what I am taking for PCT and when I am off for the next 5 months.

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeC6Z51 View Post

    I would run the clen before the cycle or during it. Good, I have not found anyone running clen and H-drol together. I have seen a couple of threads that say not to do it. Can you be more specific in your H-Drol/Clen cycle? I would love to see your dosing.

    Thanks for the reply. My Main goal for the first 8 weeks is to try and cut 6-8% of bodyfat (currently 28%). Not sure if this is possible as I have been about 12-16% for the last 10 years. I was an avid runner, but now I can't run anymore and I'm in alien territory. I have to drastically change my diet/eating habbits.
    See the realistic goals for fat loss above. 5% in the first 2 months is doable, but with your cardio situation gonna be tough.

    I ran Epistane/tren /and clen at the same time. Look for my Spawn/clen 2 week on 2 week off thread. But you are not ready for a cycle so it should not matter. It is very informative though for FUTURE reference.

    You MUST get your diet right. Go to that section and you will find out what you need. Off the top of my head I would say 2500 calories, 40/35/15 protein/carb/fat split to start out.

    But the main thing you need to do right now is figure out how you are going to do cardio, and how much you can handle because it is a MUST. Running is probably what helped get your knees where they are now, find something low impact like spinning or an elliptical machine.

    And finally thank you for serving our country.
    Last edited by bigslick7878; 11-02-2010 at 12:20 AM.

  11. #11
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    Thumbs up

    bigslick7878....1st off, thank you for your detailed reply. I will research your threads. To answer to some of your statements....

    1. Your bodyfat of 28% is WAY too high for any type of cycle. Get that out of your head because you can't do it and have good results at that percentage. Ideally you should be around 15%-17% at the MOST. At 28% you are at LEAST a year away, and that is with killer cardio for a year straight, and eating right.

    I'm estimating this BF%. We use the tape method in the Army (Neck/Abdomin ratio) I feel that this is unfair to me because the majority of my fat in on my belly. My legs, arms and chest are still mosty LBM. So in reality maybe it's not 28%, but it is still too high.

    2. You should not be doing a cycle with only 3 months lifting under your belt currently, I don't care how off and on you have been lifting over the years. The bottom line is you need.....again....about another year in the nat-u-ral to hit a plateau which you are not even close to right now.

    I understand where your coming from here, but will my athleticism count for anything? Aside from my high cholesterol, which comes from my shitty eating habbits, I'm in pretty good shape for a fat guy . I have been running for 30 years. I have ran several 1/2 marathons, normally complete my 2 mile run test in 13:00 (that's pretty good for 39yo), highly active in sports, (Basketball, Soccer, Flag Football), also active in MMA/Army Combatives. I had maintained a healthy weight of 180-195 for the past two years. It's just recently that my knees have given up on me and because of this, I had to stop all my activity level. I guess it pissed off my metabolism and and it took a dump on me. Because of my high activity level, i never had to worry about my diet. Hence the high cholesterol.

    1. Your bodyfat of 28% is WAY too high for any type of cycle. Get that out of your head because you can't do it and have good results at that percentage. Ideally you should be around 15%-17% at the MOST. At 28% you are at LEAST a year away, and that is with killer cardio for a year straight, and eating right.

    I would think that the more body fat that you have the more beneficial a "Fat Burning" susbtance would be seeing that the least BF you have the haarder it is to get rid of. Does this not make sense?

    2. You should not be doing a cycle with only 3 months lifting under your belt currently, I don't care how off and on you have been lifting over the years. The bottom line is you need.....again....about another year in the nat-u-ral to hit a plateau which you are not even close to right now.

    3. You can lift all the weights in the world 7 days a week but the fat loss will be nothing compared to what you can do with cardio. I once thought that you could burn fat by just doing that, I found out that is not the case and adjusted my schedule accordingly. You need to get with your doctor and find out what your knees can handle, cardio is the only way to really lose a lot of fat which you need to do. I exclusively use a stationary bike for cardio and it is not hard on the knees at all, you will be sore afterwords a tiny bit but more in your upper leg muscles.

    4.I don't think I need to go into how bad smoking a pack a day of cigarettes is for you, just look at your health issues. I pray you can quit because it is hard. But it CAN be done even at 39 I know of a lot of people who have quit that late.

    Working on this right now.

    Again, Thank you for your reply.
    Last edited by JoeC6Z51; 11-02-2010 at 11:22 AM.

  12. #12
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeC6Z51 View Post
    bigslick7878....1st off, thank you for your detailed reply. I will research your threads. To answer to some of your statements....

    1. Your bodyfat of 28% is WAY too high for any type of cycle. Get that out of your head because you can't do it and have good results at that percentage. Ideally you should be around 15%-17% at the MOST. At 28% you are at LEAST a year away, and that is with killer cardio for a year straight, and eating right.

    I'm estimating this BF%. We use the tape method in the Army (Neck/Abdomin ratio) I feel that this is unfair to me because the majority of my fat in on my belly. My legs, arms and chest are still mosty LBM. So in reality maybe it's not 28%, but it is still too high.

    2. You should not be doing a cycle with only 3 months lifting under your belt currently, I don't care how off and on you have been lifting over the years. The bottom line is you need.....again....about another year in the nat-u-ral to hit a plateau which you are not even close to right now.

    I understand where your coming from here, but will my athleticism count for anything? Aside from my high cholesterol, which comes from my shitty eating habbits, I'm in pretty good shape for a fat guy . I have been running for 30 years. I have ran several 1/2 marathons, normally complete my 2 mile run test in 13:00 (that's pretty good for 39yo), highly active in sports, (Basketball, Soccer, Flag Football), also active in MMA/Army Combatives. I had maintained a healthy weight of 180-195 for the past two years. It's just recently that my knees have given up on me and because of this, I had to stop all my activity level. I guess it pissed off my metabolism and and it took a dump on me. Because of my high activity level, i never had to worry about my diet. Hence the high cholesterol.

    1. Your bodyfat of 28% is WAY too high for any type of cycle. Get that out of your head because you can't do it and have good results at that percentage. Ideally you should be around 15%-17% at the MOST. At 28% you are at LEAST a year away, and that is with killer cardio for a year straight, and eating right.

    I would think that the more body fat that you have the more beneficial a "Fat Burning" susbtance would be seeing that the least BF you have the haarder it is to get rid of. Does this not make sense?

    2. You should not be doing a cycle with only 3 months lifting under your belt currently, I don't care how off and on you have been lifting over the years. The bottom line is you need.....again....about another year in the nat-u-ral to hit a plateau which you are not even close to right now.

    3. You can lift all the weights in the world 7 days a week but the fat loss will be nothing compared to what you can do with cardio. I once thought that you could burn fat by just doing that, I found out that is not the case and adjusted my schedule accordingly. You need to get with your doctor and find out what your knees can handle, cardio is the only way to really lose a lot of fat which you need to do. I exclusively use a stationary bike for cardio and it is not hard on the knees at all, you will be sore afterwords a tiny bit but more in your upper leg muscles.

    4.I don't think I need to go into how bad smoking a pack a day of cigarettes is for you, just look at your health issues. I pray you can quit because it is hard. But it CAN be done even at 39 I know of a lot of people who have quit that late.

    Working on this right now.

    Again, Thank you for your reply.
    1. 28%, 25% whatever it does not matter you aren't even in the ballpark. And most men carry all their fat around their stomachs so you are not unlike every other male in that regard. Post a picture and I can narrow it down to a 2% margin of error. But either way it is way too high. You will experience the one thing that no male wants if you cycle at that high number, ERSE (estrogen related side efffects) and trust me that is a road you do not want to go down.

    2. All that activity does not do much for muscle mass, and honestly if you have gained all that weight in the past 6 months you have not been very active at all. You want to max out your natural muscle mass before you cycle, because in order to get the most out of a cycle you need to be pushing it and be able to handle a heavy workload while "on". You might not need another 9 months, but 6 at least. Your body has to be at it's limit before you cycle so you can push it over that limit constantly while on. 3 months is just not enough time to get you there.

    3. In theory you are right, and it goes back to what I said about how the fat will come off a lot at first and then slow down dramatically. But that does not change what the effect of the clen will be if you are on it for a long time. Think about it, what is the difference if your goal is almost a year away? You can do 5 months on over a 10 month period regardless of how you split it up, so why not just do the 2on/2off? Clen is not something you can just stay on forever, your tolerance builds up fast that is why the 2 week break is ideal. You can't stay on clen for 6 months straight.

    4. Figure out the cardio situation, number 1 priority.

    5. Get yourself a measuring tape(go to they have ones specifically so you can do it yourself) and take all your measurements now and track them. Calf, bicep, quad, around the belly button, exact weight when your stomach is empty in the morning. Track them and keep a record, then you will know how to tweak everything from cardio to diet as you go along and how much progress you are making.

    It will keep you motivated because sometimes when you feel like you aren't really making progress you are, it is just hard to see when you look at yourself every day.

  13. #13
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigslick7878 View Post
    1. 28%, 25% whatever it does not matter you aren't even in the ballpark. And most men carry all their fat around their stomachs so you are not unlike every other male in that regard. Post a picture and I can narrow it down to a 2% margin of error. But either way it is way too high. You will experience the one thing that no male wants if you cycle at that high number, ERSE (estrogen related side efffects) and trust me that is a road you do not want to go down.

    2. All that activity does not do much for muscle mass, and honestly if you have gained all that weight in the past 6 months you have not been very active at all. You want to max out your natural muscle mass before you cycle, because in order to get the most out of a cycle you need to be pushing it and be able to handle a heavy workload while "on". You might not need another 9 months, but 6 at least. Your body has to be at it's limit before you cycle so you can push it over that limit constantly while on. 3 months is just not enough time to get you there.

    3. In theory you are right, and it goes back to what I said about how the fat will come off a lot at first and then slow down dramatically. But that does not change what the effect of the clen will be if you are on it for a long time. Think about it, what is the difference if your goal is almost a year away? You can do 5 months on over a 10 month period regardless of how you split it up, so why not just do the 2on/2off? Clen is not something you can just stay on forever, your tolerance builds up fast that is why the 2 week break is ideal. You can't stay on clen for 6 months straight.

    4. Figure out the cardio situation, number 1 priority.

    5. Get yourself a measuring tape(go to they have ones specifically so you can do it yourself) and take all your measurements now and track them. Calf, bicep, quad, around the belly button, exact weight when your stomach is empty in the morning. Track them and keep a record, then you will know how to tweak everything from cardio to diet as you go along and how much progress you are making.

    It will keep you motivated because sometimes when you feel like you aren't really making progress you are, it is just hard to see when you look at yourself every day.

    Thanks Bigslick, I'll take your advice. I will wait on cycling the clen. I did some HITT cardio this morning on the stationay bike for 50 mins. 1st time I've used a bike. it was pretty harsh on my knees once I got off, but I need another set of injections anyway. I should be getting those tomorrow. Diet is gonna be difficult here in Iraq. I have to eat in the DFAC and I normally eat from the "Health Bar". Meats are Grilled Chicken, Baked fish, and a Turkey Meatloaf. They haven't had Chicken for the past 2 days and it's hard going back and forth from the three meats. I'll keep working on it,.....I'll take my measurements and keep you posted. Thanks

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