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Thread: fat burning

  1. #1
    MAC27 is offline Junior Member
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    fat burning

    I start my day by going to the gym on an empty stomach to jog for 45 min. about 15 min before my jog is over I take 2 capsles of BCAA 1000 from optimum nutrition. Right after run I go home and eat a heafty breakfast consisting of 7 egg whites and 1 hole egg also 3/4 cup oats.

    Im wondering if takeing a tablespoon of L-Carnitine before I leave the house to go to gym would be a good idea? Also wondering about CLA 1300mg? I dont have a huge amount of fat but just some stubborn spots that seem to not wanna burn off to easily.

    My lifting supplements consist of WPI, caisen, Xpand, fish oil

  2. #2
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAC27 View Post
    I start my day by going to the gym on an empty stomach to jog for 45 min. about 15 min before my jog is over I take 2 capsles of BCAA 1000 from optimum nutrition. Right after run I go home and eat a heafty breakfast consisting of 7 egg whites and 1 hole egg also 3/4 cup oats.

    Im wondering if takeing a tablespoon of L-Carnitine before I leave the house to go to gym would be a good idea? Also wondering about CLA 1300mg? I dont have a huge amount of fat but just some stubborn spots that seem to not wanna burn off to easily.

    My lifting supplements consist of WPI, caisen, Xpand, fish oil
    I would bump the BCAA's up, I usually take about 8 caps. 2 grams isn't much.

    Carnitine and CLA definitely won't hurt. CLA has anti catabolic along with fat burning benefits, and carnitine is great for energy before any activity like cardio.

  3. #3
    ricksherryjosh's Avatar
    ricksherryjosh is offline Junior Member
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    I would also wait at least 1 to 1.5 hours before I would eat carbs. Carbs raise your blood sugar. Complex carbs raise slower and lower over a longer period of time. Simple carbs faster and higher for a short duration of time. leave the carbs out of the morning meal and eat it as a snack about 1.5 hours after you run. That is what I do.

  4. #4
    MAC27 is offline Junior Member
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    Ah very interesting thought about the carbs. i havent tried this but i can see the point. Is it essential to have simple carbs in a diet plan, as of now all i eat is complex?

  5. #5
    MAC27 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigslick7878 View Post
    I would bump the BCAA's up, I usually take about 8 caps. 2 grams isn't much.

    Carnitine and CLA definitely won't hurt. CLA has anti catabolic along with fat burning benefits, and carnitine is great for energy before any activity like cardio.
    I did not relize they are a gram each, im new to the BCAA's so i was just following the back of the bottle. I will be bumping this up tomorrow! Thanks for the heads up. Also CLA says to take with meal but can i take it with the carnitine before i head to the gym?

  6. #6
    DeepBreath's Avatar
    DeepBreath is offline New Member
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    I've taken CLA on empty and with meal. I can't tell the difference either way. Nor can I tell it works.

  7. #7
    jypoll's Avatar
    jypoll is offline Member
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    CLA is very good for fat burning, but I believe you have to take a minimum of 4g daily for it to be effective

  8. #8
    MAC27 is offline Junior Member
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    these products will be ok with the BCAA'S in my stomach at the same time?

  9. #9
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAC27 View Post
    these products will be ok with the BCAA'S in my stomach at the same time?
    Yep. There are a lot of things you want to take on an empty stomach for absorption purposes. They don't interfere with each other for the most part.

  10. #10
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAC27 View Post
    I start my day by going to the gym on an empty stomach to jog for 45 min. about 15 min before my jog is over I take 2 capsles of BCAA 1000 from optimum nutrition. Right after run I go home and eat a heafty breakfast consisting of 7 egg whites and 1 hole egg also 3/4 cup oats.
    Don't misunderstand me, empty stomach cardio is a good habit and has some benefit. However, it works better in theory than in practice. In other words the results aren’t as great as the reputation.

    Don’t worry about waiting to eat your carbs, as a matter of fact, you should get them in as soon as possible after training. When you couple the pseudo-fasting state created by sleeping all night with the extra hour of nutrient deprivation during your cardio, carbs are not only warranted but invaluable to first to replenishing your deleted liver and bloodstream glycogen stores, and second to stoking your metabolic furnace to start your day. The need for carbs at this time is analogous to that of the post-workout meal…get them in fast!!!

    Im wondering if takeing a tablespoon of L-Carnitine before I leave the house to go to gym would be a good idea?
    Carn is great, but has a minimum of 1gm for this purpose, check your tablespoon dosage.

    Also wondering about CLA 1300mg? I dont have a huge amount of fat but just some stubborn spots that seem to not wanna burn off to easily.
    Technically, CLA & GLA versions of fats classified as a medium-chain triglyceride (MCTs) a virtually pre-digested fat form, that helps to better mobilize stored fat. The same mobilization characteristic can be said of Carn, and fish, sunflower, safflower, evening primrose, borage and flaxseed oils. They are best taken with meals.

    My lifting supplements consist of WPI, caisen, Xpand, fish oil
    Don't overdo your oils, use your waistline as a barometer.
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  11. #11
    ricksherryjosh's Avatar
    ricksherryjosh is offline Junior Member
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    I disagree with magic32 on the carbs as soon as you are done with cardio.
    here is why. You do cardio to burn fat, build endurance, and to keep your heart strong. If you don't care about dropping fat then by all means I agree with magic, but if you are trying to drop fat I would leave the carbs alone for at least one hour after cardio. Your body will continue to burn fat after your cardio for at least an hour unless you take in the carbs. The carbs raise your insulin level causing your body to stop burning fat (that is not theory) as soon as you boost your insulin you shut down the fat burning until the insulin level drops, but it also gives an energy boots. So it depends on what you are trying to do. If you were lifting instead of cardio I would agree with magic. I'm not saying magic is wrong just another opinion. That why it's hard for me to run or do cardio in the morning I need the energy and my body craves carbs after running.
    Last edited by ricksherryjosh; 11-06-2010 at 11:31 PM.

  12. #12
    MAC27 is offline Junior Member
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    I do have a cup of oatmeal after weight training, im going to try to eat my carbs an hour arfter cardio since i have some time before work and see how that works out.

  13. #13
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    Magic is correct. I would also take the BCAAs right when waking (before cardio)

    As for fat burning, its all about diet, and maybe up your cardio.

    As for supplements, ECA stack or clen .

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