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  1. #1
    hotxrod is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    question about history with SPAWN

    Im 24. I took a cycle of Spawn when i was 21 with no real knowledge. Just a bodybuilder friend of mine said, take spawn it will work great. At the time i didnt realize how hardcore it was since i just walked into the store and could buy it. I didnt take any kind of PCT and havent taken anything on that level since... Im not lookin to get flamed here.. i already know it wasnt smart to just take this stuff without knowing anything about it. But it seems that since then ive lost my "edge" I feel like i have much less aggression, much less motivation, and more emotional i guess you could say. Just want to know what i should do to bring my hormones back to the way they should be. Or if im maybe just over thinking everything.....And the results were AMAZING. If i did it right i wouldnt mind taking it again without the side effects and witht the right PCT... or another product that could offer the same results. Any help would definitely be appreciated.

  2. #2
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    You are overthinking everything.

    If you have not taken anything in 3 years you are probably fine.

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