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  1. #1
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    Please Critique my 1st H-Drol Cycle.

    This will be my first PH cycle. I’ve done a lot of research and I have found a lot of different opinions. Could an experienced PH user look at my cycle and critique it? Also I have a couple of questions that I have not been able to fine answers too.

    H-Drol Cycle Log

    Pre Cycle (1 week prior to start of H-drol)
    CEL Cycle assist (4 caps 2X daily)

    On Cycle
    CEL H-Drol 75/75/75/75/75/75
    Taurine (as needed for back pumps)
    CEL Cycle Assist (Throughout Cycle)
    Glutamine (5gm’s pre and post workout)
    Muscle Milk Protein Shake (pre and post workout, 1hr prior to bedtime)
    Hydroxycut Hardcore X (pre morning cardio and pre workout)
    Jack3d or Superpump (Pre workout)
    BCAAs (during Workout)

    Liquid Tomax (40/40/20/20)
    Standardized Milk Thistle
    GNC Triple Strength Fish Oil plus Resveratrol
    Now® NAC
    Vitamin C

    1. CEL cycle assist. It is recommended to start this 2 weeks out prior to cycle. I have seen most people say to start it one week out. Is one week out sufficient?

    2. Do I really need to continue to take CEL Cycle assist throughout the entire 6 week cycle? If so, do I still take the recommended dosage of 8 pills daily?

    3. I started taking the Hydroxycut because it was the only product available where I am. I just received my Clen from AR-R , but I’m gonna wait to cycle that well after my H-Drol cycle. Should I discontinue my use of Hydroxycut while on H-drol or will it be safe to continue its use?

    4. Will the Tomax be enough for PCT or do I really need an AI? I have found many different opinions on this. If I do need it which would you recommended from AR-R: Letro, Dex or Stane?

    5. Last question, should I take a test booster? If so what would you recommend? It has to be OTC because I don’t have a safe source.

    Thanks for your time.
    Last edited by JoeC6Z51; 12-01-2010 at 10:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    what are your goals for this cycle bro, are you bulking,cutting?....also some stats would help in answering your questions....

  3. #3
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    Copperas Cove, TX

    Age: 39
    HT: 6'0"
    BF% 22

    Goals: Right now I'm concentrating on Lean body mass and cutting to about 18-20%. After my H-Drol cycle, I'm gong to do a cycle of Clen to cut down to hopefully 12-15%. I'm not sure if cutting from 18 to 12% is feasible on a 6 to 8 week cycle of clen. Once I'm done with that I will do another Cycle of H-drol and stack it with another PH for a bulk cycle. Why am I cutting down first? Because I'm in the Army and they Army has BF standards. At my age I'm authorize a MAX BF of 24%. I don't want to do a Buck cycle first and put myself over the 24% standard.
    Last edited by JoeC6Z51; 12-02-2010 at 02:24 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    is see bro, your cycle as laid out is g2g although i will advise you to remember that your diet and cardio will dictate how succsesfull the cycle will be in your goals...feel free to check out the diet forum and maybee post your diet up, as there are good peeps willing to help you should your diet need tweeking...otherwise good luck...

  5. #5
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeC6Z51 View Post

    Age: 39
    HT: 6'0"
    BF% 22

    Goals: Right now I'm concentrating on Lean body mass and cutting to about 18-20%. After my H-Drol cycle, I'm gong to do a cycle of Clen to cut down to hopefully 12-15%. I'm not sure if cutting from 18 to 12% is feasible on a 6 to 8 week cycle of clen. Once I'm done with that I will do another Cycle of H-drol and stack it with another PH for a bulk cycle. Why am I cutting down first? Because I'm in the Army and they Army has BF standards. At my age I'm authorize a MAX BF of 24%. I don't want to do a Buck cycle first and put myself over the 24% standard.
    I can tell you have researched well but you are not ready for a cycle at 22% bodyfat. That is an indicator of a lot of things, all telling me you are far away.

    Clen is a good idea. A bottle might get you down to 18-19% if you bust your ass in a 2 month period. That is the max, you aren't going to be dropping 6-10% of bodyfat in a 2 month period. Not happening without serious muscle loss, and you don't want that.

    IMO I would cut hard for a month or two, and THEN start with the clen if you are successful. You will hit a wall and clen would be better served taken at that time, not right away. When you first start cutting you will drop fat like there is no tomorrow, then it will stall after your body adjusts.

    Honestley to get from 22% down to 15% where you should be for a cycle should take about 4-5 months of hard work. You need to drop about 25-30 pounds slowly, even at a 2lb a week rate that is about 4 months.

  6. #6
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeC6Z51 View Post
    Great Info here. My diet is very difficult since I'm deployed to IRAQ. Right now I eat mainly chicke breast and baked fish, sometimes Turkey meatloaf. I will add steamed Veggis like broccoli and coliflauer(sp?) I suplimen the between snacks with protien shakes or salad (lettuce with turkey chunks and a little low fat dressing) I get my Carbs from wheat bread, brown rice, and the protien shakes. I keep track of all this on a log here is what my meal plan today looks like:

    CAL: 2168
    CARB: 130.9g (24%)
    PRO: 243.3 (42%)
    FAT: 76.3 (34%)

    Today is Chest and Tri's and Cardio
    I actually think that is to low for calories by a little bit, but a lot of that depends on the amount of cardio you are doing. If you do 45x5 2100 is not enough, you should be around 2500 clean calories a day. That is maintenance for your size taking into account for bodyfat. Remember you want to take the weight off at a slow controlled pace, or you will be losing muscle. I would try to get your carbs up a little 130 is not enough, make sure they are complex though. Protein and fat looks good. Food choices look good in general. Lot of chicken, vegetables and complex carbs as many times you can eat that a day.

    Also if possible do the cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach separate from your workout.

  7. #7
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm not running these cycly's right away. I'm waiting to do the Hdrol in about 2 months, and the clen cycle is for June time frame. I guess I made it sound like I was starting it tomorrow. I'm just trying to get all my ducks ready.

  8. #8
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeC6Z51 View Post
    I'm not running these cycly's right away. I'm waiting to do the Hdrol in about 2 months, and the clen cycle is for June time frame. I guess I made it sound like I was starting it tomorrow. I'm just trying to get all my ducks ready.
    Regardless here is the path you should follow...

    Month 1 - Natural cut, lot of cardio (45min x 5 a week) maintenance calories
    Month 2 - Same as month 1

    At this point you should hit a little wall, now introduce the clen . You MAY hit a wall earlier depending on a number of factors. Play it by er and if you think you are stalling then add the clen earlier. Go 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. You should have enough in the bottle to do that for about 2 months. Goal after the first 2 months should be about 18% bodyfat down from 22%. Again, it comes off fast at first especially whn you are that high. You WILL NOT be able to maintain that pace so don't think you will.

    Month 3 - Natural cut w/clen
    Month 4 - Natural cut w/clen

    Now you should be down to to the 15-16% bodyfat range. I am guessing weight around 200 at your height.

    Now you are primed and ready for the Hdrol, which is what I and many use for the first go around. Take 75mg all the way through like you laid out, PCT of Nolva for 4 weeks after and you will be back up to 215-220lbs at around 16% bodyfat.

    Your first cycle will produce the best results by FAR, if you do it right you won't believe the gains even with a mild compound like Hdrol. If you jump in when you aren't ready you will get results, but they won't be nearly as good.

  9. #9
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    Great Info here. My diet is very difficult since I'm deployed to IRAQ. Right now I eat mainly chicke breast and baked fish, sometimes Turkey meatloaf. I will add steamed Veggis like broccoli and coliflauer(sp?) I suplimen the between snacks with protien shakes or salad (lettuce with turkey chunks and a little low fat dressing) I get my Carbs from wheat bread, brown rice, and the protien shakes. I keep track of all this on a log here is what my meal plan today looks like:

    CAL: 2330
    CARB: 131.9g (22.5%)
    PRO: 269.3g (46%)
    FAT: 82.3g (31.5%)

    Today is Chest and Tri's and Cardio

    Well, got too busy at work today. Couldnt go to the gym until 8:15pm. We worked Chest and Tri's for aboout 1hr and 20 mins. wore the shit out of me. Too tired to do cardio.
    Last edited by JoeC6Z51; 12-02-2010 at 01:58 PM. Reason: change in workout

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