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  1. #1
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2007

    Powerlabs Nutrition Primabol (Superdrol Clone) -best sup I've ever used, anyone else?

    First of all, let it be known I am in no way associated with Powerlab Nutrition nor am I advocating use of a "Superdrol Clone," but I would like to know if anyone else has tried this one.

    I had been off all juice for close to a year and I decided to finally hop on this substance because I saw nothing but positive reviews about its ability to add lean muscle mass.

    Well, Primabol doesn't disappoint, in fact, I fear it added the pounds a little too quick. I stepped on the scale 3 weeks ago at 6'0", 202 lbs, 12% bf, and within 7 days I was floating around 216-218 lbs, 11% bf, every exercise I perform having gone up 30-40% in weight, and you can tack on a few more reps to every set as well.

    This is nothing surprising, though, as I used to weigh 240 lbs, so anytime I really pump a hormone into me, I'm going to shoot up in weight overnight.

    What I'm asking is: Has anyone else used this particular product? It is a superdrol clone, so none of the results should be startling, but Powerlab's "Absorbtech" system is supposed to help keep liver values in check, unlike traditional superdrol.

    I can honestly say, I don't think I've felt a real negative single side effect. And the only times I thought I may have were after I started looking for them. My head is a little light and I do feel a little fatigue after lifting, but this is nothing new.

    While the weight gain has tapered off (thank goodness) the leaning out and strength gains are still increasing, so I'd like to keep going for another week. Of course, I'm well aware of superdrol's toxicity to the liver, and that's why I'm asking if anyone has used this particular product and whether or not they felt any side effects on it.

  2. #2
    JustDoIt12 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2010
    what type of cycle did you run? same as a superdrol? 4wk?

    what else were you taking at the time? even supplements? what did you diet and workout routine look like?

  3. #3
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    If it is a Superdrol clone you should be pleased.

    I have used it, got a little gyno from it and probably won't use it again.

    I have found better options, I did not really see any difference from the Hdrol I used compared to SD.

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