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Thread: best way to naturally boost my test levels?

  1. #1

    best way to naturally boost my test levels?

    im guessing number one way is heavy lifting. from my experience.

    but apart from going down the gear road what is the best bang for the
    buck way of boosting test.. levels

    anyone put their hand on heart and say they can recommend products
    that work
    because theyre so much hype
    out there i dont know what to believe sometimes

  2. #2
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    most are bunk, better saving your money imo

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    concord nc
    build your legs and try and make them as big as you can. best way to boost natural test levels

  4. #4
    i have heard somewhere eat few raw garlic cloves everyday

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    There are quite a number of "natural" products that are supposed to increase test. Clinically, none of them work for boosting test beyond NORMAL levels. Now, if you are a little older (30+) or for some other reason your test levels have dropped below normal levels, then some of these products MAY help you get back to the normal range. L-Arginine, Tribulus, and Red Ginseng come to mind some of the more legit ones.

    These won't do a damn thing for you if you are under 25 for sure, and probably 35 to be honest. However they may merit some attention as a natural way to assist PCT.

    There is no "natural", or, for that matter, legal product that will give you results that even begin to compare to "the real thing". However if you're under 25 you should take advantage of your naturally high test levels, train hard, eat right (#1 thing that most young guys are missing), and rest.


    I will make one exception as far as my comment about there not being ANY legal products that will noticeably increase test. There are some pro-hormone supplements, such as "HaloTest" that are supposed to work quite well. (No personal experience). However one needs to be very careful about liver protection when using this type of product.
    Last edited by Shroud83; 02-21-2011 at 09:20 PM.

  6. #6
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    in the gym
    co-sign working out legs!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Some Beach Florida U.S.A

  8. #8
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    Mar 2010
    pal of mine uses the product pink magic, he says it works wonders but im not sure to what extent it can actually raise your test levels

  9. #9
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    Feb 2011
    tribulus is a good natural test booster, know a few guys whove tryed it adn they say it works really well. especially if your in ur 40s with low test levels. i take zma which can boost ur test levels, i havent noticed much difference though.

    pink magic is basicly tribulus aswell, all test booster products are.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by X83 View Post
    Thanks X83! The first link was a vast amount of information.

  11. #11
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    May 2003
    I'm a HUGE fan of USPLabs Super Cissus RX. I'm convinced after 2+ years on this product that it is both incredible for your joints and boosts natural test levels.

    Probably the single greatest over the counter supp I've taken in the past 15 years

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    After a months use of Celery Seed Extract I find myself having problems not keeping it down at times. Just looking at someone who is attractive gets me going so I am a true believer of it and plan to stay on it.

  13. #13
    Indeed a heavy leg workout can boost your test and natural gh levels!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro View Post
    After a months use of Celery Seed Extract I find myself having problems not keeping it down at times. Just looking at someone who is attractive gets me going so I am a true believer of it and plan to stay on it.
    what dosage are you taking?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    About dosage in celery seed extract 75mgs twice a day, the effects of it came on late and hard!

  16. #16
    Try taking ultimate nutrition Bulgarian Tribulus. Take three or four capsules a day.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by insert10p View Post

    but apart from going down the gear road what is the best bang for the
    buck way of boosting test.. levels
    Flirting with young attractive women. seriously.

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