Hi guys I would love any help or thourt you have on the proposed cycle...
Firstly abit about me
On october 31st I was a pathetic 133lbs (dispite training for almost a year) so I did I 4 week cycle of RPN HAVOC with cycle assist and novedex XT for PCT. I gained 8lbs of lean muscle and then during PCT i gained another 1lbs, this was music to my ears and what Id been waiting for. I then continued blastin the training and eating well untill I reached 155lbs in JAN. It felt like I had compleatly hit a wall and couldnt gain another pound for a while. Eventually I fell to temptation and in feb I gave another 4 weeks of HAVOC ago and very nievely expected similar results however I only gained around 3 pounds that soon went after PCT and I have slowly dropped to around 152lbs . Looking back I reilise I should have gone with a different compound as I sort of built a tollerance to this. (sorry to bore you with all that lol)

OK THE GOOD STUFF - proposed cycle for sometime next week !! please give me your thourts...
Week 1 - SD matrix (morning and night), cycle assist, milk thistle. (DAYS 1 TO 3)
Week 1 - SD matrix (morning and night), Havoc (preworkout 20mg).cycle assist, milk thistle. (Days 4 to 7)
Week 2 - SD matrix (morning and night), Havoc (preworkout 20mg).cycle assist, milk thistle.
Week 3 as above
Week 4 (PCT) novedex XT 2 before bed, Tribulus in the morning, SERM clomid - ????????
Week 5 as above
Week 6 novedex XT 2 before bed, Tribulus in the morning

Think included everything :s thanks for reading guys, please tell me what you think and also I need abit of help with the serm issue, How much? when to take? and also a reputable place ?