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Thread: what is this 5a-etioallocholan[2,3-c]furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol ether - 50mg

  1. #1

    what is this 5a-etioallocholan[2,3-c]furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol ether - 50mg

    what does that convert into it is suppose to be a prohormone?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
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    this was taken from another site that is a data base for PH

    Trade names include Orastan-A, Furaguno, Furazadrol, Furuza-A, Winabol/Winadrol, Katanadrol 2.0
    Additional nomenclature: 5a-etioallocholan(2,3-)furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol
    Common Dosages: 200mg to 300 mg daily.
    Common Cycle Length: 5-6 Weeks.
    Methylated: No

    Orastan-A is an off shoot legal variation of which is structurally similar to an old and no longer available Japanese steroid called Furzabol.

    Furazabol, also sold under the name Miotolan, was rarely seen outside of Japan. Furazabol is a fairly potent oral anabolic steroid, with properties somewhat similar to its close cousin Winstrol (stanozolol). This compound is a non-methylated derivative of furazabol, and as a result may share certain functional characteristics to this agent.

    There are many different on the market that offer similar results to the original Orastan-A:.


    This compound is on the mild side. It's also non-methylated therefore liver issues aren't a usually a concern. It is seldom used for bulking and tends to be more appropriate for recomping (building muscle while losing fat) or cutting. It's also a good compound to stack due to it being non-methylated.

    There's a reputation for a unique potency toward increasing androgen receptor density, suggesting it can be used to intensify the anabolic effects of other steroids. Such a connection can't be substantiated by the literature. Any effect it has on androgen receptor density likely mimics those of other anabolic steroids, which may include some period of upregulation.

    Overall one can expect this to be a mild to moderately effective anabolic, with low relative androgenicity. It presents minimal liver toxicity, but could negatively affect cholesterol levels.

  3. #3
    I use it for 5 days with hemodraulix, slingshot, melatonin, vitamin komplex and for supporting red blood cells. During this days my performance and power have go up. I don't know how furazadrol is legal or ilegal but this is the best suplement which I have had. Daily I use 100-150mg of furazadrol.

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Its a ver weak non methylated dht dervative. In all likelyhood most all of it will be rendered completely inactive in muscle by 3α-HSD.
    Id save my money if the goal is muscle....

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