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Thread: Best Protein for the Money

  1. #1

    Best Protein for the Money

    What do you all use as a protein supplement? I use ELite or Met-Rx but I know there has got to be something better. However I am not trying to spend 80 bucks on protein. I already spend enough on gear

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venomous View Post
    What do you all use as a protein supplement? I use ELite or Met-Rx but I know there has got to be something better. However I am not trying to spend 80 bucks on protein. I already spend enough on gear
    Right now im using a blend: whey , casein and egg. TBH i relly dont think it makes any difference at all. Before this i was using sportpharma whey because i got it for $22 (5lbs). Ive used whey isolates , hydrolyzed whey proteins , blends , you name it - the fact is - it never made a damn bit of difference . Keep in mind I only drink one shake a day - maybe occasionally 2. I just look for a cheap whey concentrate or cheap blend - if i dont find one i use the "team Skip" blend i mentioned above. I always keep in mind fat and carb content . Every once in a while ill spring for a 2lb jug of Syntrax Nectar - Its a whey isolate but the reason i get it occasionally is it tastes so damn good i cant believe it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I also haven't noticed a difference between the less expensive $20-25 2LB container and the 35-45 container. I use body fortress whey, Vitamin shoppe brand, Muscle Milk whey from Costco or MRM blend protein.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Dymatize Elite XT is pretty awesome. I just buy it at my local Vitamin Shoppe for $34 for 4.6lbs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    EAS 5lbs for 27.99 at BJ's.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    protein sups are a waste of money IMO, took for years, never seen a difference, stopped taking them and didnt see a difference when i stopped either. i just take chocolate milk now as my post workout drink just to get some carbs and a lil protein into my system to buy time before i go home and cook.

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