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Thread: Deprenyl (seligiline) and DLPA combo

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question Deprenyl (seligiline) and DLPA combo

    After hearing about this combo I thought I would give it a try.
    I took 5mg deprenyl with 1000mg DLPA.
    The DLPA was taken 2 hours after the deprenyl.
    There was some stimulation, similar to that of adderall. Focus was well.
    A little irritability.
    Not quite as euphoric as the other reviews I have read, although the other reviews involved taking PEA/deprenyl, but from what I read DLPA converts into roughly 25% PEA.

    Maybe next time I will get PEA and try that with the deprenyl.

    Have any others tried this combo with success?

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slinjim View Post
    After hearing about this combo I thought I would give it a try.
    I took 5mg deprenyl with 1000mg DLPA.
    The DLPA was taken 2 hours after the deprenyl.
    There was some stimulation, similar to that of adderall. Focus was well.
    A little irritability.
    Not quite as euphoric as the other reviews I have read, although the other reviews involved taking PEA/deprenyl, but from what I read DLPA converts into roughly 25% PEA.

    Maybe next time I will get PEA and try that with the deprenyl.

    Have any others tried this combo with success?
    I pesonally think that taking a prescription drug used to treat parkinsons that causes an increase in dopamine levels is pretty foolish. Once you start artifically messing with dopamine levels you are messing with the neurological rewards system which could result in severe depression and other adverse effects once usage is discontinued. In all seriousness you could end up requiring a dopamine agonist for the rest of your life just to feel normal levels of happiness and satisfaction.

    I fail to see where using the above drug and dlpa (which possibly sparks endorphin release) has anything at all to do with fitness. You are borderline walking a slippery slope here (ie: on this site) when you talk about looking for euphoria etc...this is borderline recreational drug use talk which is def prohibited here. Your post may well be edited ......

  3. #3
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    Deprenyl was recently approved for the treatment of depression, so as for causing it I am not too concerned and don't see the connections as I have done my research. Also i guess I should have clarified my intention which was to use it as a ADD/mood enhancing agent. I know it works on the dopamine system as do almost all ADD medication. And I don't see why this cannot be discussed in the lunge....also I have seen a few posts on deprenyl on this site already.

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slinjim View Post
    Deprenyl was recently approved for the treatment of depression, so as for causing it I am not too concerned and don't see the connections as I have done my research. Also i guess I should have clarified my intention which was to use it as a ADD/mood enhancing agent. I know it works on the dopamine system as do almost all ADD medication. And I don't see why this cannot be discussed in the lunge....also I have seen a few posts on deprenyl on this site already.
    Re: bold above - perhaps you were distracted or lost your focus but you posted this in the supplement section.
    You should "research" a little further - there are several neuropsychiatric effects of taking a medication like this and then stopping -exactly as I pointed out (but hey thats on you).
    If you have ADD (let me reiterate - if you have ADD) or suffer from depression and obviously have a prescription for deprenyl ...i dont understand why the self experimentation and seeking advice here. Or perhaps you dont suffer from these disorders and are experimenting for recreational use ? Then again that couldnt be the case because then you would be breaking the rules - as we dont discuss recreational drug use........

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    fair enough.

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