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Thread: Post Workout shake questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Post Workout shake questions

    When it comes to the post workout shake I have read and heard so many varying opinions, so I wanted to clear some of it up. My stats are currently 6 foot, 185lbs and about 14 %BF.

    When it comes to my Post workout shake I am doing about 40 grams of protein and ball park 40 grams of carbs in the form of powdered oatmeal. Is this sufficient?

    What is the pros/cons to using fast acting carbs to slow acting carbs?

    How fast do powdered oats get absorbed?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    That is sufficient. You want fast acting carbs after workout so you can utilize them right away and slow acting for before workout if you can.

    Real food is always better than a shake though but shakes do have their place. I drink a shake pwo and about an hour later eat a solid meal.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    That is sufficient. You want fast acting carbs after workout so you can utilize them right away and slow acting for before workout if you can.

    Real food is always better than a shake though but shakes do have their place. I drink a shake pwo and about an hour later eat a solid meal.

    What type of Protein are you using? I prefer atleast an isolate or hydrolyzed if possible. They are digested much faster the a concentrate or casein. Also, try to saty away fro Ion-Exchanged wheys and go for CFM (cross flow microfiltered) much higher bioavailabity.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    And, don't forget about spiking the bodys insulin levels too when taking in fast acting carbs re post workout. Thats another important factor to consider, and a must take advantage! Take the opportunity of your bodys window of opportunity come post workout drink/meal. Your muscles want to take in glycogen and fast, it's like a sponge so go for it. You will feel much better come your next workout as muscle glycogen will be topped up! This topic obviously can get much deeper. But I'm just skimming the surface to pass on some valid info quick.

  5. #5
    Is this sufficient?

    What is the pros/cons to using fast acting carbs to slow acting carbs?
    Fast acting carbs are fast acting than slow acting carbs!

    Slow acting carbs = complex carbs = slow release of energy = whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, etc...

    fast acting carbs = simple carbs = fast release of energy = orange juice, piece of high glycemic fruit (banana, orange), etc.

    How fast do powdered oats get absorbed?
    Who cares.

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