Im doing a report on teens surrounding bodybuilding and supplementation. If you guys could quickly reply to a few questions it'd help alot.
1. Do you believe the majority of teens lack the knowledge of supplements before buying and using them?
2. Do you believe supplement company advertisments play a big role in influencing teens decisions on which supplements to buy?
3. What do you think the most popular supplements are a teen buys?
4. Do you think teens are looking for the easy route to gain muscle fast and this is the reason they turn to supplements?
5. Do you believe the majority of teens lack the knowledge when its comes to the 3 major aspects of bodybuilding... diet/rest/training??
6. What is the major problem you see in gyms when watching some teens train?? If any.
Ok thats it and if there is anything you'd like to add be my guest really appreciate this guys/gals =)