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Thread: Lab results OF DETOUR bars.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    South Carolina

    Lab results OF DETOUR bars.

    Here's an email I got from

    Recently, the delicious-tasting Detour bar came under
    fire for allegedly not providing what the label claims
    to be so for Calories, Carbs and Fat at a minimum.

    We recently sent a bar to Covance Labs in Madison
    Wisconsin for testing. We've used Covance for years
    for testing our own ISP line. No lab is perfect,
    however, so the saying "don't put all your eggs in
    one basket" is applicable.

    Anyway, here are the results from their testing.

    Claim / Actual
    Calories: 310 / 305
    Total fat: 10g / 9.68g
    Total Carbs: 25g / 27.8g
    Protein: 30g / 26.6g

    In case we lose the formatting here. The left
    column is Next Protein's CLAIM and the right
    column is the ACTUAL according to Covance.

    In my opinion there is no reason to be ticked
    off at Next Proteins here. The calories are
    within 5. The fat is within .32g. The carbs
    are within 2.8g and the <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> is within 3.4.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    That is the new detour bar, since they revamped the numbers and the formula, They taste different now. But good to hear they meet the label..


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