Hey all I'm just getting all my cycle info together going to start a cycle of M1Test I just recently obtained.
So far I'm I'm trying to follow NSA's outline and basic cycle guide he posted.
Week 1-4 : Will be doing 5g creatine daily, saw it in PCT but I don't see why not put it here as well.
Week 1-4 : M1Test 15mg ED (Might bump up to 30mg we shall see, have 60 pills at 15mg/pill)
Week 1-4 : Hawthorn Berry Extract 1500mg ED
Week 1-4 : Can't find the 4-ad anywhere having crappy luck, looking for a replacement for it so need suggestions
Week 1-5 : Tribulus Terrestris, Maca Root, DAA 2,250mg ED (To counter act lethargy/beneficial herb)
Considering throwing in 1000mg Milk Thistle (Was curious if could do the milk thistle/estro blocker I have listed in PCT or if I need just Milk Thistle alone) to assist in liver protection figure better safe then sorry. Opinions would be loved, I don't drink and haven't drank more then few times in my life.
Week 5-8 Looking to pick up Nolvadex 40mg ED then down to 20mg ED after two weeks. Currently have a 2 in 1 PCT that contains 100mg Alpha Lipoic Acid, 300mg N-Acetyl Cysteine, 500mg Milk Thistle, 250mg Dandelion Root, 200mg SAM-e, 250mg Stinging Nettle. Curious as to the comparison of this with Nolvadex
Week 5-8 Milk Thistle 1000mg ED (Need to know if supplement listed above will be ok to take even with all the extras or if should just buy Milk thistle by itself)
Week 5-8 Clomid Therapy, I've found where to get some Clomi but I've heard this might not be necessary but once again I'd prefer to take all the proper precautions. Just would like your guy's opinions.
Would love any suggestions/ideas of what I can do to make this cycle more efficient or if possible for any good sites that can provide good PCTs (That are legal, not requesting illegal products so please no ban haha) Thanks again for the read I'll respond and check this threa promptly.