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Thread: Say I was going to the vitamin and mineral store tomorrow -

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Cool Say I was going to the vitamin and mineral store tomorrow -

    What are the necessary vitamins/minerals I could pick up to improve my daily workout routines and to improve heath?

    I been through all the stickies, but I am going to ask the community anyway to make things easier and to hear peoples opinions.

    (keep an open mind as in the "necassary" vitamins, knowing im already healthly and not having any problems that you may need vitamins for).

    What I figure should be on the list is:

    Thanks all

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Fish oil caps

  4. #4
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    I think this is probably the foundation for what most of us get

    Protein powder
    Creatine Mono
    Fish Oil

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I think this is probably the foundation for what most of us get

    Protein powder
    Creatine Mono
    Fish Oil

    On top of this... (even though I make my own BCAA mixes) starting out.. there are some great BCAA powders that have arginine in them.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loki387 View Post
    On top of this... (even though I make my own BCAA mixes) starting out.. there are some great BCAA powders that have arginine in them.
    paying middle man fees for someone else to mix does two things:

    drives up cost
    forces you to accept the way THEY mix it, instead of how you want it

    just my .02

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    paying middle man fees for someone else to mix does two things:

    drives up cost
    forces you to accept the way THEY mix it, instead of how you want it

    just my .02

    But considering ( no disresepect for the OP ) his/her lack of knowledge of vitamins and what's essential.. its more beneficial for him/her to grab a "off the shelf" product... Its a good starting point .. but if i may point out.. compare BCAA's products and see whats in each.. then post a thread about which one is best

    Also with Multivitamins.... multi products vary between brands... just pick one up like ANIMAL PAK.. or whatever.. and whatever its lacking in nutrients make up for it with real food...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loki387 View Post
    But considering ( no disresepect for the OP ) his/her lack of knowledge of vitamins and what's essential.. its more beneficial for him/her to grab a "off the shelf" product... Its a good starting point .. but if i may point out.. compare BCAA's products and see whats in each.. then post a thread about which one is best

    Also with Multivitamins.... multi products vary between brands... just pick one up like ANIMAL PAK.. or whatever.. and whatever its lacking in nutrients make up for it with real food...
    This is true. out of 5 stars, Centrum gets 1 star and costco's brand Kirkland gets 1.5 stars. the basis of the stars is a comparison between what's on the label and what's actually in the jar. Since no FDA regulation, then pretty much anything goes.....!

  9. #9
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    You boys say multivitamins, there planty of different kinds.
    Which bottles containing what am I searching for?

    Again, vitamins & minerals.
    Ive got my powders down pat, along with fish oil.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMemoryRemains View Post
    You boys say multivitamins, there planty of different kinds.
    Which bottles containing what am I searching for?

    Again, vitamins & minerals.
    Ive got my powders down pat, along with fish oil.

    ffs...DO SOME RESEARCH... each multivitamin is basically the same.... the differences lies within your goals. because each vitamin plays an individual part.... considering your lack of intelligence.. please just go to your local supermarket or vitamin store.. and grab a Multi... as it will "benefit" your health..... No detailed information can be given because u lack details in your questions..

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    I say a good old cheap multi is fine (possibly even useless but whatever)and try to focus on a diet with good nutritional value.
    However that being said if you really are that interested i suggest you read this. It is prob the most comoprehensive information I have seen on specific vitamins i have evere seen compiled. Thanks to IM :

  12. #12
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    Loki - Actually, they are NOT all the same is the point I was trying to make. You can have two or three different brands that more or less are the same on the label. My point is that there can be a huge difference between what is on the label, and what is in the jar. For example, one label might say Vitamin XX has 300mg, yet when analyzed, the pill only has half that. This is actually quite common with the inexpensive multivitamins.

    And you shouldn't flame the newb for asking an honest question, mate!

  13. #13
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    Patrick Arnold just recently commented on how the generic and store brand multis are made by the same companies, in the same manufacturing facilities, using the same ingredients and are often the same exact pills that are in the "name brand" or even pharmaceutical vitamnins (ie pfizer makes many of them). For whatever his input is worth.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 12-03-2011 at 09:16 AM.

  14. #14
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I don't care what it says on the label, or what is in the bottle. I don't think I have any huge deficiencies, and a multi is just to help fill in any big gaps for me. I take my wife's gummie vitamins! I also take a B complex in case they actually deliver on the increased energy promise. I take 100mg zinc because my doc says it helps some people lower E2 (I am on TRT). I take Milk Thistle when I blast.

    I have gained a lot of muscle and lost a lot of fat this year with no serious supplements other than whey shakes after workouts and to sometimes replace chicken when I am busy.

  15. #15
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    ^^^ great post.....
    I take a generic multi when i rmemebr and i do take d3 every day.....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loki387 View Post
    ffs...DO SOME RESEARCH... each multivitamin is basically the same.... the differences lies within your goals. because each vitamin plays an individual part.... considering your lack of intelligence.. please just go to your local supermarket or vitamin store.. and grab a Multi... as it will "benefit" your health..... No detailed information can be given because u lack details in your questions..
    You must be as noob as me.
    Please dont answer questions your unaware off, you could of ****ed up somebodys health.

    And to the rest of you guys, thanks.
    Im on my way to the vita store as we speak.

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