I assume one's natural production of T3 shuts down with supplementing it. IF so how long does it normally take for your natural production to kick back in after stopping?
I assume one's natural production of T3 shuts down with supplementing it. IF so how long does it normally take for your natural production to kick back in after stopping?
Lots of factors to consider such as how long you have been supplementing with T3 and how much. I have taken 25-50mcg for 6 weeks and didn't really experience any rebound. Also, everyone's body responds differently.
^^^understood. It would have been 6 weeks at 100 mcg. When you say "no rebound" you are saying that your own natural production never came back??
Why are you set on 100mcg of T3? That is a fairly hefty dose so I hope you are on aas or you will for sure burn muscle. 25mcg's sped up my BMR so much that I couldn't gain a lb. on a 1000 cal surplus (over maintenance). If you are dead set on taking 100mcg make sure that you taper down toward to the end. When I say "no rebound" I mean I didn't suffer from any fat gain when stopping the t3, in other words my metabolism didn't suffer negatively so endogenous t3 rebounded nicely.
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