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The reason you get less adverse effects is because u get less creatine in a couple of ways. First its dosed lower , second a study showed when this product was exposed to stomach acid it degraded to creatinine much more rapidly than monohydrate- you lose a tremendous % of creatine that way as well. Bottom line - less creatine=less sides=less benefit. This product is all hype and BS and is actually garbage imo.
Id suggest creatine monhydrate (micronized if u like- whatever). I think supp companies have people taking way too much creatine for obvious reasons. I saw a study that showed a 200lb resistance trained athele taking 5mg/day for 30 days and 3mg/day every day therafter maintained peak lebvels of cratine with minimal conversion to creatinine. I belive if you take that dose and follow that protocol you will get all the benfit with none of the reported adverse effects.