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Thread: appetite stimulant?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Smile appetite stimulant?

    hi i was just wondering if there is something that can stimulate my appetiie? i'm a hard gainer and i have to eat 4000+calories to start gaining.
    i eat 8-9 times a day but it's becoming impossible to do. how can you guys eat 600 cals pers serving 8 times a day?
    i know that syntetic marijuana can stimulate appetite but it's very hard to get. alsow a glas of red wine before meals but again 5-6 glases of wine a day? i'll grow my belly faster than gain lean mass.
    anny sugestions how to eat 4000 calories?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Levani
    hi i was just wondering if there is something that can stimulate my appetiie? i'm a hard gainer and i have to eat 4000+calories to start gaining.
    i eat 8-9 times a day but it's becoming impossible to do. how can you guys eat 600 cals pers serving 8 times a day?
    i know that syntetic marijuana can stimulate appetite but it's very hard to get. alsow a glas of red wine before meals but again 5-6 glases of wine a day? i'll grow my belly faster than gain lean mass.
    anny sugestions how to eat 4000 calories?
    If i were you, i would eliminate any thick sauces or creams, and reduce amount of fibrous veggies as it fills you up quick.

  3. #3
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    I must be going crazy...wasn't this same thread posted earlier today?

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    sorry guys i must have posted twice accidently

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by rippedfromabove View Post
    If i were you, i would eliminate any thick sauces or creams, and reduce amount of fibrous veggies as it fills you up quick.
    i don't have a problem eating protein foods. except chicken breast. it's too dry and i have to force myself to swallow the bites.
    my problem is carbs. bown rice, weat bread/pasta, oatmeal... fills me up quick so i have to reduse amount of food that i eat and i can't reach my 4000 calories goal.
    should i skeep some carbs and just eat them 3 times a day?

  7. #7
    Well why dont u divide up your meals to like 6 ... So if youre eating 400 grams of carbs a day, it would be around 65 per meal...

  8. #8
    Aa for chickwn breast, when your grilling it, dont squeeze it so hard or push on it, so the juices dont come out.. unlesss you are getting ready for a competition..B-)

  9. #9
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    foods with densely packed calories

    pbutter for starters....

  10. #10
    I'm the same way with gaining weight. I began to add a ton of whole milk to my diet (~1/2 gallon + / day) and saw some good increases in mass. It also has a lot of protein in it (i think 64g per 1/2 gal). You could try to add whole milk to your meals and also have some before bed and have some if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night to piss or something.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by iliketurtles View Post
    I'm the same way with gaining weight. I began to add a ton of whole milk to my diet (~1/2 gallon + / day) and saw some good increases in mass. It also has a lot of protein in it (i think 64g per 1/2 gal). You could try to add whole milk to your meals and also have some before bed and have some if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night to piss or something.
    I would do a little research before drinking 1/2 gallon of milk a day. That seems a little much. It's a lot of sugar and seems like I once read that drinking too much milk can cause cancer. Of course I guess these days just about anything can cause cancer. I don't know...I could be wrong, but I would recommend doing a bit of research before chugging that much milk per day.

  12. #12
    I mean sugar for him isnt bad, he needs to gain wait.. Plus, a carb is a carb..

  13. #13
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    ^^^ dont get too carried away here - there is something called nutiton and general heath that still holds true and those things dictate a carb is not a carb.

    OP- shift your macros- up the fats

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup
    ^^^ dont get too carried away here - there is something called nutiton and general heath that still holds true and those things dictate a carb is not a carb.

    OP- shift your macros- up the fats
    Thats true... My bad

  15. #15
    Like jimmy said, try upping fats.. Maybe a peanut butter on whole wheat bread as a snack between your meals.. oatmeal with your breakfast etcc . This will rack up clean calories in your diet...

  16. #16
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    ^^^ no bad...just pointing it out thats all. Im all about how many nutitional myths bb'ers have subscribed too like nutient timing , meal frequency, etc are BS. BUT in efforts to disprove these myths people have resorted to extremes that have caused many to cast general health and nutrition principles aside. Not very prudent . This is in all reality an unhealthy lifestyle as it is- to not attempt to be as nutitionally prudent while living it is foolish imo.

  17. #17
    Yeah i agree, but i still believe in meal timing for a different reason: protein absorption. If you are eating 250g of protein a day, and only eat 3 meals, thats around 80 grams per meal. Now im not sure your body can absorb that. Feel free to correct me if i am wrong, as i am still a beginner..

  18. #18
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    I personally dont believe that to be the case - but i dont think frequent meals will hurt you either - so whatever works for you in that regard.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup
    I personally dont believe that to be the case - but i dont think frequent meals will hurt you either - so whatever works for you in that regard.
    O alright.. Thanks for your input!

  20. #20
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    GHRP-6 has made me eat like crazy lol 30 minutes after taking it I'm DYING to eat

  21. #21
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    Hi. i've followed your suggestions about my calorie intake and i gained over 5 lbs lean mass in a month. i just put 2 tbs peanut butter and 50 gr uncooked oats in my shakes and eat 4-6 oz cottage cheese before bed.

  22. #22
    Nice bro! Keep it rolling! And i assume bf is still the same?

  23. #23
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    yes i guess... cause i still can see my six pack only thing is that i've noticed a little fat forming under my belly button. but i think it's gonna be easy to fix once i start my cardio. i do cardio only once a week 30 min. i want to to maintain my 185lbs for another month and after that i'll cut. i'm gonna keep my protein intake the same and reduce carbs and fat. i'll stay lean for 6 month and after i start bulking up all over again...

  24. #24
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    if you have to take in that volume of calories, why hasn't anybody suggested weight gainer????
    that stuff is made for guys like this.
    man, get yourself a tub of weight gainer. the carbs are plentiful and it has some protein too. is a ton of sugars, but if you're just trying to get those calories in, it'll do the job.
    and if you take a scoop of that crap before working out, your workout will be amazing.
    all that'll be loaded up.
    and the pb suggestion is great too. can't overlook the peanut proteins and fats. good stuff.

    and just so i dont get shot to shit for suggesting this, think about your diet, and work this stuff in.
    i'm not saying drink 12 scoops of it a day...i'm saying its a good way to shuttle some nutrients in
    quickly. no better way than a shake to get something in quick.

  25. #25
    I find weight gainers a waste of money. Its just protein+sugar. Just get your own whey and add sugar.

  26. #26
    And i wouldnt advise you to cut. If you still see a six pack keep bulking. Eat plenty of clean carbs and fat. Maybe a little bit more cardio. Trust me dont cut dont need it.

  27. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Levani View Post
    hi i was just wondering if there is something that can stimulate my appetiie? i'm a hard gainer and i have to eat 4000+calories to start gaining.
    i eat 8-9 times a day but it's becoming impossible to do. how can you guys eat 600 cals pers serving 8 times a day?
    i know that syntetic marijuana can stimulate appetite but it's very hard to get. alsow a glas of red wine before meals but again 5-6 glases of wine a day? i'll grow my belly faster than gain lean mass.
    anny sugestions how to eat 4000 calories?
    Injectable B12 has always increased mine.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by busybody View Post
    if you have to take in that volume of calories, why hasn't anybody suggested weight gainer????
    that stuff is made for guys like this.
    man, get yourself a tub of weight gainer. the carbs are plentiful and it has some protein too. is a ton of sugars, but if you're just trying to get those calories in, it'll do the job.
    and if you take a scoop of that crap before working out, your workout will be amazing.
    all that'll be loaded up.
    and the pb suggestion is great too. can't overlook the peanut proteins and fats. good stuff.

    and just so i dont get shot to shit for suggesting this, think about your diet, and work this stuff in.
    i'm not saying drink 12 scoops of it a day...i'm saying its a good way to shuttle some nutrients in
    quickly. no better way than a shake to get something in quick.
    i do drink ON serious mass. 650 cals, 125 gr carbs, 25 gr protein and 13 gr sugar. i add 50 gr of 100% gold standard protein, 5 gr glutamine and 1 spoon PB. i drink this post workout but after that i can't eat anything, only before i go to bed. so i'm gonna skip seriouss mass and instead i'm gonna add 100gr of uncoocked oats in my shake

  29. #29
    Wise choice bro. Weight gainers are a waste of money. Just add your own carbs to whey protein shakes! And hows the weight gain so far?

  30. #30
    Yep, when you increase your calorie intake like such, you are going to put on some fat, but at the same time you are putting on muscle mass at a faster rate. Just continue to eat at a surplus until you are uncomfortable with your bf% and then go on a cut and you will more than likely put on more muscle in the long run.

  31. #31
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    As **** stated, injectable B vitamins do wonders for stimulating the appetite, as well as increasing energy and an overall feeling of wellness. Also, there are certain anabolic steroids that increase appetite, such as Equipoise and Anadrol.

  32. #32
    thats funny you mentioned that. A buddy of mine came over with that spice stuff " synthtic pot " and told me to try. smoked the littles hit and i about ate everything in my house. Glad all i have a healthy food but im sure the amount i ate outweighed the nutritional benifits.

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