As per Pain's numerous suggestions to try r-ALA on this board, I took the plunge and received my order last Monday. Took it this week and intentionally had a few high carb meals to see if that would have any effect (I've been on a sub-200g/carb/day diet for about 5 weeks to this point). Let me just say OMG...
So I got up this morning, slipped on one of my normal T-shirts and noted that it felt a little tight. I go upstairs to talk to my bro (genetic broand he was like "are you wearing super-tight T-shirts now?" and I'm like "uh, no" and he's like "christ, then what are you on?!" The ONLY thing I've changed in this diet over the past five weeks was the intro of the r-ALA and a few moderately high carb meals (125g per meal of not so good carbs) and I've filled out big-time without adding anything to my waist (I've actually pulled in my belt a notch obviously due to the continuing benefits of the diet). Yeah, it may be psychological or it could just be the boost from a few lousy meals, but I somehow doubt it.
Either way, I'm sold on this stuff and recommend wholeheartedly that everyone on a low carb diet give this stuff a shot!