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Thread: Cortisol Blocker for fatique?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Cortisol Blocker for fatique?

    Being the easily stressed out, easily startled kind of guy that I can be, I sometimes get a lot of small adrenaline rushes throughout the day. I work in a room with 3 doors, one on each side and one behind me. I am constantly being jolted out of my mind from people bursting in and it all adds up. Not to mention picking up increasingly heavy stuff after work and cardio on a strict schedule... Researching how to recover from adrenaline fatigue led me to the possible culprit, cortisol. Cortisol builds up slower and takes much longer to leave your system, and I am starting to think it could be taking a toll on my health and hampering my recovery time. I read that a transdermal DHEA can block cortisol and there seem to be several other cortisol blockers out there meant for different purposes. Was hoping one of them could maybe help me out. Am I barking up the wrong tree with this idea? Anyone have any experience in this matter? Tips and theories much welcomed...
    Thanks, MOTO

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    read up on magnesium. It is supposed to reduce cortisol levels.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thanks for the link. Read about magnesium all night and today my water is loaded with it. Will see how the "startles" go today. This afternoon is chest day, my favorite, so I would like to feel at my best!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by MOTOPHILE View Post
    Being the easily stressed out, easily startled kind of guy that I can be, I sometimes get a lot of small adrenaline rushes throughout the day. I work in a room with 3 doors, one on each side and one behind me. I am constantly being jolted out of my mind from people bursting in and it all adds up. Not to mention picking up increasingly heavy stuff after work and cardio on a strict schedule... Researching how to recover from adrenaline fatigue led me to the possible culprit, cortisol. Cortisol builds up slower and takes much longer to leave your system, and I am starting to think it could be taking a toll on my health and hampering my recovery time. I read that a transdermal DHEA can block cortisol and there seem to be several other cortisol blockers out there meant for different purposes. Was hoping one of them could maybe help me out. Am I barking up the wrong tree with this idea? Anyone have any experience in this matter? Tips and theories much welcomed...

    Thanks, MOTO
    I would go see your doctor. Sounds too me like you have some anxiety issues.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    I would go see your doctor. Sounds too me like you have some anxiety issues.
    Very perceptive. I definitely have anxiety issues. And it is always worse the day after a hard workout. I am all set for blood work next Tuesday, but I am not at all open for the prozac or xanax route. Did that 20 years ago. Might as well guzzle estrogen. That stuff makes me fat and lazy and didn't help at all for it's intended purpose. I want to explore the hormonal balancing avenue and see where it leads. Unlike some folks I have less anxiety on roids (which may be due to the lowering of cortisol?). Anxiety, even in small doses, definitely adds up and takes it's toll. Sure would be nice to feel normal. Haha!

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