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Thread: How to set a routine for arms and shoulders

  1. #1

    How to set a routine for arms and shoulders

    Hi just. Wanted to know what is the best throne so that i can get bigger soulders, and arms, i already have a. Big chest and back but need bigger shoulders and arms

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Miami, Florida
    Lift heavy back, and your arms will grow like a weed. I am incredibly strong with back, and my arms have grown tremendously from it.

    My triceps workout is done with back. I do tricep pushdowns, over head tricep extension, and single arm tricep cable pushdowns. I finish up with weighted dips to failure.

    I do my biceps on chest day. I start with seated dumbbell curls, followed by barbell curls. I then do single arm preacher curls followed by hammer curls. All my reps consist of 2 warm up sets, followed by one set to absolute failure. I then include forced reps and fighting the negative.

    The biggest part of your arms is your triceps. Focus on really building your tricep. Your biceps will grow with a heavy back workout.

  3. #3
    for shoulders start with 3 sets of behind neck (pref. seated on smith machine)
    or whatever shoulder press machine the gym might have

    then 3 sets lateral raises
    and 3 sets rear laterals

    thats about enough for a beginner

    if in doubt google the terms

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