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Thread: What do you think about Nitric Oxide

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    What do you think about Nitric Oxide

    Hi guys, can you please let me know what do you think of NO?
    Please share your experience

  2. #2
    What about NO would you like to know. In other words are you looking for PUMP or Energy ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Well I am looking for both energy and size/growth

  4. #4
    Well NO supplements are very good for focus and energy through out your lifts really helps maintain energy throughout your work out instead of being completely dead after a couple lifts. Also NO is pretty good for a nice rock hard pump. If you are looking for a size that lasts NO sups don't necessarily do so. While your working out they give you a nice pump by dilating your blood vessels thus getting more blood flow, more oxygen, and transporting more nutrients to your muscles. If you are looking for size/mass NO is not what your looking for. Like I said NO products give you quite a nice pump while in the gym and a good energy kick. IMO I have a couple NO sups I like such as 1MR, C4, Jack3d, super pump, and a couple others. Hope this helps a little and maybe lead to other questions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    I honestly don't think they are worth it. I've taken a few and don't like them

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93
    I honestly don't think they are worth it. I've taken a few and don't like them
    I agree waste of money. Save that money you were gunna spend on NO and put it towards sups that actually Benefit you.(creatine, protein, BCAA's) if you want energy before you work out drink some coffee or some other kid of caffeinated beverage.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    Quote Originally Posted by HideYourWife380

    I agree waste of money. Save that money you were gunna spend on NO and put it towards sups that actually Benefit you.(creatine, protein, BCAA's) if you want energy before you work out drink some coffee or some other kid of caffeinated beverage.
    Lol yeah coffee is way cheaper than no supps

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    Taking energy boosters is dumb to me because if you are taking them before every workout you will get dependent on them. Then when you don't have them you're workout will suck

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Ok, thx guys
    But I need the energy, as I feel no power after a couple lifts
    So what is the best schedule to take whey, creating and BC?
    How about Animal pack? And Glutamine?
    I want to gain writ and size but was not recommended to do any test.
    So looking for alternatives

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    Quote Originally Posted by Ebe View Post
    Ok, thx guys
    But I need the energy, as I feel no power after a couple lifts
    So what is the best schedule to take whey, creating and BC?
    How about Animal pack? And Glutamine?
    I want to gain writ and size but was not recommended to do any test.
    So looking for alternatives
    Maybe you need to take a closer look at your diet if you don't feel like you have any energy. How many carbs are you taking in per day? What does your pre workout meal look like?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I am not much of an eater lol, my total carbs per day can reach 1800
    Per training, I just take a whey shake 45mins before

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    N. Hollywood on Radford
    You need to take in a significant amount of carbs pre workout. I personally do 2 cups of oats pre workout. Carbs will give you much needed energy.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Ok, will do increase it
    How abt a program for the supplements
    I used to follow this program sometime ago, what do you think abt it

    Upon Rising (First Thing In The Morning):
    30g Serving of Whey Protein
    5g of Creatine
    1 Serving of BCAAs

    With Breakfast:
    1 Multivitamin Tablet
    5g Serving of L-Glutamine
    1 tsp (or Serving) of Fish Oil

    With Lunch:
    1 tsp (or Serving) of Fish Oil
    Before Training:
    5g of Creatine

    Before Bed, when no workouts
    5g of Creatine
    30g of Whey Protein
    5g of Glutamine
    1 Serving of BCAAs

    Directly After Training,
    5g of L-Glutamine
    30g of Whey Protein
    1 Serving of BCAAs

    30g Serving of Whey Protein : one scope
    5g of Creatine : 3 bills
    1 Serving of BCAAs : 2 bills
    5g of Glutamine 5 bills

    Please let me know how can I make it any better

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    IMO...You're using Way to much creatine, Way to many shakes, Glutamine is too much, BCAA's are too much. In my honest opinion you're spending far to much money.

    You need to get your nutrients from food. I take 1 serving of BCAA's only when doing fasted cardio, 5g of Creatine Post Workout, and take a max of 2 protein shakes a day (this includes a casein shake before bed) Most of your shakes have glutamine already in them.

    Fish oil and multivitamin is good, but I think you're going overboard on the rest. Just wasting your money in my opinion.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    That's why am sharing, to learn
    How abt creating, what's the best to use, I always buy from optimum, just saw anew one called Muscle pharm, ever heard abt it

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    Not a clue. I don't use a lot of supplements b/c I think they're a waste of money. Don't buy in to all the marketing Bullshit. I buy my Whey and Casein from Optimum as well as my creatine, and my BCAA's are Purple Wraath. Besides a multi-V and EFA, I think those are the only things worth buying.

    Keep in Mind that if you eat lean red're getting your creatine. Salmon gives you some EFA's and etc.

    I think you need to focus more on your diet than all of these supplements. Supplements won't do shit for you if your diet is NOT in check. A spot on diet would show you 10x more gains than all the supplements in the world. So get out of this thread and get over to the diet and nutrition sub forum and start reading up on diet. I promise you...this'll be the best decision you'll make.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Cool, I will, which thread to check for diet, there's many

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North West, England
    Have a glass of beetroot juice pre workout, it has a high nitrate content which increases the bodys nitric oxide. Studys have also shown it lowers blood pressure and is rich in the betaine, which reduces the blood concentration of homocycsteine, a substance linked to heart disease and strokes. I add abit of lemon juice to mine though for abit of taste because it tastes like your drinking dirt otherwise haha.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Ebe View Post
    Hi guys, can you please let me know what do you think of NO?
    Please share your experience
    I dont use it year around but when 'OFF' cycle I do use some NO2,,depending the price
    and brand I feel it helps in the gym with endurance and pump.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I know this is an old thread, but I couldn't help but comment. I haven't been on here in a while. I used to spend quite a bit of time lurking in the diet forum. I've never bought into any suppliments really, but recently I keep seeing adds for NO suppliments everywhere I look. I got curious and started reading reviews and people rave about the shit. Its good to come on here and see everyone saying what they have always said. Food blows away any sup. Thanks for waking me up before I wasted my money. I'm going to go eat some sweet potatoes and chicken now...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I find Assault or jack3d much better. I found that if you don't drink a couple liters of water before yor workout you can get headsches

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Ebe View Post
    Ok, will do increase it
    How abt a program for the supplements
    I used to follow this program sometime ago, what do you think abt it

    Upon Rising (First Thing In The Morning):
    30g Serving of Whey Protein
    5g of Creatine
    1 Serving of BCAAs

    With Breakfast:
    1 Multivitamin Tablet
    5g Serving of L-Glutamine
    1 tsp (or Serving) of Fish Oil

    With Lunch:
    1 tsp (or Serving) of Fish Oil
    Before Training:
    5g of Creatine

    Before Bed, when no workouts
    5g of Creatine
    30g of Whey Protein
    5g of Glutamine
    1 Serving of BCAAs

    Directly After Training,
    5g of L-Glutamine
    30g of Whey Protein
    1 Serving of BCAAs

    30g Serving of Whey Protein : one scope
    5g of Creatine : 3 bills
    1 Serving of BCAAs : 2 bills
    5g of Glutamine 5 bills

    Please let me know how can I make it any better
    A high carb meal around 8pm followed by 8 hrs of sleep should give you plenty of energy for the next day. What do your daily meals look like?

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