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  1. #41
    bcaasdirty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Really, no more Bronkaid? What about Primatene?

    I used both, but like the coating on Bronkaid better. I guess if it was unobtainable retail I would just get the raw powder from a online source.
    Bronkaid will be back by the end of February according to Bayers website.

    Primatene is still available, Walgreens also has their own generic version of E-HCL.

    Boo coatings! I like to chew my E tabs up

  2. #42
    bcaasdirty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    Ya I read taking more than 80 it doesn't affect you the same as with thinning of the blood, could be a load of hooey.
    You're dosing 3x a day? Seems like a lot to me, I always stuck with twice a day and if I felt the need upped the dose a bit.
    Correct, dosing 3x a day. When I first took ECA back in 07 I was dosing 2x a day but eventually over time I worked my way to 3 and that's where I'll stay. Most other member experiences I've about involved 3x a day dosing. Honestly though if I could get the same results from 2x a dosing as I do 3x a day I would, you def got yourself a nice "problem" there lol

    Heres a great read on ECA:

  3. #43
    falco21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Looks like Walgreen's has discountinued "Bronkaid" so where are you guys getting your ephedrine from now?
    Haven't been on this stack since this thread was made, but looking to go on it again.

    I was at Walgreens the other day and they still have the Bronkaid. I might just use that again. I am trying to source the real stuff, but have yet to find any. If you find a legit site to get it from, shoot me a message. I would love the real stuff

  4. #44
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    lol I sound like a broken record


    are my posts not showing??? sheesh you guys!


  5. #45
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcaasdirty View Post
    lol I sound like a broken record


    are my posts not showing??? sheesh you guys!

    LMAO! I read ya loud and clear bcaa'sdirty! Thanks for the info! Have you tried both sulfate and HCL forms of ephedrine? I've read the HCL form contains a little bit more ephedrine.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    LMAO! I read ya loud and clear bcaa'sdirty! Thanks for the info! Have you tried both sulfate and HCL forms of ephedrine? I've read the HCL form contains a little bit more ephedrine.
    LOL thats a big 10-4!!! Sorry I musta been wearin my grumpy pants last night ><

    I've only used E-HCL, but I've read the same thing you did where the HCL version has slightly more active E per pill than sulfate (it was negligible if I remember correctly, like 1.5-2mg difference in a 25mg tab)

  7. #47
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcaasdirty View Post
    LOL thats a big 10-4!!! Sorry I musta been wearin my grumpy pants last night ><

    I've only used E-HCL, but I've read the same thing you did where the HCL version has slightly more active E per pill than sulfate (it was negligible if I remember correctly, like 1.5-2mg difference in a 25mg tab)
    Naw man it's all good, I would have been the same way as I hate repeating myself. Thanks for the info!

  8. #48
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I still have a stock of Bronkaid. I'm always afraid that shit will be pulled off the shelves permanently so I buy a grip when I see em'.

  9. #49
    smeeto's Avatar
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    personally I have found that I noticed very little difference while on an EC stack of 75mg ephedra and 600mg caffeine spread throughout the day, regardless of its safety (although i have yet to see any real evidence to support it not being safe) I got very little appetite suppressant and with the same diet as before lost only 0.3 pounds more in a month (i know that the metabolic effect is secondary but thought i should mention it)
    On the other hand, i know people who swear by the stuff, i guess it really varies person to person.

  10. #50
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smeeto View Post
    personally I have found that I noticed very little difference while on an EC stack of 75mg ephedra and 600mg caffeine spread throughout the day, regardless of its safety (although i have yet to see any real evidence to support it not being safe) I got very little appetite suppressant and with the same diet as before lost only 0.3 pounds more in a month (i know that the metabolic effect is secondary but thought i should mention it)
    On the other hand, i know people who swear by the stuff, i guess it really varies person to person.

    Wow, I have never seen anyone have a such a poor response to the EC stack. It's not magical by any means, but I sure do get a kick from it as everyone else I know that have used it.

    Next up from the EC stack is straight Phentermine. It works about @ 3x+ the rate of the EC stack from what I have experienced and seen. But, it makes me hell of jittery and I can't sleep as heavy as usual while on it.

  11. #51
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smeeto View Post
    personally I have found that I noticed very little difference while on an EC stack of 75mg ephedra and 600mg caffeine spread throughout the day, regardless of its safety (although i have yet to see any real evidence to support it not being safe) I got very little appetite suppressant and with the same diet as before lost only 0.3 pounds more in a month (i know that the metabolic effect is secondary but thought i should mention it)
    On the other hand, i know people who swear by the stuff, i guess it really varies person to person.
    You do realize that ECA should be cycled on and off as the ephedrine will saturate the beta-2 receptors much like clen ? I wouldn't run ECA for more than 6-8 weeks without taking a 2-3 week break to let your beta-2 receptors up regulate.

  12. #52
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    You do realize that ECA should be cycled on and off as the ephedrine will saturate the beta-2 receptors much like clen? I wouldn't run ECA for more than 6-8 weeks without taking a 2-3 week break to let your beta-2 receptors up regulate.
    Ive seen people say this yet ive read pubmed studies that were ran in Denmark on individuals that ran EC for 8 months or longer and the results were EC will continue to work. They did say that good EC high and energy you get will go away but the fat burning continues.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Ive seen people say this yet ive read pubmed studies that were ran in Denmark on individuals that ran EC for 8 months or longer and the results were EC will continue to work. They did say that good EC high and energy you get will go away but the fat burning continues.
    This might be the case for some (or at least those they ran the study on) but I would never suggest such extended periods of EC use. Regardless if fat burning continues ephedrine isn't the easiest on the heart, and if you're not experiencing a decent amount of fatloss after using EC for 6-8 weeks then you're not doing something right!

  14. #54
    Kalani9976 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Really, no more Bronkaid? What about Primatene?

    I used both, but like the coating on Bronkaid better. I guess if it was unobtainable retail I would just get the raw powder from a online source.
    You can still get primatene or walgreens has a generic same crap about 5 bucks cheaper

  15. #55
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola

    This might be the case for some (or at least those they ran the study on) but I would never suggest such extended periods of EC use. Regardless if fat burning continues ephedrine isn't the easiest on the heart, and if you're not experiencing a decent amount of fatloss after using EC for 6-8 weeks then you're not doing something right!
    For those who havent seen it on the other board..

    This latest piece of research published on Diabetologia details the brown adipose tissue activation taking place after acute oral administration of ephedrine on lean human subjects. Obese subjects seem not to response as such, but that's not a bad thing per se as the positive effects of chronic ephedrine administration on obese subjects have been well reported (, Ephedrine seems to become more effective the longer one takes it, suggesting actual beta-adrenergic receptor sensitization. This should serve to discredit people among the establishment who have been suggesting that Ephedrine should be cycled in order to keep receptor sensitivity high, like one should do with compounds highly effective acutely, like Clenbuterol .

    Overall, I believe that the benefits of ingesting ephedrine, especially along with a xanthine (caffeine), are just too evident to pass up at this point, even for the common Joe. Bodybuilders should find it especially beneficial, considering it also serves as a muscle-sparing anti-catabolic agent in times of reduced calorie intake (, It also seems that the more muscle present, the more efficient Ephedrine becomes at burning fat, suggesting a synergistic effect (

    As for any potential dangers ephedrine consumption may yield, even at slightly supratherapeutic doses, research seems to suggest there are none. Yes, that is correct. Aside from the initial side effects that ALWAYS seem to decline (see: blood pressure-, there seem to be no dangers to chronic ephedrine use. It is no secret (well, it might be to some who tend to believe that any banned drug has been banned for a good reason) that scientists have been suggesting for decades that ephedrine can be used as an EFFECTIVE long-term treatment for obesity (,

    My personal opinion- if there is only one drug you could be using as a bodybuilder at supratherapeutic doses, that should be Ephedrine. The risk to reward ratio of this compound is simply better than any other drug's (always according to research)- including AAS, which I'm an advocate of.

  16. #56
    bcaasdirty's Avatar
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    ^^good post slim

    So in a nutshell its stating that ephedrine does not need to be cycled due to the rapid resensitation of beta2 receptors? And the long one is on an ECA stack the more effective it becomes?

    I did read a study that suggested similar findings (I'll do some digging and see if I can find it), and I am actually going on longer cycles than I used to (went 4 weeks on/1 week off, just started back up and plan on running 8 weeks vs the 'accepted' method of 2on/2off). I will say the 'buzz' feeling from the ephedrine did become less noticeable as time went on, but the weight loss seemed to accelerate.

  17. #57
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    For those who havent seen it on the other board..

    This latest piece of research published on Diabetologia details the brown adipose tissue activation taking place after acute oral administration of ephedrine on lean human subjects. Obese subjects seem not to response as such, but that's not a bad thing per se as the positive effects of chronic ephedrine administration on obese subjects have been well reported (, Ephedrine seems to become more effective the longer one takes it, suggesting actual beta-adrenergic receptor sensitization. This should serve to discredit people among the establishment who have been suggesting that Ephedrine should be cycled in order to keep receptor sensitivity high, like one should do with compounds highly effective acutely, like Clenbuterol .

    Overall, I believe that the benefits of ingesting ephedrine, especially along with a xanthine (caffeine), are just too evident to pass up at this point, even for the common Joe. Bodybuilders should find it especially beneficial, considering it also serves as a muscle-sparing anti-catabolic agent in times of reduced calorie intake (, It also seems that the more muscle present, the more efficient Ephedrine becomes at burning fat, suggesting a synergistic effect (

    As for any potential dangers ephedrine consumption may yield, even at slightly supratherapeutic doses, research seems to suggest there are none. Yes, that is correct. Aside from the initial side effects that ALWAYS seem to decline (see: blood pressure-, there seem to be no dangers to chronic ephedrine use. It is no secret (well, it might be to some who tend to believe that any banned drug has been banned for a good reason) that scientists have been suggesting for decades that ephedrine can be used as an EFFECTIVE long-term treatment for obesity (,

    My personal opinion- if there is only one drug you could be using as a bodybuilder at supratherapeutic doses, that should be Ephedrine. The risk to reward ratio of this compound is simply better than any other drug's (always according to research)- including AAS, which I'm an advocate of.
    Some interesting points there! Thanks Slim

  18. #58
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    No prob guys, if you read the first pup med study they were up to 200mg hcl I believe... No way in hell I would roll that.. But makes me feel a whole lot safer at 24mg lol.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    No prob guys, if you read the first pup med study they were up to 200mg hcl I believe... No way in hell I would roll that.. But makes me feel a whole lot safer at 24mg lol.
    LOL 200mg jeez!!! When you read the directions on the box of primatene it says, "see a doctor if you need more than 12 tablets a day (@ 12.5mg/tab)". Agreed not touching that, but it does give me a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling about dosing 75mg/day.

  20. #60
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    Bump for others

  21. #61
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    So if you're using EC as just a fat burner, not in it for the buzz, you don't need a break from it? I don't get a buzz from it what so ever I just use it for its fat burning properties.. I was always told to go 2 on 2 off though.. What do you guys do for a cycle and how much of each? I was usually doing 3x a day, 200mg caffeine and 24mg eph

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    So if you're using EC as just a fat burner, not in it for the buzz, you don't need a break from it? I don't get a buzz from it what so ever I just use it for its fat burning properties.. I was always told to go 2 on 2 off though.. What do you guys do for a cycle and how much of each? I was usually doing 3x a day, 200mg caffeine and 24mg eph
    Yup "no break" needed apparently. I am going to 8weeks on my current run (currently in week 2) and will take 2-3 weeks off after. Dosing same as you, 3x per day.

  23. #63
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    How much eph you taking per dose ? Like I said I usually take 24, more isn't always better I imagine..

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    How much eph you taking per dose ? Like I said I usually take 24, more isn't always better I imagine..
    Same as you, 25mg per dose, 3 doses per day.

    Ive never tried more, nor felt the need to. Def no need to add to the dose if shits workin!

  25. #65
    951thompson's Avatar
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    Good thread, lots of good info. Anyone know if you can buy ephedrine legally over the counter in the UK? If so where (which store/shop) and how much does it cost?


  26. #66
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    I duno bout the UK, but you can still buy it at popeyes and all other stores in Canada. They just had to change he dose per pill, down to 8mg. Ephedrine was actually originally used as a nasal decongestant. Seems stupid that its legal to sell at 8mg, because obviously you can just take more pills! Oh well I'm not complaining... They aren't allowed to sell products anymore which contain caffeine/eph though, but you just buy them separate anyways and its dirt cheap.. I bought 12 bottles of eph for 40$ back around Christmas.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    I duno bout the UK, but you can still buy it at popeyes and all other stores in Canada. They just had to change he dose per pill, down to 8mg. Ephedrine was actually originally used as a nasal decongestant. Seems stupid that its legal to sell at 8mg, because obviously you can just take more pills! Oh well I'm not complaining... They aren't allowed to sell products anymore which contain caffeine/eph though, but you just buy them separate anyways and its dirt cheap.. I bought 12 bottles of eph for 40$ back around Christmas.
    Thanks man, im going to have to do some investigating. So do you buy it from the flu/cold medicine section at your chemists?

  28. #68
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Nice thread. When I run an eca stack, I go 12.5/200/baby asprin. I use this 2x daily. 8am and noon. It is lower than normal, but if you're sensitive to stimulants, this is a little easier to manage. I prefer this to clen anyday. Albuterol? Will find out soon!

  29. #69
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Can't wait for Bronkaid to hit the shelves again...guess it should happen any day now. My buddy went to Walgreens the other day and asked the pharmacist for Primatene and the pharmacist asked what your symptoms are? He was kinda shocked as he had never been asked that before when buying...he said I'm having trouble breathing due to a mild case of asthma and she said ok and gave it to him. Not sure if they are cracking down on sales or what but be ready to answer this question if asked.

  30. #70
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Why don't u guys just order pure hcl from Canada

  31. #71
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01
    Why don't u guys just order pure hcl from Canada
    That's what I used to do. It's inexpensive and no other compounds mixed in.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black

    That's what I used to do. It's inexpensive and no other compounds mixed in.

  33. #73
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Can't wait for Bronkaid to hit the shelves again...guess it should happen any day now. My buddy went to Walgreens the other day and asked the pharmacist for Primatene and the pharmacist asked what your symptoms are? He was kinda shocked as he had never been asked that before when buying...he said I'm having trouble breathing due to a mild case of asthma and she said ok and gave it to him. Not sure if they are cracking down on sales or what but be ready to answer this question if asked.
    What happened with bronkaid? Ive not been able to get in for months.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth

    What happened with bronkaid? Ive not been able to get in for months.
    They relabeled, my friend got some today.

  35. #75
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post

    They relabeled, my friend got some today.
    Still called bronkaid though, right? And do you know how much you're allowed to buy here in the states? A pharm tech told me no more than so many mgs every 3 months, but cant remember what it was. Might have to look for a canadian site like you were saying.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth

    Still called bronkaid though, right? And do you know how much you're allowed to buy here in the states? A pharm tech told me no more than so many mgs every 3 months, but cant remember what it was. Might have to look for a canadian site like you were saying.
    Still bronkaid, I know they take your license when u buy.. Just get pure hcl from Canada, they use sulfate in bronkaid which is not as strong .

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Still called bronkaid though, right? And do you know how much you're allowed to buy here in the states? A pharm tech told me no more than so many mgs every 3 months, but cant remember what it was. Might have to look for a canadian site like you were saying.
    I thought it was every month for the amount they monitor. Well, whatever it is big brothers watching you LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Still bronkaid, I know they take your license when u buy.. Just get pure hcl from Canada, they use sulfate in bronkaid which is not as strong .
    Its for that reason I'll prob either A) Buy from Canada site, or B) Stick to primatene. It wasn't that big of a difference, like 1.5mg per 25mg tab IIRC. Still, I'm greedy bout that and dont want to be shortchanged!

  38. #78
    Kalani9976 is offline Junior Member
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    I personally loved the ECA stack just got to stay on schedule and not take it too late or sleeping is gonna suck

  39. #79
    Phukit is offline New Member
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    I got a question I am just starting an ECA stack and everything I read is best with ECA 25/200/81 3 times a day.

    My question is do you take the asperin 3 times a day or just once a day and EC 3 times? 81 x 3 = 243mg is it safe to take that much everyday?


  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phukit View Post

    I got a question I am just starting an ECA stack and everything I read is best with ECA 25/200/81 3 times a day.

    My question is do you take the asperin 3 times a day or just once a day and EC 3 times? 81 x 3 = 243mg is it safe to take that much everyday?

    I only dose aspirin 1x per day. EC 3x.

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