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Thread: OxyElite Pro - Review - Cardio, Diet, Lifting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    The Gym or Eating

    OxyElite Pro - Review - Cardio, Diet, Lifting

    Note: This is the first thermogenic I have ever taken...........I am also taking CLA, if that makes a difference to anyone.

    My cardio is: 1 hour a day (30minute constant then to 15minute HIIT and then to 15 min HIT) Usually done at 6pm. In the last week I have started it back up with it on empty stomach morning cardio. Done 7 days a week.

    Lifting: 4 days a week

    Diet so far: (going easy)

    Meal 1: 5 eggwhites, 1 whole egg W/W Toast (soon to drop the WW toast for Oatmeal)

    Meal 2: Grilled Chicken, Brocolli, Rice

    Meal 3: Some unsalted Nuts, piece of fruit and protein shake

    Meal 4: Tunafish and Veggie

    Meal 5: Casein Shake and or Cottage Cheese

    Going to eventually incorporate some tunafish between Meal 1 and 2.........

    First several days I took only one pill in the morning. I am very sensitive at first to stims and what not. So it definitely energized me and I felt a warmth. I would also get periodic warmth feelings, sometimes in my face/cheeks in the afternoon. I usually will notice my armpits sweating alot more during the day or night or if I am doing any daily activity.

    Eventually I went to 2 pills a day. I take one in the morning and one at around 3pm. I have noticed energy throughout the day. When I was not taking a second pill I noticed I would get super tired in the late afternoon at some point, I don't know if my body was just getting used to the thermogenic but it definitely happened a few times.

    Cardio with OxyElitePro = SWEAT.

    I wear a sweat shirt when doing all of my cardio regardless, but once I am done, my entire shirt, I mean my entire shirt is wet. My light grey tshirts are dark grey when I am done and come home, and I always have to wash my sweat shirts daily that I use, have 4 of them I go through.

    I have noticed a great deal of fat loss.......I started taking the fat burner on February 21st. First week I noticed no major losses, visually even though, my weight was dropping. Starting the second week I started to see the fat fall off. I was leaking during cardio and I play basketball every monday night for around 3 hours and I was sweating like Patrick Ewing (knick fans will know what I mean, they had a towel boy just for him, lol).

    All in all I have had no side effects besides the sweating and the increased energy feeling and a little tired in the first few days. I have had no jitters at all. My concentration level has been great in the gym and my overall mood was upbeat. The fat loss has been consistent at a minimum of a 1/2lb a day loss. Granted I am 6'4 238, and I still have some more weight to go till I am comfortable with at least a nice 4 pack.

    All in all this product has worked well and has only enhanced my fat loss with the hard work I have put into cardio and my limited carbs in my diet. Consistency is the key to success and thats what I am trying to accomplish now. My goal is for 195-200lbs (super LEAN, caring less about muscle loss) and a 6 pack by June 7th which is when I am going to Vegas. My trainer says with the track we are on and the gains I am seeing we will get there by then.

    Just a little FYI, I have been out of shape for myself for sometime and I know the routine with my body and what works with diet and cardio to get to where it was but I am priding myself this time to keep everything 100pct natural for the rest of my life. Btw I only drink water, if that helps anyone. I hope I have helped someone with this that was looking for a review. I will try to add more to this in the next week or so till I am done with the bottle at that point, I am going to take some Keto in the last week with it and then take a week off and do a Albuterol cycle for about 6week with Keto.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Central California
    Do you notice anything from the CLA? I've been taking 2 100mg pills 3 times a day for about 3 weeks and I seriously have no clue if its working or not....maybe my concept of CLA is off

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