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Thread: How should you cycle EC?

  1. #1

    How should you cycle EC?

    My Dr wants me to lose weight myself or have weight loss surgery. Years ago I used EC and exercise to lose 65 pounds. I am already off to a good start by running 3 times a week. I was using an OTC supplement that had some E in and it worked decent enough but now a month later I am becoming immune to it and starting to get hungry again. I have a more potent form of E (bronkaid) on the way and wondering if anyone knows of a good cycle schedule I can do so I won't get immune again? Ironically I notice the hunger the most on the weekends when I am taking a break and not exercising.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    i personally like 2-3weeks on and 1-2 weeks off. If I take it longer than 3 weeks i become completely dependant and will sleep all day without it and just feel shitty all around, then i get back to normal after 1-2 weeks.

  3. #3
    Well I have been on it over a month so I guess that is my problem. I don't mind the energy loss just don't want to get hungry again when I am off cycle. I also saw someone else talking about this and they recommended ramping up at the beginning and ramping down at the end . So I will try a 3 week ramp up/down when my new supply arrives.

    Thanks for the tips....

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