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Thread: can someone tell me the best suppplement combo for best gains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    can someone tell me the best suppplement combo for best gains

    what are the best supplements and the best combo for the best gains

    right now i am on optimum whey protien,creatine,animal cuts,and pinnacle andro poppers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Andro is a waste of mone.

    I'm trying to find you a link to a thread about supp that we head here few days ago.

    Hey guys hel me out on this thread, I'm looking for it but it dissapeard. where did it go. I think it was made by PT

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    south florida
    creatine 10-15g/day
    glutamine 10-20grams/day
    HMB if you can afford it 3g/day
    protien ALOT (1-1.5g/lb body wieght)

    those are the basics tested/tryed/proven

    if you have and want to spend a bit more i would go with 30mg zinc and 450 mg magnesium 30 min before bed on empty stomach. PS make sure its not a combo pill with calcium in it, calcium might block zinc absorption.

    lets see what else???????? Basic multivitamin (i use animal pak)

    IMO everything else is junk tryed them all and hated them but thats just my opinion......

    hope that helps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    gorilla nailed that. The rest is just a way for nutri-companys to make money. Creatine, glutamine, protien and a multi-vit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Originally posted by gorilla
    creatine 10-15g/day
    glutamine 10-20grams/day
    HMB if you can afford it 3g/day
    protien ALOT (1-1.5g/lb body wieght)

    those are the basics tested/tryed/proven

    if you have and want to spend a bit more i would go with 30mg zinc and 450 mg magnesium 30 min before bed on empty stomach. PS make sure its not a combo pill with calcium in it, calcium might block zinc absorption.

    lets see what else???????? Basic multivitamin (i use animal pak)

    IMO everything else is junk tryed them all and hated them but thats just my opinion......

    hope that helps
    Right-O there

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